

我正在为正在撰写的论文构建表格,但在对齐列内容方面遇到了问题。我使用下面的代码来获取我需要的表格,目的是使所有内容都垂直对齐。问题是我在最后一个面板中得到了类似这样的结果: 在此处输入图片描述




\captionof{table}{Marriage market outcomes}
        \begin{tabular}{@{} l *{11}{d{2.5}} @{}} 
            & \mc{(1)} & \mc{(2)} & \mc{(3)} & \mc{(4)} & \mc{(5)} & \mc{(6)} & \mc{(7)} & \mc{(8)} & \mc{(9)}& \mc{(10)}  \\                   \midrule
            Outcome & \mC{Marriage \\age} 
            & \mC{Age at\\ first birth} 
            & \mC{Number of\\ living children}
            & \mC{Ideal number\\ of boys}
            & \mC{Ideal number \\of girls}
            & \mC{Husband's\\ age}
            & \mC{Husband's \\schooling}
            & \mC{Husband \\employed}
            & \mC{Age \\difference}
            & \mC{Schooling\\ difference}
            \multicolumn{11}{c}{\textbf{Panel A: OLS with optimal bandwidth $\hat{h}$}} \\
            Years of school & 0.307^{***}  & 0.274^{***}  & -0.104^{***} & -0.034^{***} & -0.047^{***}& -0.172^{***}& 0.502^{***} & 0.002 & -0.168^{***} & -0.499^{***} \\
             & (0.023)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.020)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.009)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.007)^{\dag\dag\dag}   & (0.007)^{\dag\dag\dag} &(0.003)^{\dag\dag\dag}& (0.028)^{\dag\dag\dag}   & (0.002) & (0.002)^{\dag\dag\dag}&  (0.046)^{\dag\dag\dag} \\ 
            \multicolumn{11}{c}{\textbf{Panel B: Reduced form with optimal bandwidth $\hat{h}$}} \\
            Treatment & 0.214& -0.208 & -0.014 & 0.026 & -0.075 & 0.125& 0.677 & 0.051^{**} & 0.168 & 0.371\\
            & (0.294) & (0.297)& (0.099)& (0.072) & (0.083) &(0.407)   & (0.552)&(0.022)^{\dag\dag}& (0.031)& (0.555) \\ 
            \multicolumn{11}{c}{\textbf{Panel C: IV with optimal bandwidth $\hat{h}$}} \\
            Years of school& 0.933 & -0.725 & -0.110  & 0.174  & -0.638& 0.361 & 2.713 & 0.554&0.057& 0.490\\
            & (1.278)  & (1.490)& (0.653) & (0.610) & (1.464)& (1.559) & (3.049)  & (1.842)& (0.039) & (1.602) \\ 
            Mean& \pc{0.71}& \pc{18.5}& \pc{2.6}& \pc{1.6}& \pc{1.7} & \pc{32.1} & \pc{7.7}& \pc{0.93}& \pc{5.4} & \pc{1.3}\\
            Bandwidth & \ic{42} & \ic{41} & \ic{34} & \ic{36} & \ic{33} & \ic{41}& \ic{44}& \ic{44}& \ic{34}& \ic{30}\\ 
            Obs & \ic{ 1,603 } & \ic{1,539}& \ic{1,287}& \ic{1,637} & \ic{1,353}& \ic{1,100}& \ic{1,331}& \ic{1,470}&\ic{1,128}& \ic{973}\\
            \bottomrule \bottomrule\addlinespace
            \multicolumn{11}{c}{ $^{***}\ p<0.01$; $^{**}\ p<0.05$; $^{*}\  p<0.1$} \\
\begin {tablenotes}
\item \textbf{Notes}:



  • 最后三行的内容看起来似乎没有自然的方法以令人信服的方式跨行对齐每列中的数字。例如,如果您要右对齐最后两行,您实际上可能会产生一种相当误导性的印象,即带宽参数和观察次数以某种方式相互关联(除了它们都是整数值这一事实之外)。我会\mc指示简单地中心他们。

  • 既然您正在加载rotating包,那么您不妨利用包的sidewaystable环境。




\caption{Marriage market outcomes}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l *{10}{d{2.5}} @{}} 
        & \mc{(1)} & \mc{(2)} & \mc{(3)} & \mc{(4)} & \mc{(5)} 
        & \mc{(6)} & \mc{(7)} & \mc{(8)} & \mc{(9)} & \mc{(10)}  \\                   
Outcome & \mC{Marriage \\age}              & \mC{Age at\\ first birth} 
        & \mC{Number of\\ living children} & \mC{Ideal number\\ of boys} 
        & \mC{Ideal number \\of girls}     & \mC{Husband's\\ age}
        & \mC{Husband's \\schooling}       & \mC{Husband \\employed}
        & \mC{Age \\difference}            & \mC{Schooling\\ difference}  \\ 
\multicolumn{11}{c}{\textbf{Panel A: OLS with optimal bandwidth $\hat{h}$}} \\
Years of school & 0.307^{***}  & 0.274^{***}  & -0.104^{***} & -0.034^{***} 
                & -0.047^{***} & -0.172^{***} & 0.502^{***}  & 0.002        
                & -0.168^{***} & -0.499^{***} \\
                & (0.023)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.020)^{\dag\dag\dag} 
                & (0.009)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.007)^{\dag\dag\dag}   
                & (0.007)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.003)^{\dag\dag\dag}
                & (0.028)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.002) 
                & (0.002)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.046)^{\dag\dag\dag} \\ 

\multicolumn{11}{c}{\textbf{Panel B: Reduced form with optimal bandwidth $\hat{h}$}} \\
Treatment       &  0.214 & -0.208     & -0.014     & 0.026   & -0.075 
                & 0.125  & 0.677      & 0.051^{**} & 0.168   & 0.371\\
                & (0.294)& (0.297)    & (0.099)    & (0.072) & (0.083) 
                & (0.407)& (0.552)    &(0.022)^{\dag\dag}& (0.031)& (0.555) \\ 
\multicolumn{11}{c}{\textbf{Panel C: IV with optimal bandwidth $\hat{h}$}} \\
Years of school & 0.933 & -0.725 & -0.110  & 0.174  & -0.638
                & 0.361 & 2.713  & 0.554   &0.057   & 0.490\\
                & (1.278)& (1.490)& (0.653)& (0.610)& (1.464)
                & (1.559) & (3.049)  & (1.842)& (0.039) & (1.602) \\ 
Mean            & \mc{0.71} & \mc{18.5}& \mc{2.6} & \mc{1.6 }& \mc{1.7} 
                & \mc{32.1} & \mc{7.7} & \mc{0.93}& \mc{5.4} & \mc{1.3}\\
Bandwidth       & \mc{42} & \mc{41} & \mc{34} & \mc{36} & \mc{33} 
                & \mc{41} & \mc{44} & \mc{44} & \mc{34} & \mc{30}\\ 
Obs.            & \mc{1,603} & \mc{1,539} & \mc{1,287} & \mc{1,637} & \mc{1,353}
                & \mc{1,100} & \mc{1,331} & \mc{1,470} & \mc{1,128} & \mc{973}\\
\multicolumn{11}{c}{ $^{***}\ p<0.01$; $^{**}\ p<0.05$; $^{*}\  p<0.1$} \\
\item\textbf{Notes}: \dots





                \captionof{table}{Marriage market outcomes}
                \begin{tabular}{@{} l *{11}{d{2.5}} @{}} 
                    & \mc{(1)} & \mc{(2)} & \mc{(3)} & \mc{(4)} & \mc{(5)} & \mc{(6)} & \mc{(7)} & \mc{(8)} & \mc{(9)}& \mc{(10)}  \\                   \midrule
                    Outcome & \mC{Marriage \\age} 
                    & \mC{Age at\\ first birth} 
                    & \mC{Number of\\ living children}
                    & \mC{Ideal number\\ of boys}
                    & \mC{Ideal number \\of girls}
                    & \mC{Husband's\\ age}
                    & \mC{Husband's \\schooling}
                    & \mC{Husband \\employed}
                    & \mC{Age \\difference}
                    & \mC{Schooling\\ difference}
                    \multicolumn{11}{c}{\textbf{Panel A: OLS with optimal bandwidth $\hat{h}$}} \\
                    Years of school & 0.307^{***}  & 0.274^{***}  & -0.104^{***} & -0.034^{***} & -0.047^{***}& -0.172^{***}& 0.502^{***} & 0.002 & -0.168^{***} & -0.499^{***} \\
                    & (0.023)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.020)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.009)^{\dag\dag\dag}  & (0.007)^{\dag\dag\dag}   & (0.007)^{\dag\dag\dag} &(0.003)^{\dag\dag\dag}& (0.028)^{\dag\dag\dag}   & (0.002) & (0.002)^{\dag\dag\dag}&  (0.046)^{\dag\dag\dag} \\ 
                    \multicolumn{11}{c}{\textbf{Panel B: Reduced form with optimal bandwidth $\hat{h}$}} \\
                    Treatment & 0.214& -0.208 & -0.014 & 0.026 & -0.075 & 0.125& 0.677 & 0.051^{**} & 0.168 & 0.371\\
                    & (0.294) & (0.297)& (0.099)& (0.072) & (0.083) &(0.407)   & (0.552)&(0.022)^{\dag\dag}& (0.031)& (0.555) \\ 
                    \multicolumn{11}{c}{\textbf{Panel C: IV with optimal bandwidth $\hat{h}$}} \\
                    Years of school& 0.933 & -0.725 & -0.110  & 0.174  & -0.638& 0.361 & 2.713 & 0.554&0.057& 0.490\\
                    & (1.278)  & (1.490)& (0.653) & (0.610) & (1.464)& (1.559) & (3.049)  & (1.842)& (0.039) & (1.602) \\ 
                    Mean& \pc{0.71}& \pc{18.50}& \pc{2.60}& \pc{1.60}& \pc{1.70} & \pc{32.10} & \pc{7.70}& \pc{0.93}& \pc{5.40} & \pc{1.30}\\
                    Bandwidth & \ic{42} & \ic{41} & \ic{34} & \ic{36} & \ic{33} & \ic{41}& \ic{44}& \ic{44}& \ic{34}& \ic{30}\\ 
                    Obs & \ic{ 1,603 } & \ic{1,539}& \ic{1,287}& \ic{1,637} & \ic{1,353}& \ic{1,100}& \ic{1,331}& \ic{1,470}&\ic{1,128}& \ic{973}\\
                    \bottomrule \bottomrule\addlinespace
                    \multicolumn{11}{c}{ $^{***}\ p<0.01$; $^{**}\ p<0.05$; $^{*}\  p<0.1$} \\
                \begin {tablenotes}
                \item \textbf{Notes}:

