

我按照这个论坛上的说明操作了(链接在这里) 添加单独的附录列表,这是我所在大学的要求。该列表应放在缩写列表之后,如下图所示:在此处输入图片描述


  \chapter{Test chapter \thedlf}
  \section{test section \thedlf}}
  \renewcommand\contentsname{List of Appendices}


    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Appendices}

然后,最后,我在 \begin{appendices} 之后添加了



这是一个 MWE:

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% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/32655/remove-italic-from-memoir-headings-pagestyle

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%%%%%%%%%%%%List of Appendices Macro%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \chapter{Test chapter \thedlf}
  \section{test section \thedlf}}
  \renewcommand\contentsname{List of Appendices}
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Title of the Dissertatio

xxxxxx xxxxxx\\
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment\\
of the requirements for the degree of\\
Doctor of Philosophy\\
Department ...\\
New York University\\
September, 2017
{\rule[0pt]{45mm}{0.1mm}}\\ %rule[raise-height]{width}{height} * raise-height specifies how high to raise the rule (optional) * width specifies the length of the rule (mandatory) * height specifies the height of the rule (mandatory)

Prof. xxxxx



\begin{center} © xxxxxxx \\ All Rights Reserved, 2017\end{center}





\renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}% chapters and above
%this removes TOC listing from TOC
\chapter{List of Abbreviations}
\emph{ASFi} & Archivio di Stato di Firenze\\
\emph{ASMn} & Archivio di Stato di Mantova\\
\emph{ASPi} & Archivio di Stato di Pisa\\
\emph{ASVe}& Archivio di Stato di Venezia\\
\emph{ASVr}& Archivio di Stato di Verona\\
\emph{AG} & Archivio Gonzaga\\
\emph{AN} & Archivio Notarile\\
\emph{PM} & Principato Mediceo\\
\emph{BUPi} & Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa\\
\emph{BCTr} & Biblioteca Comunale di Trento\\
\emph{BUBo} & Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna\\
\emph{BNM} & Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana\\
\emph{BNCFi} & Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze\\
\emph{BnF} & Bibliothèque nationale de France\\
\emph{BNE} & Biblioteca Nacional de España\\
\emph{BSB} & Bayerische Staatsbibliothek\\
\emph{BAV} & Biblioteca dell'Accademia Virgiliana\\
\emph{IdF} & Institut de France\\
\emph{RVF} & Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta \\
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Appendices}
\index{chapter one}chapter one
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\index{chapter two}chapter two
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\chapter{Chapter 4}
%%%%%%%% Appendices %%%%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Appendix a} 
\section{more Kant}
\section{even more kant}
\chapter{Appendix b}
\chapter{Appendix c}
\chapter{Appendix d}




此方法.toc通过启动新的 ToC 来使用“假”文件句柄.app


从 OP 代码有效地.toc过早关闭了文件,并添加了以下内容,如参考书目目录条目或索引目录条目到附录目录 - 没有机会将它们转移到真正的.toc.




在 时\endappendices,原始文件句柄将被恢复,以便任何其他内容都将恢复为原始内容.toc




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    \string\let\string\latex@tf@toc\string\tf@toc% Store the original `\tf@lof` file handle

    \string\let\string\tf@toc\string\latex@tf@toc% Rename the file handle

  \renewcommand\contentsname{List of Appendices}
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  \tableofcontents \egroup






\chapter{Appendix a} 
\section{more Kant}
\section{even more kant}
\chapter{Appendix b}
\chapter{Appendix c}
\chapter{Appendix d}






    \string\let\string\latex@tf@toc\string\tf@toc% Store the original `\tf@lof` file handle

    \string\let\string\tf@toc\string\latex@tf@toc% Rename the file handle


  \renewcommand\contentsname{List of Appendices}
  \tableofcontents* \egroup





\index{chapter one}chapter one
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\index{chapter two}chapter two
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\chapter{Chapter 4}

\chapter{Appendix a} 
\section{more Kant}
\section{even more kant}
\chapter{Appendix b}
\chapter{Appendix c}
\chapter{Appendix d}

