我对 texlive 2017 进行了更新(通过 tlmgr),然后出现了 acro 包错误,这是我以前从未遇到过的。
我已经提供了 MWE:
short = RES ,
long = Renewable Energy Sources ,
这是我对 \listfiles 的输出
*File List*
article.cls 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
size10.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
acro.sty 2017/06/21 v2.7b Typeset Acronyms
expl3.sty 2017/07/19 L3 programming layer (loader)
expl3-code.tex 2017/07/19 L3 programming layer
l3pdfmode.def 2017/03/18 v L3 Experimental driver: PDF mode
xparse.sty 2017/07/19 L3 Experimental document command parser
l3keys2e.sty 2017/07/19 LaTeX2e option processing using LaTeX3 keys
xtemplate.sty 2017/07/19 L3 Experimental prototype document functions
etoolbox.sty 2017/01/02 v2.4 e-TeX tools for LaTeX (JAW)
zref-abspage.sty 2016/05/21 v2.26 Module abspage for zref (HO)
zref-base.sty 2016/05/21 v2.26 Module base for zref (HO)
ltxcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.23 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
infwarerr.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
kvsetkeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.17 Key value parser (HO)
etexcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.6 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
ifluatex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
kvdefinekeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Define keys (HO)
pdftexcmds.sty 2017/03/19 v0.25 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO)
ifpdf.sty 2017/03/15 v3.2 Provides the ifpdf switch
auxhook.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO)
atbegshi.sty 2016/06/09 v1.18 At begin shipout hook (HO)
translations.sty 2017/05/16 v1.6 internationalization of LaTeX2e packages (C
scrlfile.sty 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (loading files)
translations-basic-dictionary-english.trsl (english translation file `transl
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
l.7 }
A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)
它可以链接到 acro 所需的软件包吗?它们似乎已更新。
该问题已在 v2.7c (2017/08/28) 中修复,目前正在向 CTAN 提交,并将很快在主要发行版中推出。