我正在使用 biblatex 来组织我的参考书目。如果 \textcite{ref} 仅引用一位作者,我想显示缩写的名字。请参阅以下 MWE。
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic, language=USenglish]{biblatex}
Title = {Title 1},
Author = {Duck, Donald and Mouse, Mickey and Goofy, Goofy and Duck, Daisy},
Year = {2012},
Month = {Oct},
Number = {1},
Title = {The influenza virus M2 protein cytoplasmic tail interacts with the M1 protein and influences virus assembly at the site of virus budding},
Author = {Duck, Donald},
Year = {2008},
Month = {Oct},
Number = {20},
是Duck [Duc08]
。但是,我希望它是D. Duck [Duc08]
\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}}
and test {\ifnumequal{\value{liststop}}{1}}
and not test \ifmorenames}