TikZ 鱼尾纹仅在一侧标注以供记录

TikZ 鱼尾纹仅在一侧标注以供记录

我正在记录不同版本的数据库绘图样式。 此链接显示了它在实际图表中的样子,但我的意图是仅记录连接线的一侧。现在,示例非常完美地展示了如何绘制,它是通过链接一些 PGF 和 TikZ 代码来完成的,但我无法将其重新设计为以 Crow's Foot 设计线端结尾的单线。就像 1:1 连接是这样的:-||---它总是显示另一端,就像它在 1:1-1:1 图表中使用一样,就像这样-||------||-

也许有人可以告诉我如何更改 PGF 代码来获得单个鱼尾纹?这是我的 MWE:

               rounded corners,
               draw=white, very thick,
               text centered},
       zig zag to/.style={
            to path={(\tikztostart) -| ($(\tikztostart)!#1!(\tikztotarget)$) |- (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}
        zig zag to/.default=0.5,
        one to one/.style={
            one-one, zig zag to
        one to many/.style={
            one-crow's foot, zig zag to,
        one to omany/.style={
            one-omany, zig zag to
        many to one/.style={
            crow's foot-one, zig zag to
        many to many/.style={
            crow's foot-crow's foot, zig zag to
    \pgfarrowsdeclare{crow's foot}{crow's foot}
      %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%

      %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
        \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-11.5pt}{0}} {3.5pt}

      %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
    \def\property#1{\node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try]{#1};}
        \foreach \p in {#1}{%
    \def\pk#1{\node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try]{#1};
            \node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try, red, text width=1in, align=right,]{(PK)};
    \def\fk#1{\node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try]{#1};
            \node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try, red, text width=1in, align=right]{(FK)};

    \section{Notation Versions}  
        NOTATION &  ==1     &   0 to 1      &   1 to n      &   n to n  \\[1em]
        IEM     &           &               &               &           \\[1em]
        CHEN    &   1:1     &   0:1         &   1:n         &   0:n         \\[1em]
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt] (a) {};
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt,right=2cm of a] (b) {};
        \draw[one to one] (a.east) -- node[above]{} (b.west);
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt] (a) {};
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt,right=2cm of a] (b) {};
        \draw[one to many] (a.east) -- node[above]{} (b.west);
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt] (a) {};
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt,right=2cm of a] (b) {};
        \draw[one to omany] (a.east) -- node[above]{} (b.west);
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt] (a) {};
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt,right=2cm of a] (b) {};
        \draw[many to one] (a.east) -- node[above]{} (b.west);
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt] (a) {};
        \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt,right=2cm of a] (b) {};
        \draw[many to many] (a.east) -- node[above]{} (b.west);


获得这部分内容作为一方面之后,我有一个关于使用 PGF 绘制鱼尾纹线条的附加问题。

我需要添加一个尚未实现的线端。它被称为 0 到 1,如下所示:我试图理解鱼尾纹是如何绘制的,但我不明白它来自哪里。有人能给我展示一下绘制/编码鱼尾纹三个脚趾的代码吗?也许这样我就可以得到“one”=和“omany”=-|O--- 的混合 -||---/|\O---


    \documentclass{article} % say 
               rounded corners,
               draw=white, very thick,
               text centered},
        zig zag to/.style={ %this is the connection of lines and nodes
            to path={(\tikztostart) -| ($(\tikztostart)!#1!(\tikztotarget)$) |- (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}
        zig zag to/.default=0.5,
        one to one/.style={
            one-one, zig zag to
        none to one/.style={
        one-, zig zag to
        none to oone/.style={
        oone-, zig zag to
        one to many/.style={
            one-crow's foot, zig zag to,
        none to many/.style={
            crow's foot-, zig zag to,
        one to omany/.style={
            one-omany, zig zag to
        none to omany/.style={
            omany-, zig zag to
        many to one/.style={
            crow's foot-one, zig zag to
        many to many/.style={
            crow's foot-crow's foot, zig zag to
    \pgfarrowsdeclare{crow's foot}{crow's foot} %this is many
      %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%

    \pgfarrowsdeclare{omany}{omany} %this is omany
      %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
        \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-11.5pt}{0}} {3.5pt}

    \pgfarrowsdeclare{one}{one} %this is one
      %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%

        %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
        \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-11.5pt}{0}} {3.5pt}

    \def\property#1{\node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try]{#1};}
        \foreach \p in {#1}{%

     \section{Notation Versions}  
        NOTATION            &   ==1     &   0 to 1      &   1 to n      &   0 to m  \\[1em]%zeile 1
        IEM / crow's foot%
        & %  == 1   
                \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt] (a) {};
                \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt,right=1cm of a] (b) {};
                \draw[none to one] (a.east) -- node[above]{} (b.west);
            } &  % 0 to 1
                \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt] (a) {};
                \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt,right=1cm of a] (b) {};
                \draw[none to oone] (a.east) -- node[above]{} (b.west);
            } & % 1 to n
                \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt] (a) {};
                \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt,right=1cm of a] (b) {};
                \draw[none to many] (a.east) -- node[above]{} (b.west);
            } & % n to m
                \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt] (a) {};
                \node[dummy, inner sep=5pt,right=1cm of a] (b) {};
                \draw[none to omany] (a.east) -- node[above]{} (b.west);
            }\\[1em]%zeile 2
        CHEN                &   1:1     &   0:1         &   1:n         &   0:n         \\[1em]%zeile 3



看看one to none下面 MWE 中的风格。

编辑:为了回答附加问题,我添加了omany to noneoone to none

编辑2:添加many to one并重新设计。

    zig zag to/.style={
        to path={(\tikztostart) -| ($(\tikztostart)!#1!(\tikztotarget)$) |- (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}
    zig zag to/.default=0.5,
    one to one/.style={
        one-one, zig zag to
    one to none/.style={
        one-, zig zag to
    oone to none/.style={
        oone-, zig zag to
    omany to none/.style={
        omany-, zig zag to
    one to many/.style={
        one-crow's foot, zig zag to,
    one to omany/.style={
        one-omany, zig zag to
    many to one/.style={
        crow's foot-one, zig zag to
    many to many/.style={
        crow's foot-crow's foot, zig zag to
    many to none/.style={ 
        crow's foot-, zig zag to 
\pgfarrowsdeclare{crow's foot}{crow's foot}
    %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%

    %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
    \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-11.5pt}{0}} {3.5pt}

    %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
    \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-11.5pt}{0}} {3.5pt}

    %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%

\section{Notation Versions}  
    Notation & IEM & CHEN \\
    one to none &
        \tikz{\draw[one to none] (0,0) -- ++(1.5,0);} & 1:0\\
    one to one & \tikz{\draw[one to one] (0,0) -- ++(1.5,0);} & 1:1\\
    one to many & \tikz{\draw[one to many] (0,0) -- ++(1.5,0);} & 1:n\\
    many to none & \tikz{\draw[many to none] (0,0) -- ++(1.5,0);} & n:0\\
    one to (none or one or many) &\tikz{\draw[one to omany] (0,0) -- ++(1.5,0);} & \\ 
    many to one & \tikz{\draw[many to one] (0,0) -- ++(1.5,0);} & n:1\\ 
    many to many &\tikz{\draw[many to many] (0,0) -- ++(1.5,0);} & n:m\\
    (none or one or many) to none &\tikz{\draw[omany to none] (0,0) -- ++(1.5,0);} & \\
    (none or one) to none &\tikz{\draw[oone to none] (0,0) -- ++(1.5,0);} & \\

