删除 Times New Roman 小型大写字母中的重音符号

删除 Times New Roman 小型大写字母中的重音符号


我正在使用 LaTeX 撰写论文,并且修改了章节的显示方式。我希望章节采用小写字母,但为了看起来美观,章节必须不带重音符号,在目录中也不带重音符号,但在目录中字体正常(无小写字母)。在标题等全大写形式中不存在此类问题。表格和图表列表也存在类似问题。我无法更改它们的名称以避免出现重音符号。

所以我的问题是:“当我用小型大写字母书写时,有什么方法可以强制 Times New Roman 显示重音符号?”

这是我的 MWE

%                    Thesis Template                        %

\setmainfont{Times New Roman}

 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Document Informatio%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

 \author{Joe Doe}

 \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Περιεχομενα} %I used it to remove the accents from toc

{\normalsize \bfseries \huge  }%
{\normalsize \flushright %
{15 pt  }%
{\centering\MakeUppercase{\expandafter{\bfseries\Huge}}}[\vspace{-45 pt}\titlerule]%  %Unfortunately I can't force the part be in Caps

{\normalsize \bfseries \Huge  }%
{\flushright\normalsize %
{15 pt \titlerule }%
{\scshape \Huge }[\vspace{15 pt}\titlerule]%

{\normalsize  \huge  }%
{15 pt }%
{\scshape\bfseries \Huge }[\titlerule]%

{\bfseries\normalsize }{\Large\thesection}{5pt}{\bfseries \Large}

{\bfseries\normalsize }{\Large\thesubsection}{5pt}{\bfseries \Large}

{\bfseries\normalsize }{\large\thesubsubsection}{5pt}{\bfseries \large}









\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Καταλογος Πινακων} %I have written it without the accents but when I compile the code I get it with the accents

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Καταλογος Σχηματων} %same here


\chapter[Εισαγωγή]{Εισαγωγη} % I use that syntax in order to fix the problem but it works only in chapters, sections, etc. 


    \caption{Πιναξ 111}
    \begin{tabu}{X[j] X[l] X[c] X[r]}
    Justified & Left    & Center & Right \\
        \hline \hline
        & & & \\








