


\begin{tabular}{ | P{1.9cm} || P{1.5cm} | P{1.4cm} | P{2.9cm} | P{2.9cm} | }
Compression & Bulk Dim & Top Dim & Box Area (\AA^2) & Cell Area (\AA^2)\\
 0\%        & 3  & 3  & 156.195853232816 & 156.195853232816\\
 1\%        & 99 & 100& 170097.284170537 & 173550.948036462\\
 2\%        & 49 & 50 & 41669.5826235546 & 43387.7370091156\\
 3\%        & 97 & 100& 163294.087007508 & 173550.948036462\\
 4\%        & 24 & 25 & 9996.53460690024 & 10846.9342522789\\
 5\%        & 19 & 20 & 6265.18922411630 & 6942.03792145850\\
 4\% doubled& 48 & 50 & 39986.1384276010 & 43387.7370091156\\
 5\% doubled& 38 & 40 & 25060.7568964652 & 27768.1516858340\\
\caption{Initial conditions of each simulation, dimensions given in units of 
number of unit cells}


\graphicspath{ {images/} }

我的输出应该很漂亮,但不知何故列宽不一致。请注意最右侧的两列宽度相同,但在输出中,只有带有列标题的行,“框区域 (\AA^2)”单元格宽度小于 2.9 厘米,因此该单元格与“单元格区域 (\AA^2)”之间的分隔线与列的其余部分不对齐,然后在“单元格区域 (\AA^2)”右侧,表格边缘的栏宽度正确,但偏离了表格边缘。


| ____________ || __________ | ___________| _____________|_______________|____

| ____________ || __________ | ___________| _________________|_______________|

| ____________ || __________ | ___________| _________________|_______________|

| ____________ || __________ | ___________| _________________|_______________|

| ____________ || __________ | ___________| _________________|_______________|

| ____________ || __________ | ___________| _________________|_______________|

| ____________ || __________ | ___________| _________________|_______________|

对于单个单元格,Latex 似乎忽略了 2.9 厘米的列宽。有人能解释为什么会发生这种情况并提供解决方案吗?


教训:只要编译过程中出现错误消息,就不要使用任何 .pdf 文件


\graphicspath{ {images/} }

\begin{tabular}{ | P{1.9cm} || P{1.5cm} | P{1.4cm} | P{2.9cm} | P{2.9cm} | }
Compression & Bulk Dim & Top Dim & Box Area (\AA$^2$) & Cell Area (\AA$^2$)\\
 0\%        & 3  & 3  & 156.195853232816 & 156.195853232816\\
 1\%        & 99 & 100& 170097.284170537 & 173550.948036462\\
 2\%        & 49 & 50 & 41669.5826235546 & 43387.7370091156\\
 3\%        & 97 & 100& 163294.087007508 & 173550.948036462\\
 4\%        & 24 & 25 & 9996.53460690024 & 10846.9342522789\\
 5\%        & 19 & 20 & 6265.18922411630 & 6942.03792145850\\
 4\% doubled& 48 & 50 & 39986.1384276010 & 43387.7370091156\\
 5\% doubled& 38 & 40 & 25060.7568964652 & 27768.1516858340\\
\caption{Initial conditions of each simulation, dimensions given in units of 
number of unit cells}





\usepackage{array, booktabs, makecell}
\newcolumntype{P}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}}% notused
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\usepackage{siunitx}% added

\usepackage{showframe} % to show page layout, in real document had to be remove

\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} c 
                            *{2}{S[table-format=6.12]} @{}
            & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Dim}       &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{Area (\AA$^2$)}  \\
Compression &   Bulk    &   Top             &   {Box}   & {Cell}                    \\
 0\%        & 3  & 3    & 156.195853232816 & 156.195853232816\\
 1\%        & 99 & 100  & 170097.284170537 & 173550.948036462\\
 2\%        & 49 & 50   & 41669.5826235546 & 43387.7370091156\\
 3\%        & 97 & 100  & 163294.087007508 & 173550.948036462\\
 4\%        & 24 & 25   & 9996.53460690024 & 10846.9342522789\\
 5\%        & 19 & 20   & 6265.18922411630 & 6942.03792145850\\
 4\% doubled& 48 & 50   & 39986.1384276010 & 43387.7370091156\\
 5\% doubled& 38 & 40   & 25060.7568964652 & 27768.1516858340\\
\caption{Initial conditions of each simulation, dimensions given in units of
number of unit cells}
