删除 \documentclass[5p]{elsarticle} 中作者单位和摘要之间的垂直空格

删除 \documentclass[5p]{elsarticle} 中作者单位和摘要之间的垂直空格

如何删除 elsarticle 类中作者所属和摘要之间的垂直间距。谢谢



% use to remove rules (top and bottom lines) of Abstract"
\xpatchcmd{\MaketitleBox}{\hrule}{}{}{}% remove first horizontal rule (above abstract)
\xpatchcmd{\MaketitleBox}{\hrule}{}{}{}% remoce second horizonral rule (below keywords)


%\journal{Journal of \LaTeX\ Templates}


% use to remove footer " preprint submitted to elsevier"

\address{\normalfont{ Fukuoka, Japan\\ 
Email : hari.ac.jp }}

\title{My title My title My title My title My title My title My title  }


Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text  Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text  Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text Some Some text text  


Remove space between author affilioation and abstract in elsarticle class. Remove space between author affilioation and abstract in elsarticle class. Remove space between author affilioation and abstract in elsarticle class. Remove space between author affilioation and abstract in elsarticle class. Remove space between author affilioation and abstract in elsarticle class. Remove space between author affilioation and abstract in elsarticle class. Remove space between author affilioation and abstract in elsarticle class.



  {}          % \begin{frontmatter}
  {\maketitle}% \end{frontmatter}




\xpatchcmd{\MaketitleBox}{\hrule}{}{}{}% remove first horizontal rule (above abstract)
\xpatchcmd{\MaketitleBox}{\hrule}{}{}{}% remoce second horizonral rule (below keywords)

但是,你在每个后面都留下了剩余的空间\vskip12pt- 这些是标题/作者和摘要与摘要和正文之间的垂直空间。我们可以将您的补丁更改为

\xpatchcmd{\MaketitleBox}{\hrule\vskip12pt}{\vspace{-2\baselineskip}}{}{}% remove first horizontal rule (above abstract) + space
\xpatchcmd{\MaketitleBox}{\hrule}{}{}{}% remoce second horizonral rule (below keywords)








% use to remove rules (top and bottom lines) of Abstract"
\xpatchcmd{\MaketitleBox}{\hrule\vskip12pt}{\vspace{-2\baselineskip}}{}{}% remove first horizontal rule (above abstract) + space
\xpatchcmd{\MaketitleBox}{\hrule}{}{}{}% remoce second horizonral rule (below keywords)


\author{An author\corref{cor1}*}
\address{An address \\ 
  Email : [email protected]

\title{A title}










\title{My title My title My title My title My title My title My title  }


\address{\normalfont{ Fukuoka, Japan **\vspace{-0.5cm}**\\ 

Some text  

