Beamer 课堂笔记

Beamer 课堂笔记

我正在用 LaTeX 为课堂准备笔记beamer。我\uncover经常用它来回答问题。有没有办法为没有答案的学生打印笔记?以下是我的代码示例:

\section{Week 1}
\subsection{Basic Definitions}
\begin{frame}{Example: Marijuana Legalization}
A local radio station is interested in determining how North Carolina 
residents feel about marijuana legalization.  The station set up a special 
phone number which could be called by  people  who  wished  to  voice  their  
opinion.   The  station  found  that  67\%  of  the  1,624 callers support 

\item What is the parameter of  interest?\\ \uncover<2->
{{\color{wolfred}proportion of all North Carolina residents who support 
marijuana legalization}}
\item What is the population?
\\\uncover<3->{{\color{wolfred}All North Carolina residents}}
\item What is the statistic?\\\uncover<4->{{\color{wolfred}67\%, the 
proportion of callers who support the legalization of marijuana.}}




% presentation
% handout for students without answers
\section{Week 1}
\subsection{Basic Definitions}
\begin{frame}{Example: Marijuana Legalization}

A local radio station is interested in determining how North Carolina 
residents feel about marijuana legalization.  The station set up a special 
phone number which could be called by  people  who  wished  to  voice  their  
opinion.   The  station  found  that  67\%  of  the  1,624 callers support 

\item What is the parameter of  interest?\\
  \uncover<beamer:2-|handout:0>{{\color{red}proportion of all North Carolina
  residents who support marijuana legalization}}
\item What is the population?\\
  \uncover<beamer:3-|handout:0>{{\color{red}All North Carolina residents}}
\item What is the statistic?\\
  \uncover<beamer:4-|handout:0>{{\color{red}67\%, the proportion of callers
  who support the legalization of marijuana.}}
