\title{An empirical Bayes approach to predict
radiation-induced toxicity using large-scale
\author[C.e]{Ch \\ \vspace{5mm}
Promotor: Prof. Olivier Thas \\ Tutor: Chamberlain Mbah}
\institute[University]{\textbf { University}}
\date{11 September 2017}
\subject{Theoretical Computer Science}
% Let's get started
\subsection{The general problem}
\begin{frame}{The general problem} %{Optional Subtitle}
\item {
Radiation-induced toxicities.
\item {
Large-scale SNPs.
\subsection{Thesis objective}
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% with the \pause command:
\begin{frame}{Thesis objective}
\item {
developing a prediction model for predicting radiation-induced normal tissue toxicities based on a large scale of SNPs.
% \pause % The slide will pause after showing the first item
\item {
With this model, a subset of most influential SNPs will be selected. A clinician can examine only a subset of SNPs from an individual patient after being treated with radiotherapy to predict the risk of developing toxicity for this patient.
% ============dataset================================
\subsection{The dataset}
\begin{frame}{The dataset }%{Optional Subtitle}
\item {
The endpoints.
\item {
Large-scale SNPs.
\hfill \break
% \section{Data description}
% % \subsection{Another Subsection}
\section{Data and methods}
\subsection{The dataset}
\subsection{Estimation of the effect size $\beta_i$}
\subsection{SNPs selection}
\subsection{Evaluation of prediction performance}
\section{Simulation study}
\subsection{Simulation scenarios}
% \subsection{Data generation}
\subsection{Simulation results}
\section{Real data application}
\section{Discussion and conclusion}
\begin{block}{Block Title}
You can also highlight sections of your presentation in a block, with it's own title
There are separate environments for theorems, examples, definitions and proofs.
Here is an example of an example block.
% Placing a * after \section means it will not show in the
% outline or table of contents.
The \alert{first main message} of your talk in one or two lines.
The \alert{second main message} of your talk in one or two lines.
Perhaps a \alert{third message}, but not more than that.
Something you haven't solved.
Something else you haven't solved.
% All of the following is optional and typically not needed.
\subsection<presentation>*{For Further Reading}
\frametitle<presentation>{For Further Reading}
% Start with overview books.
\newblock {\em Handbook of Everything}.
\newblock Some Press, 1990.
% Followed by interesting articles. Keep the list short.
\newblock On this and that.
\newblock {\em Journal of This and That}, 2(1):50--100,