


%% Implications
\textbf{Implication \theimplcounter:}

%% Hypotheses
\textbf{Hypothesis \thehypcounter:}


This is one implication:

\begin{impl} \label{impl:a}

This is another implication:

    Bye bye

But then:

    Not the numberwithin I would like!
  % I would like for this to be implication 1.1


我想要一个hypo环境,其中的数字是 所引用的数字\label{impl:a},在本例中为 1。



%% Implications
\textbf{Implication \theimplcounter:}

%% Hypotheses
\textbf{Hypothesis #1.\thehypcounter:}


This is one implication:

\begin{impl} \label{impl:a}

This is another implication:

    Bye bye

But then:

    Not the numberwithin I would like!
  % I would like for this to be implication 1.1


你只需要在你的环境中添加第二个参数(可选)来引用你选择引用的含义...如果你不提供参数,它将引用最后一个 impl





%% Implications
\textbf{Implication \theimplcounter:}

%% Hypotheses
    {% the counter doesn't exist so I define it
    {% the counter exists and I do nothing

\ifnum #1=\theimplcounter
{ %this is the default case for not given argument
  \textbf{Hypothesis \theimplcounter.\csname thecounter\theimplcounter\endcsname:}
{ %this is tha case with given argument
  \textbf{Hypothesis #1.\csname thecounter#1\endcsname:}


This is one implication:

\begin{impl} \label{impl:a}
    Hello this Implication has label \getrefnumber{impl:a}

This is another implication:

\begin{impl} \label{impl:b}
    Hello this Implication has label \getrefnumber{impl:b}

This is a third implication without label:

    Bye bye

And then:\par

    This hypothesis is refered to label \getrefnumber{impl:b}.
    So I want 2.1

    This Hypothesis is refered to no label.
    So I want it 3.1

    This hypothesis is refered to label \getrefnumber{impl:a}.
    I want it 1.1

    This hypothesis is refered to label \getrefnumber{impl:a}.
    I want 1.2

  This last hypothesis has no label. So I want it 3.2


您将获得以下结果: 上次更新的结果


这是基于Christian Hupfer 的回答但会尝试遵守使用expl3代码的准则,并在未定义隐含上下文的情况下发出警告。


该实现不再依赖于LaTeX 2e 提供的\label/\ref系统。相反,标签可以作为impl环境的可选参数给出,并且必须作为环境的强制参数给出hypo


据我了解,一个标准是,用户级命令和环境应该使用\NewDocumentEnvironmentetc. 而不是\newenvironmentetc. 来定义,并且这应该是简单解析用户输入并将其传递给低级expl3函数的最小包装器。




% based on ateb Christian Hupfer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/375209/

\prop_new:N \g_milo_hypcounter_prop
\prop_new:N \g_milo_implcounter_prop

% these are the counters
\int_new:N \g_milo_hypo_int
\int_new:N \g_milo_impl_int

\msg_new:nnn { milo } { undef }
  milo ~::~reference~#1~is~unknown.~0~will~be~used~instead.~\msg_line_context:.

\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \milo_storehypcounter:n {
  \prop_gput:Nnx \g_milo_implcounter_prop { #1 } { \int_to_arabic:n { \g_milo_impl_int } }
  \prop_gput:Nnn \g_milo_hypcounter_prop { #1 } { 0 }

\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \milo_extracthypcounter:n {
  \prop_get:NnNTF \g_milo_implcounter_prop { #1 } \l_tmpa_tl
    \msg_warning:nnn { milo } { undef } { #1 }
  \prop_get:NnNTF \g_milo_hypcounter_prop { #1 } \l_tmpa_tl
    \prop_gput:Nnx \g_milo_hypcounter_prop { #1 } { \int_eval:n { \l_tmpa_tl + 1 } }
    \prop_item:Nn \g_milo_hypcounter_prop { #1 }
    \msg_warning:nnn { milo } { undef } { #1 }

\NewDocumentEnvironment { impl } { o }
  \int_gincr:N \g_milo_impl_int
  \IfValueT { #1 }
    \milo_storehypcounter:n { #1 }
  \textbf{Implication ~ \int_to_arabic:n {\g_milo_impl_int} : }

\NewDocumentEnvironment { hypo } { m }
  \textbf{ Hypothesis ~ \milo_extracthypcounter:n { #1 } }



This is one implication:


This is another implication:

  Bye bye

But then:

  Foo a

  Impl a cont.

  Foo b

  Foo a cont.

  Undefined case.









%% Implications
  \textbf{Implication \theimplcounter:}%

%% Hypotheses
  \ifcsname c@impl@#1\endcsname\else
    \@namedef{c@impl@#1}{0}% First hypothesis for implication #1
    \noexpand\global\noexpand\@namedef{c@impl@#1}{\noexpand\fpeval{\csname c@impl@#1\endcsname+1}}}\x% Increment hypothesis
  \textbf{Hypothesis \ref{#1}.\csname c@impl@#1\endcsname:}%


This is one implication:

\begin{impl} \label{impl:a}

This is another implication:

\begin{impl}  \label{impl:b}
    Bye bye

But then:

  Foo a

Impl a cont. 

Foo b

Foo a cont. 





这当然是一个愚蠢的问题。我有一个 newcounter 定义,即


如何使用 label/ref 之类的命令调用该计数器的特定值?


blabla  `\thesharc`  blala
blabla  `\thesharc`  blabla
blabla  `\thesharc`  blabla <- I want to refer to this value
blabla  `\thesharc`  blabla

在 StackExchange 中查找标记为重复的问题及其答案似乎并不容易。因此,我也在这里发布了我对这个问题的回答:





为了仅获取最后一个计数器的阿拉伯数字纯值,该计数器通过\refstepcounterHeiko Oberdiek 的参考值包可能会引起人们的兴趣。
(在 LaTeX 的几乎所有文档类的分段命令中,\refstepcounter都用于步进计数器。这是因为\refstepcounter宏使计数器的值可用于\label..\ref机制。)

\the<counter>为了在没有超链接的情况下获得扩展,超链接捆绑/包正在使用中,Heiko Oberdiek 的引用计数包可能会引起你的兴趣。

(下面的例子需要至少编译两次/需要至少两次 LaTeX 运行,其间不删除辅助文件。)


% --- Layout of MWE.Has nothing to do with
%     referencing-techniques.
% --- Layout done. ---

%% This will establish a new zref-property holding just the
%% plain value of the counter that was \refstep'ped as the
%% last one in arabic numerals:
%% (\refstepcounter is used internally by all the 
%%   sectioning-commands of LaTeX-documentclasses.)
%% This will place both a normal label and a zref-label.
%% The zref-label will store the value of the new property.
%% Both kinds of labels are needed as zref does not yet
%% have hyperref-features.
%% This is used for referencing saved MyPlainCntValue-property-values 
%% of zref-labels:



\section{Within the preamble define the label-placement- and
         referencing-macros for referencing the plain values
         of counters in arabic numerals.}
%% This will establish a new zref-property holding just the
%% plain value of the counter that was \refstep'ped as the
%% last one in arabic numerals:
%% (\refstepcounter is used internally by all the 
%%   sectioning-commands of LaTeX-documentclasses.)
%% This will place both a normal label and a zref-label.
%% The zref-label will store the value of the new property.
%% Both kinds of labels are needed as zref does not yet
%% have hyperref-features.
%% This is used for referencing saved MyPlainCntValue-property-values 
%% of zref-labels:

\section{Define the \texorpdfstring\texttt\empty{sharc}-counter 
         and just for fun bind it to the 

\section{Within the document-environment step the
         \texorpdfstring\texttt\empty{sharc}-counter via
         {\textbackslash refstepcounter}, 
         and via 
         {\textbackslash Mylabel}
         place the referencing-labels.}%
(\verb|\refstepcounter| is used internally by all the 
sectioning-commands of \LaTeX-documentclasses.)

\verb|blabla \refstepcounter{sharc}\thesharc\ blabla|:\\
blabla \refstepcounter{sharc}\thesharc\ blabla

\verb|blabla \refstepcounter{sharc}\thesharc\ blabla|:\\
blabla \refstepcounter{sharc}\thesharc\ blabla

\verb|blabla \refstepcounter{sharc}\thesharc\Mylabel{INeedReferenceToThis} blabla|:\\
blabla \refstepcounter{sharc}\thesharc\Mylabel{INeedReferenceToThis} blabla 
\\\emph{(This is to be referenced/linked. Therefore the}
\verb|\Mylabel|\emph{-command was used for placing both a
normal label and a} \textsf{\textbf{zref}}\emph{-label.
For testing the links view the resulting pdf at a
magnification/zoom-factor where scrolling within the window
where the pdf is displayed is needed.)}

\verb|blabla \refstepcounter{sharc}\thesharc\ blabla|:\\
blabla \refstepcounter{sharc}\thesharc\ blabla

\section{Referencing the label}%




{(\verb|\ref| comes from the \LaTeXe-kernel but may be 
redefined by some package. This produces the number with all 
prefixes from other counters. When using the 
\textsf{\textbf{hyperref}}-bundle, this also does
produce a hyperlink to the anchor automatically produced by 


\verb|                   {}%|\\
\verb|                   {\refused{INeedReferenceToThis}\nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries??}}%|\\



{(\verb|\getrefbykeydefault| comes from the 
\textsf{\textbf{refcount}}-package. This produces the number 
with all prefixes from other counters. Even when using the
\textsf{\textbf{hyperref}}-bundle, this does not produce a
hyperlink to the anchor automatically produced by 





{(\verb|\MyPlainCntValueRef| is defined by
means of macros from the \textsf{\textbf{zref}}-package.
This produces just the plain number in arabic numerals without
any prefixes from other counters. Even when using the 
\textsf{\textbf{hyperref}}-bundle, this does not produce
a hyperlink to the anchor automatically produced by 





{\sloppy(\verb|\hyperref| comes from the
\textsf{\textbf{hyperref}}-bundle. Therefore this only works
when the \textsf{\textbf{hyperref}}-bundle is loaded.
\verb|\MyPlainCntValueRef| is defined by means of macros 
from the \textsf{\textbf{zref}}-package. This produces just
the plain number in arabic numerals without any prefixes from
other counters. This does also produce a hyperlink to the
anchor automatically produced by 


In expansion contexts you can use \textsf{\textbf{zref}}'s \verb|\zref@extractdefault|
for obtaining just the plain number - here the plain number delivered by 
\verb|\zref@extractdefault| will be used by \verb|\romannumeral| for delivering
roman numerals instead of arabic numerals:

\verb|  \romannumeral|\\
\verb|  \zref@extractdefault{INeedReferenceToThis}%|\\
\verb|                      {MyPlainCntValue}%|\\
\verb|                      {0 \zref@refused{INeedReferenceToThis}\nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries??}}%|\\


                      {0 \zref@refused{INeedReferenceToThis}\nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries??}}%


结果输出的第 1 页 结果输出的第 2 页
