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\lhead{\textsf{Chapter I}}
\rhead{\textsf{Chapter Title}}

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\caption[Caption]{Some caption text}

\multirow{2}{*}{ORF} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{PNF}  & \multicolumn{3}{c}{CIF} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{LOPT} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{UNIT4} &  \multicolumn{2}{c}{UNIT2} & UNIT1 & UNIT3  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{LUMT} \\ \cmidrule{2-3} \cmidrule{4-6} \cmidrule{7-9} \cmidrule{10-11} \cmidrule{12-13}  \cmidrule{14-14} \cmidrule{15-15} \cmidrule{16-17}
 & 43949 & Kingscliff & 43949 & Kingscliff & TT01 & 43949 & Kingscliff & TT01 & 43949 & TT01 & Kingscliff & TT01 & TT01 & TT01 & 43949 & Kingscliff \\ 
\textbf{PVC1} & PAU\_03392 & PAK\_03203 & PAU\_01961 & PAK\_01787 & PLT\_02568 & PAU\_02074 & PAK\_01896 & PLT\_02424 & PAU\_02775 & PLT\_01696 & PAK\_02606 & PLT\_01736 & PLT\_01758 & PLT\_01716 & PAU\_02206 & PAK\_02014 \\ 
\textbf{PVC2} & PAU\_03391 & PAK\_03202 & PAU\_01962 & PAK\_01788 & PLT\_02567 & PAU\_02073 & PAK\_01895 & PLT\_02425 & PAU\_02776 & PLT\_01695 & PAK\_02607 & PLT\_01735 & PLT\_01757 & PLT\_01715 & PAU\_02205 & PAK\_02013 \\
\textbf{PVC3} & PAU\_03390 & PAK\_03201 & PAU\_01963 & PAK\_01789 & PLT\_02566 &  &  & PLT\_02426 & PAU\_02777 & PLT\_01694 & PAK\_02608 & PLT\_01734 & PLT\_01756 & PLT\_01714 &  & PAK\_02012 \\
\textbf{PVC4} & PAU\_03389 & PAK\_03200 & PAU\_01964 & PAK\_01790 & PLT\_02565 & PAU\_02072 & PAK\_01894 & PLT\_02427 & PAU\_02778 & PLT\_01693 & PAK\_02609 & PLT\_01733 & PLT\_01755 & PLT\_01713 & PAU\_02204 & PAK\_02011 \\
\textbf{PVC5} & PAU\_03388 & PAK\_03199 & PAU\_01965 & PAK\_01791 & PLT\_02564 & PAU\_02071 & PAK\_01893 & PLT\_02428 & PAU\_02779 & PLT\_01692 & PAK\_02610 & PLT\_01732 & PLT\_01754 & PLT\_01712 & PAU\_02203 & PAK\_02010 \\
\textbf{PVC6} & PAU\_03387 & PAK\_03198 & PAU\_01966 & PAK\_01792 & PLT\_02563 & PAU\_02070 & PAK\_01892 & PLT\_02429 & PAU\_02780 & PLT\_01691 & PAK\_02611 & PLT\_01731 & PLT\_01753 & PLT\_01711 & PAU\_02202 & PAK\_02009 \\
\textbf{PVC7} & PAU\_03386 & PAK\_03197 & PAU\_01967 & PAK\_01793 & PLT\_02562 & PAU\_02069 & PAK\_01891 & PLT\_02430 & PAU\_02781 & PLT\_01690 & PAK\_02612 & PLT\_01730 & PLT\_01752 & PLT\_01710 & PAU\_02201 & PAK\_02008 \\
\textbf{PVC8} & PAU\_03385 & PAK\_03196 & PAU\_01968 & PAK\_01794 & PLT\_02561 & PAU\_02068 & PAK\_01890 & PLT\_02431 & PAU\_02782 & PLT\_01689 & PAK\_02613 & PLT\_01729 & PLT\_01751 & PLT\_01709 & PAU\_02200 & PAK\_02007 \\
\textbf{PVC9} & PAU\_03384 & PAK\_03195 & PAU\_01969 & PAK\_01795 & PLT\_02560 & PAU\_02067 & PAK\_01889 & PLT\_02432 & PAU\_02783 & PLT\_01688 & PAK\_02614 & PLT\_01728 & PLT\_01750 & PLT\_01708 & PAU\_02199 & PAK\_02006 \\
\textbf{PVC10} & PAU\_03383 & PAK\_03194 & PAU\_01970 & PAK\_01796 & PLT\_02559 & PAU\_02066 & PAK\_01888 & PLT\_02433 & PAU\_02784 & PLT\_01687 & PAK\_02615 & PLT\_01727 & PLT\_01749 & PLT\_01707 & PAU\_02198 & PAK\_02005 \\
\textbf{PVC11} & PAU\_03382 & PAK\_03193 & PAU\_01971 & PAK\_01797 & PLT\_02558 & PAU\_02065 & PAK\_01887 & PLT\_02434 & PAU\_02785 & PLT\_01686 & PAK\_02616 & PLT\_01726 & PLT\_01748 & PLT\_01706 & PAU\_02197 & PAK\_02004 \\
\textbf{PVC12} & PAU\_03381 & PAK\_03192 & PAU\_01972 & PAK\_01798 & PLT\_02557 & PAU\_02064 & PAK\_01886 & PLT\_02435 & PAU\_02786 & PLT\_01685 & PAK\_02617 & PLT\_01725 & PLT\_01747 & PLT\_01705 & PAU\_02196 & PAK\_02002 \\
\textbf{PVC13} & PAU\_03380 & PAK\_03191 & PAU\_01973 & PAK\_01799 & PLT\_02556 &  &  &  & PAU\_02787 & PLT\_01684 & PAK\_02618 & PLT\_01724 & PLT\_01746 & PLT\_01704 & PAU\_02195 & PAK\_02001 \\
\textbf{PVC14} & PAU\_03379 & PAK\_03190 & PAU\_01974 & PAK\_01800 & PLT\_02555 & PAU\_02063 & PAK\_01885 & PLT\_02436 & PAU\_02788 & PLT\_01683 & PAK\_02619 & PLT\_01722 & PLT\_01745 & PLT\_01703 \\
\textbf{PVC15} & PAU\_03378 & PAK\_03189 & PAU\_01975 & PAK\_01801 & PLT\_02554 & PAU\_02062 & PAK\_01884 & PLT\_02437 & PAU\_02789 & PLT\_01682 & PAK\_02620 & PLT\_01721 & PLT\_01744 & PLT\_01702 & PAU\_02191 & PAK\_01997 \\
\textbf{PVC16} & PAU\_03377 & PAK\_03188 & PAU\_01976 & PAK\_01802 & PLT\_02553 & PAU\_02061 & PAK\_01883 & PLT\_02438 & PAU\_02790 & PLT\_01681 & PAK\_02621 & PLT\_01720 & PLT\_01743 & PLT\_01701 & PAU\_02190 & PAK\_01996 \\




在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述

我尝试过许多解决方案(newgeometry、adjustwidth、v/hspace、textheight),但收效甚微。更改 textheight 似乎是最合适的,这样就可以tabularx跨越宽度,为其余单元格留出更多空间,但我似乎无法在事后将文档完全恢复到其原始状态,我想保持页脚间距等与文档的其余部分保持一致,但只是稍微回收该空间。



\begin{tabularx}{1.02\linewidth}{ @{\hspace{-12pt}}p{0.04\linewidth} CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC }

这是 MWE。

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\lhead{\textsf{Chapter I}}
\rhead{\textsf{Chapter Title}}

\captionsetup{singlelinecheck=off, justification=justified, font=footnotesize}
\begin{tabularx}{1.02\linewidth}{ @{\hspace{-12pt}}p{0.04\linewidth} CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC }
\caption[Caption]{Some caption text}

\multirow{2}{*}{ORF} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{PNF}  & \multicolumn{3}{c}{CIF} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{LOPT} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{UNIT4} &  \multicolumn{2}{c}{UNIT2} & UNIT1 & UNIT3  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{LUMT} \\ \cmidrule{2-3} \cmidrule{4-6} \cmidrule{7-9} \cmidrule{10-11} \cmidrule{12-13}  \cmidrule{14-14} \cmidrule{15-15} \cmidrule{16-17}
 & 43949 & Kingscliff & 43949 & Kingscliff & TT01 & 43949 & Kingscliff & TT01 & 43949 & TT01 & Kingscliff & TT01 & TT01 & TT01 & 43949 & Kingscliff \\ 
\textbf{PVC1} & PAU\_03392 & PAK\_03203 & PAU\_01961 & PAK\_01787 & PLT\_02568 & PAU\_02074 & PAK\_01896 & PLT\_02424 & PAU\_02775 & PLT\_01696 & PAK\_02606 & PLT\_01736 & PLT\_01758 & PLT\_01716 & PAU\_02206 & PAK\_02014 \\ 
\textbf{PVC2} & PAU\_03391 & PAK\_03202 & PAU\_01962 & PAK\_01788 & PLT\_02567 & PAU\_02073 & PAK\_01895 & PLT\_02425 & PAU\_02776 & PLT\_01695 & PAK\_02607 & PLT\_01735 & PLT\_01757 & PLT\_01715 & PAU\_02205 & PAK\_02013 \\
\textbf{PVC3} & PAU\_03390 & PAK\_03201 & PAU\_01963 & PAK\_01789 & PLT\_02566 &  &  & PLT\_02426 & PAU\_02777 & PLT\_01694 & PAK\_02608 & PLT\_01734 & PLT\_01756 & PLT\_01714 &  & PAK\_02012 \\
\textbf{PVC4} & PAU\_03389 & PAK\_03200 & PAU\_01964 & PAK\_01790 & PLT\_02565 & PAU\_02072 & PAK\_01894 & PLT\_02427 & PAU\_02778 & PLT\_01693 & PAK\_02609 & PLT\_01733 & PLT\_01755 & PLT\_01713 & PAU\_02204 & PAK\_02011 \\
\textbf{PVC5} & PAU\_03388 & PAK\_03199 & PAU\_01965 & PAK\_01791 & PLT\_02564 & PAU\_02071 & PAK\_01893 & PLT\_02428 & PAU\_02779 & PLT\_01692 & PAK\_02610 & PLT\_01732 & PLT\_01754 & PLT\_01712 & PAU\_02203 & PAK\_02010 \\
\textbf{PVC6} & PAU\_03387 & PAK\_03198 & PAU\_01966 & PAK\_01792 & PLT\_02563 & PAU\_02070 & PAK\_01892 & PLT\_02429 & PAU\_02780 & PLT\_01691 & PAK\_02611 & PLT\_01731 & PLT\_01753 & PLT\_01711 & PAU\_02202 & PAK\_02009 \\
\textbf{PVC7} & PAU\_03386 & PAK\_03197 & PAU\_01967 & PAK\_01793 & PLT\_02562 & PAU\_02069 & PAK\_01891 & PLT\_02430 & PAU\_02781 & PLT\_01690 & PAK\_02612 & PLT\_01730 & PLT\_01752 & PLT\_01710 & PAU\_02201 & PAK\_02008 \\
\textbf{PVC8} & PAU\_03385 & PAK\_03196 & PAU\_01968 & PAK\_01794 & PLT\_02561 & PAU\_02068 & PAK\_01890 & PLT\_02431 & PAU\_02782 & PLT\_01689 & PAK\_02613 & PLT\_01729 & PLT\_01751 & PLT\_01709 & PAU\_02200 & PAK\_02007 \\
\textbf{PVC9} & PAU\_03384 & PAK\_03195 & PAU\_01969 & PAK\_01795 & PLT\_02560 & PAU\_02067 & PAK\_01889 & PLT\_02432 & PAU\_02783 & PLT\_01688 & PAK\_02614 & PLT\_01728 & PLT\_01750 & PLT\_01708 & PAU\_02199 & PAK\_02006 \\
\textbf{PVC10} & PAU\_03383 & PAK\_03194 & PAU\_01970 & PAK\_01796 & PLT\_02559 & PAU\_02066 & PAK\_01888 & PLT\_02433 & PAU\_02784 & PLT\_01687 & PAK\_02615 & PLT\_01727 & PLT\_01749 & PLT\_01707 & PAU\_02198 & PAK\_02005 \\
\textbf{PVC11} & PAU\_03382 & PAK\_03193 & PAU\_01971 & PAK\_01797 & PLT\_02558 & PAU\_02065 & PAK\_01887 & PLT\_02434 & PAU\_02785 & PLT\_01686 & PAK\_02616 & PLT\_01726 & PLT\_01748 & PLT\_01706 & PAU\_02197 & PAK\_02004 \\
\textbf{PVC12} & PAU\_03381 & PAK\_03192 & PAU\_01972 & PAK\_01798 & PLT\_02557 & PAU\_02064 & PAK\_01886 & PLT\_02435 & PAU\_02786 & PLT\_01685 & PAK\_02617 & PLT\_01725 & PLT\_01747 & PLT\_01705 & PAU\_02196 & PAK\_02002 \\
\textbf{PVC13} & PAU\_03380 & PAK\_03191 & PAU\_01973 & PAK\_01799 & PLT\_02556 &  &  &  & PAU\_02787 & PLT\_01684 & PAK\_02618 & PLT\_01724 & PLT\_01746 & PLT\_01704 & PAU\_02195 & PAK\_02001 \\
\textbf{PVC14} & PAU\_03379 & PAK\_03190 & PAU\_01974 & PAK\_01800 & PLT\_02555 & PAU\_02063 & PAK\_01885 & PLT\_02436 & PAU\_02788 & PLT\_01683 & PAK\_02619 & PLT\_01722 & PLT\_01745 & PLT\_01703 \\
\textbf{PVC15} & PAU\_03378 & PAK\_03189 & PAU\_01975 & PAK\_01801 & PLT\_02554 & PAU\_02062 & PAK\_01884 & PLT\_02437 & PAU\_02789 & PLT\_01682 & PAK\_02620 & PLT\_01721 & PLT\_01744 & PLT\_01702 & PAU\_02191 & PAK\_01997 \\
\textbf{PVC16} & PAU\_03377 & PAK\_03188 & PAU\_01976 & PAK\_01802 & PLT\_02553 & PAU\_02061 & PAK\_01883 & PLT\_02438 & PAU\_02790 & PLT\_01681 & PAK\_02621 & PLT\_01720 & PLT\_01743 & PLT\_01701 & PAU\_02190 & PAK\_01996 \\



