我很确定这个问题是由 twoside 引起的,因为我已经把其他所有东西都一一剪掉了,而且如果我删除 twoside,就不会发生有趣的线条拉伸。
我想让项目保持正确的间距;也就是说,我需要在 minipage 之前在页面底部留出空白,无论空白有多大。我无法使用 \newpage 或类似命令来解决这个问题,因为无法提前预测 minipage 中可能有多少空间或有多少内容。在大约 95% 的情况下,minipage 不会流到下一页。
MRE 如下。
我使用双面打印的原因是报告需要使用文件中偶数页。如果报告是偶数页,那么我们会在第 4 页插入空白。这是必要的,因为还会有其他几份 PDF 报告,并且每份报告都必须从纸张正面开始。如果不需要使用双面打印,您能告诉我其他方法吗?
Paul Johnson
This loads the twoside argument for the article package.
The bad side effect is if there is a minipage and it positions on
page 2, then the items on the page before are stretched to fill the
page. This does not happen if the twoside argument is removed.
I would like to know how to prevent this bad result. I prefer just
items with usual spacing and whitespace at bottom.
Words words words.
This is a paper
Here is a thing:
\item item
\item item 2
\item item 3
Here is another thing:
\item item
\item item 2
\item item 3
\item item 4
\item item 5
I am a minipage.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1.
As you add more and more stuff here, it eventually forces it to page
2, breaking line spacing on page 1. %