使用 titleling 包管理多个标题和摘要会导致作者姓名和所属机构向右移动。如何修复?
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\part{Abstracts of the Invited Speakers}
\part{Abstracts of the Contributed Speakers}
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% % % % % Title of the Paper and Acknowledgement
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\title{On the solvability of matrix equations over the semidefinite cone}
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
% % % % % Authors,, Affiliations and email ids
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
\author{\underline{M. Seetharama Gowda}}
\affil{Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland 21250, USA\\
\email{[email protected]}}
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
\category{Invited Speaker}
In matrix theory, various algebraic, fixed point, and degree theory methods have been used to study the solvability of equations of the form $f(X) = Q$, where $f$ is a transformation (possibly nonlinear), $Q$ is a semidefinite/definite matrix and $X$ varies over the cone of
semidefinite matrices. In this talk, we describe a new method based on complementarity ideas. This method gives a unified treatment for transformations studied by Lyapunov, Stein, Lim, Hiller and Johnson, and others. Our method actually works in a more general setting of proper cones and, in particular, on symmetric cones in Euclidean
Jordan algebras.
solvability, semidefinite cone, complementarity, proper cone, symmetric cone
15A24, 90C33
\bibitem{MGD} Gowda, M. Seetharama, David Sossa, and Av Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins. ``Weakly homogeneous variational inequalities and solvability of nonlinear equations over cones.'' (2016). (http://www.optimization-online.org$/DB_HTML/2017/04/5952.$html).
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% % % % % Title of the Paper and Acknowledgement
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\title{Stability and convex hulls of matrix powers
%\thanks{Acknowledgement: The authors thanks the support of so and so project/funding \dots}
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
% % % % % Authors,, Affiliations and email ids
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
\author[1]{Patrick K. Torres}
\author[2]{\underline{Michael J. Tsatsomeros}\footnote{Presenting Author.}}
%\author[3]{Author C} % Author having same Affiliation that of Author A
%\author[4]{Author D}
\affil[1]{Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Washington State University, Pullman, USA. $^1$\email{[email protected]}, $^2$\email{[email protected]}}
%\affil[3] {Affiliation of Author C. \email{[email protected]}}
%\affil[4]{Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Manipal, India. \email{[email protected]}}
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
\category{Invited Speaker}
Invertibility of all convex combinations of a matrix $A$ and the identity matrix $I$ is equivalent to the real eigenvalues of $A$, if any, being positive. Invertibility of all matrices whose rows are convex combinations of the respective rows of $A$ and $I$ is equivalent to all of the principal minors of $A$ being positive (i.e., $A$ being a P-matrix). These results are
extended to convex combinations of higher powers of $A$ and of their rows. The invertibility of matrices in these convex hulls is associated with the eigenvalues of $A$ lying in open sectors of the right-half plane. The ensuing analysis provides a new context for open problems in the theory of matrices with P-matrix powers.
P-matrix, nonsingularity, positive stability, matrix powers, matrix hull
15A48; 15A15
A.~Berman and R.~J. Plemmons, {\em Nonnegative Matrices in the
Mathematical Sciences.} 1994: SIAM, Philadelphia.
M.~Fiedler and V.~Pt\'{a}k.
On matrices with non-positive off-diagonal elements and
positive principal minors. {\em Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal}, 22:382--400, 1962.
M.~Fiedler and V.~Pt\'{a}k. Some generalizations of positive definiteness
and monotonicity. {\em Numerische Mathematik}, 9:163--172, 1966.
S.~Friedland, D.~Hershkowitz, and H.~Schneider.
{\em Matrices whose powers are M-matrices or Z-matrices},
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
300:233--244, 1988.
D.~Hershkowitz and C.R.~Johnson.
{\em Spectra of matrices with P-matrix powers},
{\em Linear Algebra and its Applications}, 80:159--171, 1986.
D. Hershkowitz and N. Keller.
{\em Positivity of principal minors, sign symmetry and stability},
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 364:105--124, 2003.
R.A.~Horn and C.R.~Johnson.
{\em Matrix Analysis} 1990: Cambridge University Press.
R.A.~Horn and C.R.~Johnson.
{\em Topics in Matrix Analysis} 1991: Cambridge University Press.
C.R.~Johnson, D.D.~Olesky, M.~Tsatsomeros, and P.~van den Driessche.
{\em Spectra with positive elementary symmetric functions},
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 180:247--262, 1993.
C.R.~Johnson and M.J.~Tsatsomeros.
{\em Convex sets of nonsingular and P-matrices},
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 38:233--239, 1995.
{\em On Complex eigenvalues of M and P matrices},
Numerische Mathematik, 19:170--175, 1972.
Volha Y. Kushel.
{\em On the positive stability of $P^2$-matrices},
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 503:190--214, 2016.
{\em A class of P-matrices with applications to the localization of the
eigenvalues of a real matrix},
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 22:1027--1037, 2001.
\newenvironment{classification}{\noindent\textbf{AMS subject classifications.}}{\par}
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\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{ : }l}
\text{Unique Id} & \@uniqueid \\
\text{Category} & \@category \\
Received on : \@receivedon \\
Accepted on : \@acceptedon
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% % % % % Title of the Paper and Acknowledgement
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\title{On the solvability of matrix equations over the semidefinite cone}
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
% % % % % Authors,, Affiliations and email ids
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
\author{\underline{M. Seetharama Gowda}}
\affil{Department of Mathematics and Statistics,\\ University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland 21250, USA\\
\email{[email protected]}}
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
\category{Invited Speaker}
In matrix theory, various algebraic, fixed point, and degree theory
methods have been used to study the solvability of equations of the
form $f(X) = Q$, where $f$ is a transformation (possibly
nonlinear), $Q$ is a semidefinite/definite matrix and $X$ varies
over the cone of semidefinite matrices. In this talk, we describe a
new method based on complementarity ideas. This method gives a
unified treatment for transformations studied by Lyapunov, Stein,
Lim, Hiller and Johnson, and others. Our method actually works in a
more general setting of proper cones and, in particular, on
symmetric cones in Euclidean Jordan algebras.
solvability, semidefinite cone, complementarity, proper cone, symmetric cone
15A24, 90C33
\title{Stability and convex hulls of matrix powers}
\author[1]{Patrick K. Torres}
\author[2]{\underline{Michael J. Tsatsomeros}\footnote{Presenting Author.}}
%\author[3]{Author C} % Author having same Affiliation that of Author A
%\author[4]{Author D}
\affil[1]{Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Washington State University, Pullman, USA. $^1$\email{[email protected]}, $^2$\email{[email protected]}}
%\affil[3] {Affiliation of Author C. \email{[email protected]}}
%\affil[4]{Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Manipal, India. \email{[email protected]}}
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
\category{Invited Speaker}
Invertibility of all convex combinations of a matrix $A$ and the
identity matrix $I$ is equivalent to the real eigenvalues of
$A$, if any, being positive. Invertibility of all matrices
whose rows are convex combinations of the respective rows of
$A$ and $I$ is equivalent to all of the principal minors of $A$
being positive (i.e., $A$ being a P-matrix). These results are
extended to convex combinations of higher powers of $A$ and of
their rows. The invertibility of matrices in these convex hulls
is associated with the eigenvalues of $A$ lying in open sectors
of the right-half plane. The ensuing analysis provides a new
context for open problems in the theory of matrices with
P-matrix powers.
P-matrix, nonsingularity, positive stability, matrix powers, matrix hull
15A48; 15A15