

我是 Latex 新手,所以我见过类似的问题,但都对我没用。我有一张桌子,桌子前后有很大的边距或填充。

我在用弹簧模板 以下是代码:




Here is some text of mine. Text,Text,Text,Text,

       \begin{table}\addvbuffer[0pt 0pt]
        \begin{tabular}{ | l | l | l | p{5cm} |}
            Evaluation of likelihood &Number of times the event happened in last year  \\ \hline
            Very High & More than three times in a year  \\ \hline
            High & Two or three times in a year  \\ \hline
            Medium & Once in a year \\ \hline
            Low & Three or four times in the last year \\ \hline
            Very Low & one or two times in the last year  \\ \hline    

Here is some text of mine. Text,Text,Text,Text,


解决方案建议使用addvbuffer[0pt 0pt],来控制空间,但当我使用它时,0pt它不会改变任何东西







            Evaluation of likelihood
            & Number of times the event happened in last year  \\
            Very High & More than three times in a year  \\
            High & Two or three times in a year  \\
            Medium & Once in a year \\
            Low & Three or four times in the last year \\
            Very Low & one or two times in the last year  \\




\setlength\intextsep   {8mm\@plus 2\p@ \@minus 2\p@}

(翻译8mm plus 2pt minus 2pt:)

如果你想向 Springer 提交一篇论文,那么我怀疑如果提交者更改布局他们会不会太高兴。







            Evaluation of likelihood
            & Number of times the event happened in last year  \\
            Very High & More than three times in a year  \\
            High & Two or three times in a year  \\
            Medium & Once in a year \\
            Low & Three or four times in the last year \\
            Very Low & one or two times in the last year  \\


结果为零 \intextsep


