

我在 \multirow cell table 中旋转文本时遇到问题。获得的旋转文本未在单元格中间居中;此外,文本似乎未与所需单元格合并。




\caption{ Classifications of problems being studied in Swarm robotics.}
 \begin{adjustbox}{max width=1.2\textwidth}
\begin{tabular}{p{0.4\textwidth} p{0.35\textwidth} p{0.32\textwidth}  p{0.2\textwidth}  p{0.15\textwidth}}
Problematic &Sources of inspiration & Modeling approaches & Research literatures samples & Classification\\
\textbf{Aggregation}: Clustering swarm robots in a region of the environment.
- Nature (e.g. Aggregation bacteria, cockroaches, bees, fish and penguins).
- Probabilistic finite state machines.\newline
- Artificial evolution.&
- [20] and [21] & 
\multirow{4}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Spatially organizing behaviors}}
\textbf{Pattern formation}: Deploying robots in a regular and repetitive manner from
which specific distances are kept between each other in order to create a desired
pattern. &
- Biology (e.g. the spatial disposition of bacterial colonies and the chromatic patterns on some animals). \newline
- Physics (e.g. molecules distribution and crystal formation).&
- Virtual physics-based design. &
- [22] &
\textbf{Chain formation}: Auto-Positioning robots to connect into two points. The
chain that they form can then be used as a guide for navigation or for
surveillance. &
- Foraging ants.  &
- Probabilistic finite state machines.\newline
- Virtual physics based design.\newline
- Artificial evolution&
- [23] and [24] &
\textbf{Self-assembly and morphogenesis}: Connecting physically swarm robots to each other to create structures (morphologies). &
- Foraging ants. &
- Probabilistic finite state machines.\newline
- Virtual physics based design.\newline
- Artificial evolution &
- [23] and [24] &
\textbf{Collective exploration} &
- Social animals (ants, bees…).  &
- Probabilistic finite state machines.\newline
- Virtual physics-based design.\newline
- Network routing &
- [26] and [27] & 
\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Navigation behaviors}}
\textbf{Coordination motion}: Moving in formation similarly to schools of fish or
flocks of birds. &
- Flocking in-group of birds.\newline
- Schooling in group of fish. &
- Virtual physics-based design.\newline
- Artificial evolution&
- [28] &
\textbf{Collective transport}: Cooperating in order to transport an object. &
- Cooperative carry prey in ant colonies.&
- Probabilistic finite state machines.\newline
- Artificial evolution &
- [29]  &
\textbf{Consensus achievement}: Reaching consensus on one choice among different
alternatives. &
- Ants’ decision between the shorter of two paths using pheromones.\newline
- Bees’ decision between the best foraging area and the best nest location.\newline
- Aggregation in Cockroaches &
- Direct communication.\newline
- Indirect communication.
- [30] and [31]&
\multirow{2}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Collective decision making}}\\
\textbf{Task allocation}: Auto-distribution of swarm robots over different tasks To maximize the performance of the system. &
- Task allocation in ant and bee colonies. &
- Probabilistic finite state machines. &
- [32]  & \\








  • 添加了软件包arrayragged2eenumitemetoolbox
  • 改变列宽
  • 已删除adjustbox
  • 定义新的列类型PC
  • 用于itemize单元格中的列表
  • 减小\tabcolsep距离
  • multirow对于旋转的文本,现在考虑正确的跨行数,即:对于前multirow11 + 1(1 为\cmidrules引入的额外空间
  • mutirow are used对于使用\cmidrule{1-4}`的行跨度规则

更改 mwe:


\usepackage{array, booktabs, multirow}

    \setlist[itemize]{nosep,     % <-- new list setup
                      leftmargin = *         ,
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\caption{ Classifications of problems being studied in Swarm robotics.}
\begin{tabular}{P{0.4\textwidth} P{0.3\textwidth} P{0.3\textwidth} P{0.2\textwidth} C{0.1\textwidth}}
    & Sources of inspiration
    & Modeling approaches
    & Research literatures samples
    & Classi\-fication
    \\  \midrule
\textbf{Aggregation}: Clustering swarm robots in a region of the environment.
\item   Nature (e.g. Aggregation bacteria, cockroaches, bees, fish and penguins).
\item  Probabilistic finite state machines.
\item   Artificial evolution.
    &   [20] and [21]   &
\multirow{12}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{Spatially organizing behaviors}}
    \\  \cmidrule{1-4}
\textbf{Coordination motion}: Moving in formation similarly to schools of fish or
flocks of birds.
\item  Flocking in-group of birds.
\item  Schooling in group of fish.
\item  Virtual physics-based design.
\item  Artificial evolution
    &   [28]    &
    \\  \cmidrule{1-4}
\textbf{Collective transport}: Cooperating in order to transport an object.
\item  Cooperative carry prey in ant colonies.
\item  Probabilistic finite state machines.
\item  Artificial evolution
    &   [29]  &
    \\  \midrule
\textbf{Consensus achievement}: Reaching consensus on one choice among different
\item  Ants’ decision between the shorter of two paths using pheromones.
\item  Bees’ decision between the best foraging area and the best nest location.
\item  Aggregation in Cockroaches
\item  Direct communication.
\item  Indirect communication.
   &   [30] and [31]   &
\multirow{15}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Collective decision making}}
    \\  \cmidrule{1-4}
\textbf{Task allocation}: Auto-distribution of swarm robots over different tasks To maximize the performance of the system.
\item  Task allocation in ant and bee colonies.
\item  Probabilistic finite state machines.
    &   [32]    &   \\


我建议采用基于 的解决方案tabularx,减少水平线。为了简化表格的输入,我定义了新的列类型,IX输入itemize环境的列,这样您只需输入\item some text。相应的列标题则必须输入为\multicolumns。

\usepackage{adjustbox}%, rotating
\usepackage{tabularx, multirow, makecell, caption, booktabs}


\newcolumntype{I}{>{\compress\RaggedRight\itemize[nosep, wide=0pt, label=\textendash, leftmargin=*, before=\compress, ]}X<{\enditemize}}


  \caption{ Classifications of problems being studied in Swarm robotics.}
      Problematic & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Sources of inspiration} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Modeling approaches} & \thead{Research \\ literatures \\ samples} & \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{~Classif. }\\
      \textbf{Aggregation}: Clustering swarm robots in a region of the environment.
                    & \item Nature (e.g. Aggregation bacteria, cockroaches, bees, fish and penguins).
      \item Probabilistic finite state machines.
      \item Artificial evolution.
                    & [20] and [21]
                    & \multirowcell{18}[-4ex]{\rotatebox{90}{Spatially organizing behaviors}}
      \textbf{Pattern formation}: Deploying robots in a regular and repetitive manner from
      which specific distances are kept between each other in order to create a desired
      \item Biology (e.g. the spatial disposition of bacterial colonies and the chromatic patterns on some animals).
      \item Physics (e.g. molecules distribution and crystal formation).
                    & \item Virtual physics-based design.
                    & [22] &
      \textbf{Chain formation}: Auto-Positioning robots to connect into two points. The
      chain that they form can then be used as a guide for navigation or for
                    & \item Foraging ants.
      \item Probabilistic finite state machines.
      \item Virtual physics based design.
      \item Artificial evolution
      [23] and [24] &
      \textbf{Self-assembly and morphogenesis}: Connecting physically swarm robots to each other to create structures (morphologies).
                    & \item Foraging ants.
      \item Probabilistic finite state machines.
      \item Virtual physics based design.
      \item Artificial evolution
                    & [23] and [24] &
      \textbf{Collective exploration}
                    & \item Social animals (ants, bees…).
      \item Probabilistic finite state machines.
      \item Virtual physics-based design.
      \item Network routing
                    & [26] and [27] &
      \multirowcell{8}[-2.5ex]{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Navigation behaviors}}
      \textbf{Coordination motion}: Moving in formation similarly to schools of fish or flocks of birds.
      \item Flocking in-group of birds.
      \item Schooling in group of fish.
      \item Virtual physics-based design.
      \item Artificial evolution
                    & [28] &
      \textbf{Collective transport}: Cooperating in order to transport an object.
                    & \item Cooperative carry prey in ant colonies.
      \item Probabilistic finite state machines.
      \item Artificial evolution
                    & [29] &
      \textbf{Consensus achievement}: Reaching consensus on one choice among different alternatives.
      \item Ants’ decision between the shorter of two paths using pheromones.
      \item Bees’ decision between the best foraging area and the best nest location.
      \item Aggregation in Cockroaches
      \item Direct communication.
      \item Indirect communication.
                    & [30] and [31] %
                    & \multirowcell{10}[-1.7ex]{\rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{Collective decision making}}
      \textbf{Task allocation}: Auto-distribution of swarm robots over different tasks To maximize the performance of the system.
                    & \item Task allocation in ant and bee colonies.
                    & \item Probabilistic finite state machines.
                    & [32] & \\


