

我正在尝试将我的论文贡献插入我的博士论文中。但是,我想在第一章的末尾添加我的贡献,而不会干扰最后一章的参考文献。正如评论中所要求的,我提供了一个最小的工作示例,该代码可以用 latexmk 编译。Latex 文件:


\usepackage[portuguese, english]{babel}

\usepackage[backend=biber, bibencoding=auto, style=numeric, sorting=none]{biblatex}


% Chapter were my contributions should appear

The work made by~\cite{Ceri:1982, Cattell:2011}.
Our work in~\cite{Antunes:2013, Antunes:2014:a}.


In the following section we list the contributions made during this work.

\defbibfilter{conferences}{keyword=phdcontribution and not type=article}
\defbibfilter{journals}{keyword=phdcontribution and type=article}

% References of my thesis

%Redefine References name


author    = {Mário Antunes and Diogo Gomes and Rui L. Aguiar},
title     = {Towards behaviour inference in smart environments},
booktitle = {2013 Conference on Future Internet Communications ({CFIC})},
year      = {2013},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
doi       = {10.1109/cfic.2013.6566324},
keywords  = {phdcontribution},

author    = {M. Antunes and D. Gomes and R. L. Aguiar},
title     = {Context storage for M2M scenarios},
booktitle = {2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)},
year      = {2014},
pages     = {3664-3669},
doi       = {10.1109/ICC.2014.6883891},
keywords  = {phdcontribution},

author  = {Cattell, Rick},
title   = {Scalable SQL and NoSQL Data Stores},
journal = {SIGMOD Rec.},
year    = {2011},
volume  = {39},
number  = {4},
pages   = {12-27},
issn    = {0163-5808},
doi     = {10.1145/1978915.1978919},

author    = {Ceri, S. and Negri, M. and Pelagatti, G.},
title     = {Horizontal data partitioning in database design},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1982 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data},
year      = {1982},
pages     = {128-136},
doi       = {10.1145/582353.582376},




主要思想是将您的出版物列表包含在refsection其自己的列表中,在该引用中,您可以使用 进行不同的排序\newrefcontext。我们只需发出以获取所有条目,然后像在 MWE 中一样过滤出版物。使用不同的书目环境(用 定义和使用)\nocite{*}可以实现书目的不同样式。如果您想要一个普通的编号列表,您只需删除选项和环境的定义。\defbibenvironment{contribbib}env=contribbibenv=contribbib\printbibliographycontribbib

\usepackage[portuguese, english]{babel}
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric, sorting=none]{biblatex}
author    = {Mário Antunes and Diogo Gomes and Rui L. Aguiar},
title     = {Towards behaviour inference in smart environments},
booktitle = {2013 Conference on Future Internet Communications ({CFIC})},
year      = {2013},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
doi       = {10.1109/cfic.2013.6566324},
keywords  = {phdcontribution},

author    = {M. Antunes and D. Gomes and R. L. Aguiar},
title     = {Context storage for M2M scenarios},
booktitle = {2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)},
year      = {2014},
pages     = {3664-3669},
doi       = {10.1109/ICC.2014.6883891},
keywords  = {phdcontribution},

author    = {M. Antunes and D. Gomes and R. L. Aguiar},
title     = {Title},
journal   = {Journal of Stuff},
year      = {2014},
pages     = {345-365},
doi       = {10.1109/ICC.2014.6883891},
keywords  = {phdcontribution},

author  = {Cattell, Rick},
title   = {Scalable SQL and NoSQL Data Stores},
journal = {SIGMOD Rec.},
year    = {2011},
volume  = {39},
number  = {4},
pages   = {12-27},
issn    = {0163-5808},
doi     = {10.1145/1978915.1978919},

author    = {Ceri, S. and Negri, M. and Pelagatti, G.},
title     = {Horizontal data partitioning in database design},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1982 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data},
year      = {1982},
pages     = {128-136},
doi       = {10.1145/582353.582376},


% to have an unnumbered list of contributions


The work made by~\cite{Ceri:1982, Cattell:2011}.
Our work in~\cite{Antunes:2013, Antunes:2014:a}.

\newrefcontext[sorting=ynt]% or ydnt for descending order
In the following section we list the contributions made during this work.
\nocite{*}% or explicitly: \nocite{Antunes:2013,Antunes:2014:a,...}

\defbibfilter{conferences}{keyword=phdcontribution and not type=article}
\printbibliography[env=contribbib, heading=contribbib, title=Conferences, filter=conferences]
\defbibfilter{journals}{keyword=phdcontribution and type=article}
\printbibliography[env=contribbib, heading=contribbib, title=Journals, filter=journals]

\printbibliography[heading=bibnumbered, title=\refname]


第 2 章参考文献部分的屏幕截图
