如何使用 Circuitikz 移动元素

如何使用 Circuitikz 移动元素
    \draw (0, 0) to[L, l=\(L_1\)] (0, 4);
    \draw (2, 0) to[C, l=\(C_1\), *-*] (2, 4);
    \draw (2, 4) to[R, l=\(R_1\), *-*] (4, 4);
    \draw (4, 0) to[C, l=\(C_2\), *-*] (4, 4);
    \draw (6, 0) to[R, l=\(R_2\), *-] (6, 2);
    \draw[fill=black] (6, 2) to[diode, l=\(D_1\), -*] (6, 4);
    \draw (8, 0) to[R, n=R3,  *-] (8, 2);
    \node[right] at (R3.s) {\(R_3\)};
    \draw[fill=black] (8, 4) to[diode, l=\(D_2\), *-] (8, 2);
    \node[op amp, xscale=-1, yscale=-1] (opamp) at (12, 2) {};
    \draw ($(opamp.out) + (-1, 0)$) to[short, *-] (opamp.out);
    \draw ($(opamp.out) + (-1, 0)$) -- ($(opamp.out) + (-1, 1.2)$);
    \draw ($(opamp.out) + (-1, 0)$) -- ($(opamp.out) + (-1, -1.2)$);
    \coordinate (opamp plus) at (opamp.+);
    \coordinate (opamp minus) at (opamp.-); 
    \draw (opamp plus) -- (opamp plus|-(0, 3.2));
    \draw ($(opamp.out) + (-1, 1.2)$) to[R, n=R4, -*] (opamp plus|-(0,3.2));
    \node[below] at (R4.s) {\(R_4\)}; 
    \draw (opamp minus) -- (opamp minus|-(0, 0.5));
    \draw ($(opamp.out) + (-1, -1.2)$) to[R, l=\(R_5\), -*] (opamp minus|-(0, 0.8));
    \draw (0, 4) -- (2, 4);
    \draw (4, 4) -- (opamp plus|-(0, 4));
    \draw (13.2, 4) -- (opamp plus);
    \draw (0, 0) -- (9, 0);
    \draw (9, 0) to[R, n=R6, ] (opamp minus|-(0, 0));
    \node[below] at (R6.s) {\(R_6\)};
    \draw (13.2, 0) -- (opamp minus);
    \node[ground] at (8, 0);

那么有人能帮我把电阻器 R4 和 R5 像图中那样向左移动吗?提前谢谢 :)




    \draw (a) -- ++(0.5,0) to[R] (b);

因此,作为教程要点,我将按照以下方式编写电路的运算放大器部分。请注意,只需更改以下代码即可更改电路的外观一个数字— 其余的也会效仿。所以如果你改变,\def\upwardshift{1.0}你的电路会更高,如果你改变,1.5\draw (OA up) -- ++(-1.5,0) ...的电路会更宽,没有必须触碰任何其他数字或进行周围协调。


\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
    % everything will be relative to the position of the op amp chosen here.
    % better use the `noinv input up` option than yscale=-1 so that the power supply
    % anchors are not updown!
    \node[op amp, xscale=-1, noinv input up](OA) at (0,0) {\ctikzflipx{\texttt{oa1}}};
    % let's create the nodes above the op amp + and below op amp -.
    % I am defining the shift here to reuse it for the symmetric one.
    \draw (OA.+) to[short, -*] ++(0, \upwardshift) coordinate(OA up);
    \draw (OA.-) to[short, -*] ++(0, -\upwardshift) coordinate(OA down);
    % we want the resistor a bit off to the left; I'll mark the cable end position
    % to reuse it on the other side. Just change the numbers here if you want
    % to adjust positions, the others branches will follow suit.
    \draw (OA up) -- ++(-1.5,0) coordinate(tmp) to[R=$R_4$] ++(-2,0) coordinate(r4 left)
        % vertical connection in the same path to have a nice joined line, using
        % the perpendicular coordinate system: vertically down (r4 left), horizontally (OA down)
        -- (r4 left |- OA down)
        % the other R
        to[R=$R_5$] (tmp |- OA down) -- (OA down);
    % connect the op amp output
    \draw (OA.out) to[short, -*] (OA.out -| r4 left) coordinate(OA out);







\usepackage{graphicx,tikz, circuitikz}
\usepackage[left=2.00cm, right=1.00cm]{geometry}
        (0, 0)  to  [L, l=\(L_1\)] (0, 4)
                to  (2,4);
        (2, 0)  to  [C, l=\(C_1\), *-*](2,4) 
                to  [R, l=\(R_1\), *-*] (4, 4)
                to  (8,4);
        (4, 0)  to  [C, l=\(C_2\), *-*] (4, 4);
        (6, 0)  to  [R, l=\(R_2\), *-] (6, 2)
                to  [diode,fill=black, l=\(D_1\), -*](6, 4)
                to  (8,4) coordinate(d2)
                to  [diode,fill=black, l=\(D_2\), *-] (8, 2)
                to  [R, l=\(R_3\),  ] (8, 0)coordinate(r3)
                to  (0,0);
        \node[op amp, xscale=-1, yscale=-1] (opamp) at (12, 2) {};
%       \draw ($(opamp.out) + (-1.5, 0)$) to[short, *-] (opamp.out);
        \draw (opamp.out)   to [short,-*]   ++(-1.5,0) 
                            to ++(0,1.2) 
                            to[R, l=R4]     ++(1.6,0)coordinate[label=](r4)
        \draw (opamp.out)   to [short,-*]   ++(-1.5,0) 
                            to ++(0,-1.2) 
                            to[R, l=R5]     ++(1.6,0)coordinate[label=](r5)
        \draw(d2)-|(opamp.+) (r3)-|(opamp.-);

        \node[ground] at (8, 0){};
