我想显示一个大框架由许多其他类型的小框架组成。因此我开始制作这个 tikzpicture。
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, positioning, shapes, matrix}
% vert. distance between small ones and big one
% length of small ones projection on the big ones
\tikzstyle{long}=[draw, minimum width = \mylengthlong,
minimum height = \myheightmod,
rounded corners]
\tikzstyle{small}=[ minimum width = \mylengthsmall,
minimum height = \myheightsmall,
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, font = {\sf \myfont}]
% Hilfslinien
% \draw[help lines] (-7,-7) grid (7,7);
\node[long] (long) {long};
\node[small,draw] (small1) at ($(long.north west)+(\mylengthsmall/4,\mydistance)$) {small};
\draw (small1.south west) .. controls ($(small1.west)+(0,-1)$) and ($(long.west)+(0,1)$) .. (long.west);
\node[draw, small, right = 0 of small1] (small2) {small};
\draw (small2.south west) .. controls ($(small2.west)+(0,-1)$) and ($(long.west)+(\mylengthproject,1)$) .. ($(long.north west)+(\mylengthproject,0)$);
\draw (small2.south east) .. controls ($(small2.south east)+(0,-1)$) and ($(long.west)+(2*\mylengthproject,1)$) .. ($(long.north west)+(2*\mylengthproject,0)$);
\node[draw, small, right = 0 of small2 ] (small3) {small};
\draw (small3.south east) .. controls ($(small3.south east)+(0,-1)$) and ($(long.west)+(3*\mylengthproject,1)$) .. ($(long.north west)+(3*\mylengthproject,0)$);
\node[small, right = 0 of small3] (many) {...};
\draw (many.south east) .. controls ($(many.south east)+(0,-1)$) and ($(long.east)+(-1*\mylengthproject,1)$) .. ($(long.north east)+(-1*\mylengthproject,0)$);
\node[draw,small, right = 0 of many] (small4) {small};
\draw (small4.south east) .. controls ($(small4.south east)+(0,-1)$) and ($(long.east)+(0,1)$) .. (long.east);