有没有办法创建一条带有 2 个断点的线,就像添加的更粗的线一样?
% Definition of blocks:
\tikzset{block/.style = {draw, thick, rectangle, minimum height = 3em,minimum width = 3em,node distance = 2.4cm},
sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance = 1.5cm}, % Adder
input/.style = {coordinate}, % Input
output/.style = {coordinate} % Output
ncbar angle/.initial=90,
to path=(\tikztostart)
-- ($(\tikztostart)!#1!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ncbar angle}:(\tikztotarget)$)
-- ($(\tikztotarget)!($(\tikztostart)!#1!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ncbar angle}:(\tikztotarget)$)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ncbar angle}:(\tikztostart)$)
-- (\tikztotarget)
% Defining string as labels of certain blocks.
\newcommand{\inte}{$\displaystyle \int$}
\newcommand{\derv}{\Large $\frac{d}{dt}$}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick, node distance=2cm, >=triangle 45]
%% Drawing the blocks of first filter :
node [input, name=input1] {}
node [sum, right of=input1] (sum1) {\suma}
node [block, right of=sum1] (inte1) {\inte}
node [block, right of=inte1] (inte2) {\inte}
node [block, right of=inte2] (gain1) {\Large $\frac{1}{V_{c}(t_{f}-t)}$}
node [block, right of=gain1] (gain2) {\derv}
node [block, right of=gain2] (gain3) {$N'V_{c}$}
node [sum, right of=gain3] (sum2) {\suma}
node [block, above of=gain1] (gain4) {$0.5N'$};
% Joining blocks.
% Commands \draw with options like [->] must be written individually
\draw[->](input1) -- node {$a_{T}$}(sum1);
\draw[->](sum1) -- node {$\ddot{y}$} (inte1);
\draw[->](inte1) -- node {$\dot{y}$} (inte2);
\draw[->](inte2) -- node {$y$} (gain1);
\draw[->](gain1) -- node {$\lambda$} (gain2);
\draw[->](gain2) -- node {$\dot{\lambda}$} (gain3);
\draw[->](sum1) -- node {$\ddot{y}$} (inte1);
\draw[->](gain3) -- node {} (sum2);
\draw[->](sum1) |- node {} (gain4);
\draw[->](gain4) -| node {} (sum2);
\draw (sum2) to [ncbar] (sum1);
但是当我使用 [ncbar] 时出现错误
正如评论中提到的,TikZ 是否有与 PSTricks \ncbar 命令等效的命令?描述了几种制作这种线的方法。正如您所指出的,沿着这样的路径添加节点似乎不起作用。
\draw (sum2) -- node {1} ++(0,-2cm) -| (sum1) node[pos=0.25] {2} node[pos=0.75] {3};
% Definition of blocks:
\tikzset{block/.style = {draw, thick, rectangle, minimum height = 3em,minimum width = 3em,node distance = 2.4cm},
sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance = 1.5cm}, % Adder
input/.style = {coordinate}, % Input
output/.style = {coordinate}, % Output
% Defining string as labels of certain blocks.
\newcommand{\inte}{$\displaystyle \int$}
\newcommand{\derv}{\Large $\frac{d}{dt}$}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick, node distance=2cm, >=triangle 45]
%% Drawing the blocks of first filter :
node [input, name=input1] {}
node [sum, right of=input1] (sum1) {\suma}
node [block, right of=sum1] (inte1) {\inte}
node [block, right of=inte1] (inte2) {\inte}
node [block, right of=inte2] (gain1) {\Large $\frac{1}{V_{c}(t_{f}-t)}$}
node [block, right of=gain1] (gain2) {\derv}
node [block, right of=gain2] (gain3) {$N'V_{c}$}
node [sum, right of=gain3] (sum2) {\suma}
node [block, above of=gain1] (gain4) {$0.5N'$};
% Joining blocks.
% Commands \draw with options like [->] must be written individually
\draw[->](input1) -- node {$a_{T}$}(sum1);
\draw[->](sum1) -- node {$\ddot{y}$} (inte1);
\draw[->](inte1) -- node {$\dot{y}$} (inte2);
\draw[->](inte2) -- node {$y$} (gain1);
\draw[->](gain1) -- node {$\lambda$} (gain2);
\draw[->](gain2) -- node {$\dot{\lambda}$} (gain3);
\draw[->](sum1) -- node {$\ddot{y}$} (inte1);
\draw[->](gain3) -- node {} (sum2);
\draw[->](sum1) |- node {} (gain4);
\draw[->](gain4) -| node {} (sum2);
\draw (sum2) -- node {1} ++(0,-2cm) -| (sum1) node[pos=0.25] {2} node[pos=0.75] {3};