我正在尝试使用 cmake 编译一个程序,该程序依赖于 libQtWebKit_debug.so。根据百胜提供,该图书馆应该位于/usr/lib64/但它不在那里:
yum provides */libQtWebKit_debug.so
Loaded plugins: langpacks, refresh-packagekit
1:qt-devel-4.8.5-10.fc20.i686 : Development files for the Qt toolkit
Repo : fedora
Matched from:
Filename : /usr/lib/libQtWebKit_debug.so
1:qt-devel-4.8.5-10.fc20.x86_64 : Development files for the Qt toolkit
Repo : fedora
Matched from:
Filename : /usr/lib64/libQtWebKit_debug.so
重新安装相应的包(qt开发)也没有帮助:yum 删除 qt-devel, 其次是yum 安装 qt-devel。
你是对的。在 qt-devel-4.8.6- 版本之后,似乎有一些更改/usr/lib64/libQtWebKit_debug.so
13.fc21.x86_64(<- 有该文件)与 qt-devel-4.8.6-18.fc21.x86_64(<- 没有该文件)。
查看变更日志Bug 1168259 - qt-devel 包含一些可能不应该包含的 webkit 组件似乎是原因:
# rpm -q qt-devel --changelog | head -n 16
* Wed Nov 26 2014 Rex Dieter <[email protected]> 1:4.8.6-18
- omit previously-overlooked webkit bits (#1168259)
* Sun Nov 09 2014 Rex Dieter <[email protected]> 1:4.8.6-17
- Broken qmake_qt4 in /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.qt4 (#1161927)
* Mon Nov 03 2014 Rex Dieter <[email protected]> 1:4.8.6-16
- macros.qt4: standalone, improved %qmake_qt4 macro (sync'd with qt5 version)
* Sat Nov 01 2014 Kevin Kofler <[email protected]> - 1:4.8.6-15
- sync system-clucene patch from qt5-qttools (some QDir::mkpath in QtCLucene)
* Sun Oct 26 2014 Kevin Kofler <[email protected]> - 1:4.8.6-14
- build against the system clucene09-core (same patch as for qt5-qttools)
* Tue Sep 16 2014 Rex Dieter <[email protected]> - 1:4.8.6-13