我正在尝试将图纸并排放置,并使 3D 图纸的表面看起来与 2D 图纸相同!如能提供任何帮助,我将不胜感激!
\filldraw[even odd rule,inner color=red,outer color=red, opacity = 0.4]
(0,0) circle (3cm)
(0,0) circle (3.1cm);
\filldraw[even odd rule,inner color=white,outer color=blue, opacity = 0.1]
(0,0) circle (1.0cm)
(0,0) circle (3cm);
\draw[thick, fill = gray] (0,0) circle (0.1cm);
\draw[thick] (0,0) circle (3cm);
\draw[thick] (0,0) circle (3.1cm);
\draw[->, rotate around={45:(0,0)}] (0,0) -- (3,0) node [near end,] {$r_0$};
\draw[-latex] (0,-1.9) arc (274:180:1.5cm) node[thick,midway,right] {$\Omega$};
\draw[thick, opacity = 1] (0,0) circle (1.0cm);
\draw[thick, fill = white]
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14} {%
(0:1.0) arc (0:18:1.0) {[rounded corners=8pt] -- ++(18: 0.26) arc (18:36:1.9) } -- ++(36: -0.26)
\draw[->, rotate around={-40:(0,0)}] (0,0) -- (1.2,0) node [midway,fill = white] {$r_i$};
\draw[thick] (-4,4) -- (-4,3) arc (180:360:4cm and 1cm) -- (4,4) ++ (-4,0)
circle (4cm and 1cm);
\draw[thick] -- (-1.5,3) arc (180:360:1.5cm and 0.25cm) -- (1.5,4) ++
(-1.5,0) circle (1.5cm and 0.25cm);
\draw[thick] (4,4) ++ (-4,0) circle (3.9cm and 0.9 cm);
\filldraw[even odd rule,inner color=white,outer color=blue, opacity = 0.2]
(4,4) ++ (-4,0) circle (4cm and 1 cm);
\filldraw[even odd rule,inner color=white,outer color=blue, opacity = 0.2]
(4,4) ++ (-4,-1) circle (4cm and 1 cm);
\filldraw[even odd rule,inner color=white,outer color=white, opacity = 1]
(1.5,4) ++ (-1.5,0) circle (1.5cm and 0.25cm);
\filldraw[even odd rule,inner color=red,outer color=red, opacity = 0.2]
(4,4) ++ (-4,0) circle (4cm and 1 cm)
(4,4) ++ (-4,0) circle (3.9cm and 0.9 cm);
\draw[thick] (1.5,4) ++ (-1.5,0) circle (0.25cm and 0.05cm);
\fill[color = gray]
(1.5,4) ++ (-1.5,0) circle (0.25cm and 0.05cm);
%\draw[thick,-latex] (5,0,0) -- (9,0,0) node[anchor=north east]{$y$};
%\draw[thick,-latex] (5,0,0) -- (5,5,0) node[anchor=north west]{$z$};
%\draw[thick,-latex] (5,0,0) -- (5,0,5) node[anchor=south east]{$x$};
这基本上和我在这里做的事情是一样的: XYZ 坐标系绘图
%% viewing angles %%
\def\angThe{70} %%
\def\angPhi{0} %%
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords, scale=1.7]
even odd rule,
inner color=red,
outer color=red,
fill opacity = 0.4,
draw=black, thick,
(0,0) circle (3)
(0,0) circle (3.1);
even odd rule,
inner color=white,
outer color=blue,
fill opacity = 0.1,
draw=black, thick,
(0,0) circle (1.0)
(0,0) circle (3);
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
\draw[thick, fill = white] (\a:1) circle (.26) ;
\fill [white] (0,0) circle (1) ;
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
\draw[thick] (\a:1) arc (\a:\a+21:1);
\filldraw[thick, fill = gray] (0,0) circle (0.1);
\draw[-latex] (0,-1.9) arc (274:180:1.5) node[thick,midway,below] {$\Omega$};
\draw[->, ] (0,0) -- (45:3) node [below=5pt,near end,] {$r_0$};
\draw[->, ] (0,0) -- (-40:1.2) node [midway,fill = white] {$r_i$};
\draw [fill=pink] (\angPhi:\r) arc (\angPhi:\angPhiOpp:\r)
-- (\angPhiOpp:\r) arc (\angPhiOpp:\angPhi:\r)
} -- cycle;
%% viewing angles %%
\def\angThe{70} %%
\def\angPhi{0} %%
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords, scale=1.7]
even odd rule,
fill opacity = 0.6,
draw=black, thick,
(0,0) circle (3)
(0,0) circle (3.1);
even odd rule,
inner color=white,
outer color=teal,
fill opacity = 0.2,
draw=black, thick,
(0,0) circle (1.0)
(0,0) circle (3);
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
\draw[thick, fill = white] (\a:1) circle (.26) ;
\fill [white] (0,0) circle (1) ;
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
\draw[thick] (\a:1) arc (\a:\a+21:1);
\filldraw[thick, fill = gray] (0,0) circle (0.1);
(#2:\r) arc (#2:#3:\r)
-- (#3:\r) arc (#3:#2:\r)
} -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[transparency group,opacity=.35]
left color=blue,
right color=red,
left color=red,
right color=blue,
\draw[-latex] (0,-1.9) arc (274:180:1.5) node[thick,midway,below] {$\Omega$};
\draw[->, ] (0,0) -- (45:3) node [below=5pt,near end,] {$r_0$};
\draw[->, ] (0,0) -- (-40:1.2) node [midway,fill = white] {$r_i$};
%% viewing angles %%
\def\angThe{70} %%
\def\angPhi{0} %%
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords, scale=1.7]
even odd rule,
inner color=red,
outer color=red,
fill opacity = 0.4,
draw=black, thick,
(0,0) circle (3)
(0,0) circle (3.1);
even odd rule,
inner color=white,
outer color=blue,
fill opacity = 0.1,
draw=black, thick,
(0,0) circle (1.0)
(0,0) circle (3);
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
\draw[thick, fill = white] (\a:1) circle (.26) ;
\fill [white] (0,0) circle (1) ;
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
\draw[thick] (\a:1) arc (\a:\a+21:1);
\filldraw[thick, fill = gray] (0,0) circle (0.1);
\path[#1] (#2:\r) arc (#2:#3:\r)
-- (#3:\r) arc (#3:#2:\r)
} -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[transparency group,opacity=.65]
\foreach \k [evaluate=\k as \kk using \k+.5*\thet, evaluate=\k as \kkk using \k+\thet] in {\angPhiOpp,\by,...,\to}
%% viewing angles %%
\def\angThe{70} %%
\def\angPhi{0} %%
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords, scale=1.7]
even odd rule,
inner color=red,
outer color=red,
fill opacity = 0.4,
draw=black, thick,
(0,0) circle (3)
(0,0) circle (3.1);
even odd rule,
inner color=white,
outer color=blue,
fill opacity = 0.1,
draw=black, thick,
(0,0) circle (1.0)
(0,0) circle (3);
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
\draw[thick, fill = white] (\a:1) circle (.26) ;
\fill [white] (0,0) circle (1) ;
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
\draw[thick] (\a:1) arc (\a:\a+21:1);
\filldraw[thick, fill = gray] (0,0) circle (0.1);
\path [#1] (\angPhi:\r) arc (\angPhi:\angPhiOpp:\r)
-- (\angPhiOpp:\r) arc (\angPhiOpp:\angPhi:\r)
} -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[transparency group,opacity=.65]
\foreach \k in {0,...,\N}