

我希望能够使用这个为我的 gnome 终端(在 Debian 上)着色包裹,安装说明要求我首先执行sudo apt-get install dconf-cli,但这样做会给我一个错误。

sudo apt-get install dconf-cli
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Package dconf-cli is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

E: Package 'dconf-cli' has no installation candidate

我什至无法在突触包管理器上找到该包。我该如何安装这个?我apt-cache policy dconf-cli也跑了:

 apt-cache policy dconf-cli 
 Installed: (none) 
 Candidate: (none) 
 Version table:



  1. 在这种情况下,您使用的是 Debian stable (Wheezy)您无法使用该套餐。在这种情况下,你要么添加存储库或者将您的系统升级到 Jessie。这是最有可能的原因。
  2. 您正在使用测试(Jessie)/不稳定,在这种情况下没有该main部分或具有过时的包列表。检查您是否有一行包含testing mainor unstable main(您可以用 jessie 替换测试)并运行apt-get update以确保您的列表是真实的。如果还不行就换镜子。

我会升级到 Jessie,因为发布日期已经临近了。

您正在寻找的二进制文件可能是由 dconf-tools 之前提供的:

d-conf (0.16.0-2) experimental; urgency=low

  [ Sebastien Bacher ]
  * debian/control.in, debian/dconf-editor.install, 
    debian/dconf-cli.install, debian/dconf-tools.install:
    - split dconf-tools in dconf-cli and dconf-editor, the dconf command
      line utility is used outside GNOME/GTK environments and shouldn't 
      require gtk. Keep the dconf-tools binary as a transitional one so
      users upgrading still have the editor.


 -- Sebastien Bacher <[email protected]>  Fri, 31 May 2013 17:48:50 +0100
