\caption{Definition of Variables}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[t]{ r X }
Variable & Description \\
SR1+ & Positive SR1 \\
SRdummy1 & Dummy variable that equals one if SR1 is positive and zero otherwise \\
SR2+ & Positive SR2 \\
SRdummy2 & Dummy variable that equals one if SR2 is positive and zero otherwise \\
LnInc & The Natural logarithm of the household income \\
Age & The age of the household head \\
\makecell[t]{Education} & \makecell[l]{The Education level of the household head;\\
equals 1 with level of non-educational; \\
equals 2 with level of primary school; \\
equals 3 with level of junior high school; \\
equals 4 with level of high school; \\
equals 5 with level of secondary/vocational school; \\
equals 6 with level of college/vocational; \\
equals 7 with level of undergraduate degree; \\
equals 8 with level of Master's degree; \\
equals 9 with level of PhD degree; } \\
Kid & The number of kids (age under 16) in the household \\
Old & The number of elders (age over 60) in the household \\
HHsize & Number of persons living together in the household \\
Male & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is male and zero otherwise \\
Married & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is married and zero otherwise \\
Party & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is a member of the Communist Party of China and zero otherwise \\
Job & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is employed and zero otherwise \\
House & Dummy variable that equals one if the household holds real estate asset and zero otherwise \\
\usepackage{caption}% fix spacing for \caption above the table
\caption{Definition of Variables}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[t]{ r >{\hangindent1em\hangafter1 }X }
Variable & Description \\
SR1+ & Positive SR1 \\
SRdummy1 & Dummy variable that equals one if SR1 is positive and zero otherwise \\
SR2+ & Positive SR2 \\
SRdummy2 & Dummy variable that equals one if SR2 is positive and zero otherwise \\
LnInc & The Natural logarithm of the household income \\
Age & The age of the household head \\
Education & The Education level of the household head;\newline
equals 1 with level of non-educational;\newline
equals 2 with level of primary school;\newline
equals 3 with level of junior high school;\newline
equals 4 with level of high school;\newline
equals 5 with level of secondary/vocational school;\newline
equals 6 with level of college/vocational;\newline
equals 7 with level of undergraduate degree;\newline
equals 8 with level of Master's degree;\newline
equals 9 with level of PhD degree; \\
Kid & The number of kids (age under 16) in the household \\
Old & The number of elders (age over 60) in the household \\
HHsize & Number of persons living together in the household \\
Male & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is male and zero otherwise \\
Married & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is married and zero otherwise \\
Party & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is a member of the Communist Party of China and zero otherwise \\
Job & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is employed and zero otherwise \\
House & Dummy variable that equals one if the household holds real estate asset and zero otherwise \\
\usepackage{caption}% fix spacing for \caption above the table
\caption{Definition of Variables}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[t]{ r X }
Variable & Description \\
SR1+ & Positive SR1 \\
SRdummy1 & Dummy variable that equals one if SR1 is positive and zero otherwise \\
SR2+ & Positive SR2 \\
SRdummy2 & Dummy variable that equals one if SR2 is positive and zero otherwise \\
LnInc & The Natural logarithm of the household income \\
Age & The age of the household head \\
Education & The Education level of the household head;\newline
equals 1 with level of non-educational;\newline
equals 2 with level of primary school;\newline
equals 3 with level of junior high school;\newline
equals 4 with level of high school;\newline
equals 5 with level of secondary/vocational school;\newline
equals 6 with level of college/vocational;\newline
equals 7 with level of undergraduate degree;\newline
equals 8 with level of Master's degree;\newline
equals 9 with level of PhD degree; \\
Kid & The number of kids (age under 16) in the household \\
Old & The number of elders (age over 60) in the household \\
HHsize & Number of persons living together in the household \\
Male & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is male and zero otherwise \\
Married & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is married and zero otherwise \\
Party & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is a member of the Communist Party of China and zero otherwise \\
Job & Dummy variable that equals one if the household head is employed and zero otherwise \\
House & Dummy variable that equals one if the household holds real estate asset and zero otherwise \\
\makecell[t]{Education} & \makecell[tl]{The Education level of the household head;\\
equals 1 with level of non-educational; \\
equals 2 with level of primary school; \\
equals 3 with level of junior high school; \\
equals 4 with level of high school; \\
equals 5 with level of secondary/vocational school; \\
equals 6 with level of college/vocational; \\
equals 7 with level of undergraduate degree; \\
equals 8 with level of Master's degree; \\
equals 9 with level of PhD degree; } \\