

我需要生成多个\newenvironments,每个 s 对应我的\newtheorem以及 exsheets questions。但是,我想描述的问题并不特定于 exsheets。我的每个新环境都必须能够环绕一个图形。我已经成功地将question环境包裹如下 -

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/387448/26682
\newenvironment{wrapquestion}[2]{ % #1 = points, #2 = figure, body = text of question
    \rightskip=\dimexpr \wd\wrapquestionfigure+\columnsep\relax%

它运行完美。现在我希望对包装 s 做同样的事情 \newtheorem。我的想法是创建一个模板\newenvironment,我将向其传递环境名称X以及参数。如果(最多一个)参数<arg>为空,它将调用\X,否则\X{<arg>}


% new environment based on the above -- to wrap a figure or table around evironment X
    % #1 = environment X (question/thm/fact/ex/exc/exercise) 
    % #2 = arguments of that particular environment X (empty if none), 
    % #3 = figure or table 
    % body = body of environment X
    \rightskip=\dimexpr \wd\wrapquestionfigure+\columnsep\relax%
    \ifthenelse{ \euqal{#2}{} } {
        \csname #1\endcsname
    } {
        \csname #1\leftbracechar#2\rightbracechar\endcsname




这是一个 MWE——


% new commands for wrapping questions
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/387448/26682

\newenvironment{wrapquestion}[2]{ % #1 = points, #2 = figure, body = text of question
    \rightskip=\dimexpr \wd\wrapquestionfigure+\columnsep\relax%

% new environment based on the above -- to wrap a figure or table around evironment X
    % #1 = environment X (question/thm/fact/ex/exc/exercise) 
    % #2 = arguments of that particular environment X (empty if none), 
    % #3 = figure or table 
    % body = body of environment X
    \rightskip=\dimexpr \wd\wrapquestionfigure+\columnsep\relax%
    \ifthenelse{ \euqal{#2}{} } {
        \csname #1\endcsname
    } {
        \csname #1\leftbracechar#2\rightbracechar\endcsname

\newtheorem{fact}[thm]{Fact} % there are several more such environments

                Using the adjoining table and we can compute cross products of any vector as demonstrated in the classroom.
                        $\hat{i}\times\hat{j}=\hat{k}$ & $\hat{j}\times\hat{i}=-\hat{k}$ \\
                        $\hat{j}\times\hat{k}=\hat{i}$ & $\hat{k}\times\hat{j}=-\hat{i}$ \\
                        $\hat{k}\times\hat{i}=\hat{j}$ & $\hat{i}\times\hat{k}=-\hat{j}$ \\

            \draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,1.5) node[above] {$a (ms^2)$};
            \draw[->] (-.3,0) -- (2,0) node[right] {$t (s)$};
        If  $\vec{C}=\alpha\vec{A}+\beta\vec{B}$  then $\vec{A}\cdot(\vec{B}\times\vec{C})+ \vec{B}\cdot(\vec{C}\times\vec{A}) + \vec{C}\cdot(\vec{A}\times\vec{B})$

    % the idea is to make the following work just like the question above.
    %               $\hat{i}\times\hat{j}=\hat{k}$ & $\hat{j}\times\hat{i}=-\hat{k}$ \\
    %               $\hat{j}\times\hat{k}=\hat{i}$ & $\hat{k}\times\hat{j}=-\hat{i}$ \\
    %               $\hat{k}\times\hat{i}=\hat{j}$ & $\hat{i}\times\hat{k}=-\hat{j}$ \\
    %           \end{tabular}}
    %   Using the adjoining table and  we can compute cross products of any vector as demonstrated in the classroom.



\expandafters的序列会扩展,{ 但是这是一个不可扩展的标记,因此它不会扩展。


 \csname end{#1}\endcsname

它将生成一个名称中带有的 csname {,它几乎肯定不会被定义,因此它将充当\relax


 \csname end#1\endcsname

\endproof如果#1是,它将执行,proof 或者更简单,你可以使用



现在提供了 MWE,如果你取消注释第二个环境,你会得到

! Undefined control sequence.
<inserted text>  \euqal 

大概\equal是故意的。然后按照上述方法修复 csname 用法会导致


% new commands for wrapping questions
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/387448/26682

\newenvironment{wrapquestion}[2]{ % #1 = points, #2 = figure, body = text of question
    \rightskip=\dimexpr \wd\wrapquestionfigure+\columnsep\relax%

% new environment based on the above -- to wrap a figure or table around evironment X
    % #1 = environment X (question/thm/fact/ex/exc/exercise) 
    % #2 = arguments of that particular environment X (empty if none), 
    % #3 = figure or table 
    % body = body of environment X
    \rightskip=\dimexpr \wd\wrapquestionfigure+\columnsep\relax%
    \ifthenelse{ \equal{#2}{} } {%%%%<
        \csname #1\endcsname
    } {%%%%<
        \csname #1\endcsname{#2}%%%%<
    \csname end\thisname\endcsname

\newtheorem{fact}[thm]{Fact} % there are several more such environments

                Using the adjoining table and we can compute cross products of any vector as demonstrated in the classroom.
                        $\hat{i}\times\hat{j}=\hat{k}$ & $\hat{j}\times\hat{i}=-\hat{k}$ \\
                        $\hat{j}\times\hat{k}=\hat{i}$ & $\hat{k}\times\hat{j}=-\hat{i}$ \\
                        $\hat{k}\times\hat{i}=\hat{j}$ & $\hat{i}\times\hat{k}=-\hat{j}$ \\

            \draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,1.5) node[above] {$a (ms^2)$};
            \draw[->] (-.3,0) -- (2,0) node[right] {$t (s)$};
        If  $\vec{C}=\alpha\vec{A}+\beta\vec{B}$  then $\vec{A}\cdot(\vec{B}\times\vec{C})+ \vec{B}\cdot(\vec{C}\times\vec{A}) + \vec{C}\cdot(\vec{A}\times\vec{B})$

    % the idea is to make the following work just like the question above.
                   $\hat{i}\times\hat{j}=\hat{k}$ & $\hat{j}\times\hat{i}=-\hat{k}$ \\
                   $\hat{j}\times\hat{k}=\hat{i}$ & $\hat{k}\times\hat{j}=-\hat{i}$ \\
                   $\hat{k}\times\hat{i}=\hat{j}$ & $\hat{i}\times\hat{k}=-\hat{j}$ \\
       Using the adjoining table and  we can compute cross products of any vector as demonstrated in the classroom.
