我正在使用此处提供的 acm latex 期刊模板:http://www.acm.org/publications/authors/submissions
在表格中,我有三列。第三列有 URL。但 URL 溢出了列。我该如何打破它们?
\documentclass[format=acmsmall, review=false, screen=true]{acmart}
\usepackage{booktabs} % For formal tables
\title[This is a Title]{This is a title}
\caption{This Table}
\begin{tabular}{V{0.2\linewidth} V{0.5\linewidth} V{0.25\linewidth}}
Feature Type & Description & Example\\ [0.5ex]
Top Level Domain variant URL in blacklist & Checking whether different TLDs of the URL exist in blacklist & www.legitsite.com
www.legitsite.in etc.
IP Address Equivalence & URL with similar directory structure to a phishing URL but different domain names, pointing to same IP address & http://www.xyz.com/online.paypal.com and
http://www.abc.com/online.paypal.com both pointing to same IP address
Query String Substitution & Changing various parameters in URL & http://www.abc.com/online/ebay.php?abc
Nonmatching URLs & Link where text is URL but href attribute is different than the URL & <a href="www.paypal-login.com">https://www.paypal.com</a>\\
另外,我还没有将表格中的所有行都放入 MWE 中。如果我有很多行,表格就会放在论文的末尾,而不是我想要的位置。
\documentclass{article}%[format=acmsmall, review=false, screen=true]{acmart}
\usepackage{array, booktabs}
%\title[This is a Title]{This is a title}
\caption{This Table}
Feature Type & Description & Example\\ [0.5ex]
Top Level Domain variant URL in blacklist
& Checking whether different TLDs of the URL exist in blacklist
& \url{www.legitsite.com}
\url{ww.legitsite.in} etc. \\
IP Address Equivalence
& URL with similar directory structure to a phishing URL but different domain names, pointing to same IP address
& \url{http://www.xyz.com/online.paypal.com} and
both pointing to same IP address \\
Query String Substitution
& Changing various parameters in URL
& \url{http://www.abc.com/online/ebay.php?abc}
Nonmatching URLs
& Link where text is URL but href attribute is different than the URL
& \url{href="www.paypal-login.com">https://www.paypal.com}\\