在手册 [1] 第 90 页中,显示了两个图表。上面的那个对我来说很有趣。(带有百分比的循环图。它就像一个加载栏。)
[1a]http://www.texample.net/media/pgf/builds/pgfmanualCVS2012-11-04.pdf(旧) [1b]http://mirror.hmc.edu/ctan/graphics/pgf/base/doc/pgfmanual.pdf(实际的)
答案就在我怎样才能制作出像 PGF 手册第 88 页那样的“环形(或轮形)图表”?
% Adjusts the size of the wheel:
% The main macro
% Calculate total
\foreach \value/\colour/\name in {#1} {
% The text in the center of the wheel
\node[align=center,text width=2*\innerradius]{Ratings given by \pgfmathprintnumber{\totalnum}~participants};
% Calculate the thickness and the middle line of the wheel
% Rotate so we start from the top
\begin{scope}[line width=\wheelwidth,rotate=90]
% Loop through each value set. \cumnum keeps track of where we are in the wheel
\foreach \value/\colour/\name in {#1} {
\pgfmathsetmacro{\newcumnum}{\cumnum + \value/\totalnum*360}
% Calculate the percent value
% Calculate the mid angle of the colour segments to place the labels
% This is necessary for the labels to align nicely
(-\midangle<85?"south west":
(-\midangle<175?"north west":
(-\midangle<265?"north east":
(-\midangle<355?"south east":"south")
} \edef\textanchor{\pgfmathresult}
% Draw the color segments. Somehow, the \midrow units got lost, so we add 'pt' at the end. Not nice...
\draw[\colour] (-\cumnum:\midradius pt) arc (-\cumnum:-(\newcumnum):\midradius pt);
% Draw the data labels
\node at (\midangle:\outerradius + 1ex) [inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, ,anchor=\textanchor]{\name: \value\ (\pgfmathprintnumber{\percentage}\%)};
% The 'spokes'
\foreach \i in {0,...,\value} {
\draw [gray,thin] (-\cumnum-\i/\totalnum*360:\innerradius) -- (-\cumnum-\i/\totalnum*360:\outerradius);
% Set the old cumulated angle to the new value
\draw[gray] (0,0) circle (\outerradius) circle (\innerradius);
\wheelchart{20/green/good, 10/yellow/medium, 9/red/bad, 5/white/neutral, 8/blue/ok}