如何在 tikz 中绘制这样的 U 形管道?
%Inner Radius
%Diameter of the pipe
%Outer Radius
\pgfmathsetmacro{\rO}{\rI + \d}
%%Inner Part
\draw (0,0) -- (0,-\h) coordinate (I1);
\draw[shift=(I1),xshift=\rI cm] plot[domain=270:90] ({\rI*sin(\x)},{\rI*cos(\x)}) coordinate (I2);
\draw (I2) -- ++(0,\h);
%% Outer Part
\draw (-\d,0) -- ++(0,-\h) coordinate (O1);
\draw[shift=(O1),xshift=\rO cm] plot[domain=270:90] ({\rO*sin(\x)},{\rO*cos(\x)}) coordinate (O2);
\draw (O2) -- ++(0,\h);
%% l Line
\draw (-\d/2.0,-0.5*\h+\s) -- ++(0,-0.5*\h-\s) coordinate (L1);
\pgfmathsetmacro{\rl}{\rO - 0.5*\d}
\draw[shift=(L1),xshift=\rl cm] plot[domain=270:90] ({\rl*sin(\x)},{\rl*cos(\x)}) node[below=1.2cm,pos=0.5]{$l$} coordinate (L2);
\draw (L2) -- ++(0,0.5*\h-\s);
\draw[->] (-3,-\h-\rO) -- (-3,0) node[left]{\small Ort $y$};
\draw (-3.1,-0.5*\h) node[left]{$0$} -- ++(0.2,0);
我不知道该如何给它上色,也不知道如何让它看起来有 3D 效果(我猜 3D 效果可能比我最初发布的图片更好,因为那里的管道底部看起来是 2D 效果)。而且我的方法似乎不太优雅。
您已经完成了所有艰苦的工作。要添加蓝色填充颜色,您只需再次绘制已有的线条,宽度要更大。要添加椭圆,您可以这样做\draw (-\d/2.0,-0.5*\h+\s) ellipse (0.5 and 0.1);
%Inner Radius
%Diameter of the pipe
%Outer Radius
\pgfmathsetmacro{\rO}{\rI + \d}
%%Inner Part
\draw (0,0) -- (0,-\h) coordinate (I1);
\draw[shift=(I1),xshift=\rI cm] plot[domain=270:90] ({\rI*sin(\x)},{\rI*cos(\x)}) coordinate (I2);
\draw (I2) -- ++(0,\h);
%% Outer Part
\draw (-\d,0) -- ++(0,-\h) coordinate (O1);
\draw[shift=(O1),xshift=\rO cm] plot[domain=270:90] ({\rO*sin(\x)},{\rO*cos(\x)}) coordinate (O2);
\draw (O2) -- ++(0,\h);
\draw[blue!20!white, line width=28pt] (-\d/2.0,-0.5*\h+\s) -- ++(0,-0.5*\h-\s) coordinate (L1);
\draw[fill=blue!40!white] (-\d/2.0,-0.5*\h+\s) ellipse (0.5 and 0.1);
%% l Line
\draw (-\d/2.0,-0.5*\h+\s) -- ++(0,-0.5*\h-\s) coordinate (L1);
\pgfmathsetmacro{\rl}{\rO - 0.5*\d}
\draw[shift=(L1),xshift=\rl cm] plot[domain=270:90] ({\rl*sin(\x)},{\rl*cos(\x)}) node[below=1.2cm,pos=0.5]{$l$} coordinate (L2);
\draw (L2) -- ++(0,0.5*\h-\s);
\draw[->] (-3,-\h-\rO) -- (-3,0) node[left]{\small Ort $y$};
\draw (-3.1,-0.5*\h) node[left]{$0$} -- ++(0.2,0);