处理宏的逗号分隔参数列表中的 _(下划线)

处理宏的逗号分隔参数列表中的 _(下划线)

语境:我创建了一个“ \citep-like”宏。我在文档正文中使用它来引用附录中的一些代码。



    \newcommand{\codecitep}[1]{% cf. https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/87423/64454
        \def\nextitem{\def\nextitem{, }}% Separator
        \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\nextitem{\hyperref[code:##1]{##1}}}% How to process each item
        \docsvlist{#1}% Process list
        A sentence with one code-citation only \codecitep{key1}.
        Another sentence with two code-citations and followed by dummy text \codecitep{key1, key2}.
%       A sentence with one code-citation only \codecitep{a_123}.
%       Another sentence with two code-citations and followed by dummy text \codecitep{a_123, bb_456}.





问题: 上面的 MWE 运行良好。但是,我的真实案例键具有以下结构:a_123bb_456等。(即键中间有一个下划线,并且它之前的字母数量未知。)当然,这会导致编译失败,因为下划线既未转义也不在数学环境中。



您可以使用\detokenize; 但如果您想要打印下划线,则需要fontenc使用该T1选项进行加载。


\newcommand{\codecitep}[1]{% cf. https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/87423/64454
  \def\nextitem{\def\nextitem{, }}% Separator
  % How to process each item
  \docsvlist{#1}% Process list

A sentence with one code-citation only \codecitep{key1}.
Another sentence with two code-citations and followed by dummy text \codecitep{key1, key2}.
A sentence with one code-citation only \codecitep{a_123}.
Another sentence with two code-citations and followed by dummy text \codecitep{a_123, bb_456}.









% define a token list containing an underscore
\tl_const:Nx \c_ebo_codecite_us_tl { \char_generate:nn { `_ } { 8 } }

% the main macro
  \ebo_codecite:n { #1 }

% variables and variants of kernel functions
\tl_new:N \l__ebo_codecite_key_print_tl
\seq_new:N \l__ebo_codecite_refs_seq

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_replace_all:Nnn { NV }

% functions

\cs_new_protected:Nn \ebo_codecite:n
   % clear the sequence
   \seq_clear:N \l__ebo_codecite_refs_seq
   % loop through the input
   \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 }
     % for the "print part", change _ into \_
     \tl_set:Nn \l__ebo_codecite_key_print_tl { ##1 }
     \tl_replace_all:NVn \l__ebo_codecite_key_print_tl \c_ebo_codecite_us_tl { \_ }
     % add to the sequence
     \__ebo_codecitep_add:nV { ##1 } \l__ebo_codecite_key_print_tl
   % use the sequence, items separated by "comma space"
   \seq_use:Nn \l__ebo_codecite_refs_seq { ,~ }

% an auxiliary function, for expanding the second argument
\cs_new_protected:Nn \__ebo_codecitep_add:nn
  \seq_put_right:Nn \l__ebo_codecite_refs_seq { \hyperref[code:#1]{#2} }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__ebo_codecitep_add:nn { nV }



A sentence with one code-citation only \codecitep{key1}.
Another sentence with two code-citations and followed by dummy text \codecitep{key1, key2}.
A sentence with one code-citation only \codecitep{a_123}.
Another sentence with two code-citations and followed by dummy text \codecitep{a_123, bb_456}.







最简单的方法是加载url包并定义一个 url 命令来格式化 refnames:


\newcommand{\codecitep}[1]{% cf. https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/87423/64454
    \def\nextitem{\def\nextitem{, }}% Separator
    \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\nextitem{\hyperref[code:##1]{\coderefname{##1}}}}% How to process each item
    \docsvlist{#1}% Process list
