

我有一个很长的脚注,其中包含几个方程式(来源如下)。尽管如此,LaTeX 还是拒绝将脚注拆分到一页,\interfootnotelinepenalty=0结果在脚注文本之前创建了一个几乎空白的页面。我发现如果我不这样做,问题就会消失usepackage{txfonts}

这个答案演示如何强制分页在脚注中的某个特定位置,是的,在我的示例中可以这样。但是,我希望 LaTeX 能够自动合理地断开脚注,就像在不使用 时一样usepackage{txfonts}


% source code (edited after first answer attempt didn't solve problem)


\newcommand*{\p}         {\partial}
\renewcommand*{\vec}[1]  {\boldsymbol{#1}}
\newcommand*{\pdiff}[2]  {\frac{\p{#1}}{\p{#2}}}

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This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote.
This just some text preceding the footnote\footnote
{It is an instructive but non-trivial exercise to prove this result directly from the definition and without Euler's theorem. Taking the derivative with respect to the position of particle $i$ yields its force:
    \vec{F}_i = - \pdiff{U}{\vec{r}_i} =
    - \frac{G}{2}\sum_{j,k} \frac{m_{\!j}\,m_k}{|\vec{r}_{\!j}-\vec{r}_k|^2}
where we have used $\p|\vec{r}|/\p\vec{r}=\vec{r}/|\vec{r}|$. Using the defining property of the Kronecker delta gives
    \vec{F}_i = 
    - \frac{G}{2}
    \left[\sum_{k} \frac{m_{i}\,m_k}{|\vec{r}_{i}-\vec{r}_k|^2}
                   \frac{\vec{r}_{i}-\vec{r}_k}{|\vec{r}_{i}-\vec{r}_k|} -
          \sum_{j} \frac{m_{\!j}\,m_i}{|\vec{r}_{\!j}-\vec{r}_i|^2}
Since the sum index is just a dummy variable, we see that the two terms are identical,
    \vec{F}_i = - G \sum_{k} \frac{m_{i}\,m_k}{|\vec{r}_{i}-\vec{r}_k|^2}
We can now compute the virial of the system:
    \sum_i\vec{F}_i\cdot\vec{r}_i =
Consider the same expression with the summation indices $i$ and $k$ swapped
    \sum_i\vec{F}_i\cdot\vec{r}_i =
    =  G\sum_{i,k}  \label{eq:U:grav:2}
where the second equality follows from $\vec{r}_i-\vec{r}_k = -(\vec{r}_k-\vec{r}_i)$.
Adding this to the previous form,
    \sum_i\vec{F}_i\cdot\vec{r}_i =
    - \frac{G}{2} \sum_{i,k}\frac{m_{i}\,m_k}{|\vec{r}_{i}-\vec{r}_k|^2}
    = -\frac{G}{2}
    = U.
This is just some text following the footnote.
This is just some text following the footnote.
This is just some text following the footnote.
This is just some text following the footnote.





  • 为了让 LaTeX 能够在长脚注中创建分页符,您必须做的主要事情是停止加载包fleqn。另外:由于您指定了文档类选项fleqn(将传递给包amsmath),因此无论如何都没有理由加载过时的fleqn包。

  • (可选)不要加载几乎过时的txfonts包,而要考虑加载较新的newtxtextnewtxmath。您会发现较新的包会生成间距更好的数学表达式。


LaTeX 不会拒绝拆分脚注:如果您稍加修改,例如添加 1-3 行文本,它就会起作用。此外,这\section本身并不是真正的问题,但它会改变文本的长度,从而改变分页。



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