关于这个问题如何在每个部分自动添加[转至摘要] | [返回]?我学会了如何go to summary
当我删除部分命令时,错误也得到了修复go to summary
% Incompatible color definition when using tikz with color package
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/150369/incompatible-color-definition-when-using-tikz-with-color-package
% How to automatically put a [Go To Summary] | [Go Back] on each section?
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/367859/how-to-automatically-put-a-go-to-summary-go-back-on-each-section
\hyperlink{summary} {\textcolor{ultramarine}{\small\mdseries [Go To Top]}}
{\small\mdseries |}
\Acrobatmenu{GoBack}{\textcolor{ultramarine}{\small\mdseries [Go Back]}}
\newcommand{\addGoToSummary}{\renewcommand{\Sectionformat}[2]{##1 \goToSummaryText}}
% Insert internal document link
\chapter[Nullam]{Nullam elementum}
Nullam elementum
\section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
! Undefined control sequence.
\hyper@@link ->\let \Hy@reserved@a
\relax \@ifnextchar [{\hyper@link@ }{\hyp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Use of \hyper@link@ doesn't match its definition.
<argument> \def
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
If you say, e.g., `\def\a1{...}', then you must always
put `1' after `\a', since control sequence names are
made up of letters only. The macro here has not been
followed by the required stuff, so I'm ignoring it.
! Undefined control sequence.
\@calc@post@scan ...st@scan \else \def \calc@next
{\calc@error #1}\fi \fi \f...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\@calc@post@scan ...fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \calc@next
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy@phantomsection
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@RemoveLeft ...{}{}\GTS@Nil }\edef \GTS@Token
{\the \toks@ }\GTS@Predefi...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
\GTS@TestLeft #1#2->\def \GTS@temp
{#1}\ifx \GTS@temp \GTS@Token \toks@ \exp...
l.41 \section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
如何go to summary
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/150369/incompatible-color-definition-when-using-tikz-with-color-package
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/367859/how-to-automatically-put-a-go-to-summary-go-back-on-each-section
\hyperlink{summary} { \textcolor{ultramarine}{[Go To Top]}}%
\Acrobatmenu{GoBack}{ \textcolor{ultramarine}{[Go Back]}}%
\newcommand{\addGoToSummary}{\renewcommand{\Sectionformat}[2]{##1 \protect\goToSummaryText}}
\chapter[Nullam]{Nullam elementum}
Nullam elementum
\section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}
这是我修复的最小示例@cfr帮助另一个答案,但分别用箭头和替换文本[Go To Top]
和:[Go Back]
% Incompatible color definition when using tikz with color package
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/150369/incompatible-color-definition
% How to automatically put a [Go To Summary] on each section?
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/367859/how-to-automatically-put-a-go-to
% The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List
% http://tug.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf
\@ifundefined{printparttitle}{\message{printparttitle patch for addGoToSummary could NOT
be applied because there is no printparttitle command available!^^J}}{%
\@ifundefined{Sectionformat}{\message{Sectionformat patch for addGoToSummary could NOT
be applied because there is no Sectionformat command available!^^J}}{%
\@ifundefined{Chapterformat}{\message{Chapterformat patch for addGoToSummary could NOT
be applied because there is no Chapterformat command available!^^J}}{%
% Insert internal document link
\chapter[Nullam]{Nullam elementum}
Nullam elementum
\section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}