使用参考书目样式 IEEEtran.bst 会产生连字符警告

使用参考书目样式 IEEEtran.bst 会产生连字符警告

这种书目样式不想使用 Babel 连字模式,但它应该为英语生成自己的连字模式。在我当前的计算机上,我使用的是 Miktex 2.9,我通过“设置”窗口(以管理员身份)添加了所有英语语言。但是,我仍然收到很多以下警告副本(使用语言字段时每个参考文献两个):

** WARNING: IEEEtran.bst: No hyphenation pattern has been
** loaded for the language `en'. Using the pattern for
** the default language instead.




与 bib1 一起:

    title = {Low {Temperature} {Plasma}-{Based} {Sterilization}: {Overview} and {State}-of-the-{Art}},
    volume = {2},
    issn = {1612-8850, 1612-8869},
    shorttitle = {Low {Temperature} {Plasma}-{Based} {Sterilization}},
    url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ppap.200400078},
    doi = {10.1002/ppap.200400078},
    language = {en},
    number = {5},
    urldate = {2016-02-01},
    journal = {Plasma Processes and Polymers},
    author = {Laroussi, Mounir},
    month = jun,
    year = {2005},
    pages = {391--400},
    file = {Laroussi - 2005 - Low Temperature Plasma-Based Sterilization Overvi.pdf:files/236/Laroussi - 2005 - Low Temperature Plasma-Based Sterilization Overvi.pdf:application/pdf}



但是,语言字段中给出的名称必须遵循 Babel 的连字模式名称约定。


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% arara: bibtex
% arara: pdflatex
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        title = {Low {Temperature} {Plasma}-{Based} {Sterilization}: {Overview} and {State}-of-the-{Art}},
        volume = {2},
        issn = {1612-8850, 1612-8869},
        shorttitle = {Low {Temperature} {Plasma}-{Based} {Sterilization}},
        url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ppap.200400078},
        doi = {10.1002/ppap.200400078},
        language = {english},
        number = {5},
        urldate = {2016-02-01},
        journal = {Plasma Processes and Polymers},
        author = {Laroussi, Mounir},
        month = jun,
        year = {2005},
        pages = {391--400},
        file = {Laroussi - 2005 - Low Temperature Plasma-Based Sterilization Overvi.pdf:files/236/Laroussi - 2005 - Low Temperature Plasma-Based Sterilization Overvi.pdf:application/pdf}


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