最初我在另一个问题上解决了这个理由问题如何使用 `\everypar` 论证声明?但是现在我注意到一个新问题,我也希望能够自动解决。
% proposal.tex
% Based on http://www.latextemplates.com/template/simple-sectioned-essay
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=2cm]{geometry}
\newbox\linebox \newbox\snapbox
\setbox\linebox\lastbox % check the last line
\else % if it’s not empty
\unskip\unpenalty % take whatever is
{\eatlines} % above it;
\box\snapbox % take the one or the other,
\else \box\linebox \fi
\everypar={\setbox0=\lastbox \par
\vbox\bgroup \everypar={}\def\par{\endgraf\eatlines\egroup}}
In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright
and raggedrightddddd setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
example of this procedure; the macros are given next.
Second paragraph.
根据所用的给定因子,生成正确缩进的 PDF .98
但是如果行上的单词太大,则 Latex 会抛出错误Overfull \hbox (133.24454pt too wide) in paragraph at lines
In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright
and raggedrightdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
example of this procedure; the macros are given next.
Second paragraph.
我希望 Latex 能够自动将单词raggedrightdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
% Allow to push long words on new lines when they do not fit entirely on the current line.
\newcommand\lword[1]{\leavevmode\nobreak\hskip0pt plus\linewidth\penalty50\hskip0pt plus-\linewidth\nobreak{#1}}
In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright
and \lword{raggedrightdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd}
setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
example of this procedure; the macros are given next.
Second paragraph.
所以这是围绕我的 latex 文档修复进行的一项非常烦人的工作。我希望 latex 的目的是让我担心文档内容,而不是文档的美观。
更新 1
% proposal.tex
% Based on http://www.latextemplates.com/template/simple-sectioned-essay
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=2cm]{geometry}
\newbox\linebox \newbox\snapbox
\setbox\linebox\lastbox % check the last line
\else % if it’s not empty
\unskip\unpenalty % take whatever is
{\eatlines} % above it;
\box\snapbox % take the one or the other,
\else \box\linebox \fi
\everypar={\setbox0=\lastbox \par
\vbox\bgroup \everypar={}\def\par{\endgraf\eatlines\egroup}}
\noindent X\dotfill X
\rightskip 0pt plus 1pt
In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright
and raggedrightdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
example of this procedure; the macros are given next.
Second paragraph.
% proposal.tex
% Based on http://www.latextemplates.com/template/simple-sectioned-essay
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=2cm]{geometry}
\newbox\linebox \newbox\snapbox
\setbox\linebox\lastbox % check the last line
\else % if it’s not empty
\unskip\unpenalty % take whatever is
{\eatlines} % above it;
\box\snapbox % take the one or the other,
\else \box\linebox \fi
\everypar={\setbox0=\lastbox \par
\vbox\bgroup \everypar={}\def\par{\endgraf\eatlines\egroup}}
\newcommand\lword[1]{\leavevmode\nobreak\hskip0pt plus\linewidth\penalty50\hskip0pt plus-\linewidth\nobreak{#1}}
In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright
and \lword{raggedrightdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd} setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
example of this procedure; the macros are given next.
Second paragraph.
更新 2
问题在于文本编写的自动化。通常这种情况会由于路径而发生,但这是一个允许单词超出行的乳胶问题。因此,我想要的只是修复它。这个长单词问题的第一个乳胶工具是连字符。但我不喜欢它们。此外,我更喜欢将单词放在下一行,如本例所示:https://i.stack.imgur.com/f6Bes.png对我来说,这是一个直接的解决方案。Latex 绝不应该允许单词超出页面限制。尝试使用 Microsoft Word,它不会允许。相反,它会将单词放在下一行。
Microsoft Word 对此的处理方式如下:
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=2cm]{geometry}
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/10401
\expandafter\def\expandafter\UrlBreaks\expandafter{\UrlBreaks% save the current one
Original bad breaks, Assim após ativar os testes, basta abrir o arquivo
ArtificialIntelligence/AnswersGuessAiGame/players.py, encontrar a classe ...
Tests logo do final do arquivo e escolher quais dos testes se quer executar.
Option 1, rewrite the paragraph to avoid bad breaks.
Assim após ativar os testes, basta abrir o arquivo
ArtificialIntelligence/AnswersGuessAiGame/players.py, encontrar a classe ...
Tests logo do final do arquivo e escolher quais dos testes se quer executar.
Option 2, use the \verb|\path| command from the \verb|url| package, and allow
URLs to break after any character.
Assim após ativar os testes, basta abrir o arquivo
\path{ArtificialIntelligence/AnswersGuessAiGame/players.py}, encontrar a classe ...
Tests logo do final do arquivo e escolher quais dos testes se quer executar.