

我在开头添加了下面的代码来绘制一些流程图。但是很奇怪,tex 文件可以在一台电脑上运行,但不能在另一台电脑上运行。出现错误enter file name:。有人知道为什么吗?

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述



%for flowchart
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows,calc,decorations.markings}
        text width=2.5cm, draw,
        minimum height=1.6cm,
        text centered,
        text width=2.5cm, draw,
        minimum height=0.8cm,
        text centered,
        text centered,
        text width=10cm,
            decorate, decoration={
                markings,mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{Stealth};


\newcommand{\BM}{Brownian motion}
\newcommand{\ITO}{It\^{o} integral}
\newcommand{\limn}{\lim\limits_{n\rightarrow \infty}}
\newcommand{\ip}{It\^{o} process}
\newcommand{\fa}{\textrm{for all}}
\newcommand{\pap}{perpetual American put}
\newcommand{\vl}{\pmb |}
\newcommand{\et}{e^{-\lambda t}}
\newcommand{\pp}{Possion process}
\newcommand{\Nt}{$N(t)$ be a \pp\ with intensity $\lambda>0$}
\newcommand{\cpp}{compound Poisson process}
\newcommand{\mgf}{moment-generating function}
\newcommand{\sumst}{\sum\limits_{0<s\leq t}}


\item \textbf{Par Asset Swap}\label{asset swap}
At initiation there is a cash flow $100-P$(seller). The exchanges take place regardless of whether the bond defaults.

At initiation Asset Swap buyer purchases bond worth full price $P$ in return for par
    \node[process] (p1) {Default\\ protection\\ seller};
    \node[process, right=12em of p1]  (p2) {Default\\ protection\\ buyer};

    %\draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=8ex, xshift=-7ex]p1.east) -- node[description, above] {90 basis points per year} ([yshift=8ex, xshift=7ex]p2.west);
    \draw[-Stealth, line width=1pt] ([yshift=-8ex, xshift=8ex]p2.west) -- node[description, above] {100} ([yshift=-8ex, xshift=-8ex]p1.east);
    \draw [-Stealth, line width=1pt]([yshift= 8ex,xshift=-0.7ex]$(p1)$) --node[midway] (Rect){}([yshift=8ex,xshift=-0.7ex]$(p2)$);
    \draw[fill=white] ($(Rect)+(-1.5,-0.7)$)rectangle($(Rect)+(1.5,0.7)$) node[midway] (Text){};
    \node at (Text) {\begin{minipage}{3cm}\centering
             Bond\\ worth P
and enters into an interest rate swap paying a fixed coupon of $C$ in return for LIBOR plus asset swap spread $S$
    \node[process] (p1) {Asset Swap\\ Seller};
    \node[process, right=12em of p1]  (p2) {Asset Swap\\ Buyer};
    \node[process1, right=3em of p2]  (p3) {Bond};

    \draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=2ex]p2.west) -- node[description, above] {C} ([yshift=2ex]p1.east);
    \draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=-2ex]p1.east) -- node[description, below] {LIBOR + S} ([yshift=-2ex]p2.west);
    \draw[-Stealth] (p3.west) -- node[description, below] {C} (p2.east);
    \draw[dashed] ($(p1)+(-1.8,-1)$)rectangle($(p2)+(1.8,1)$);

If default occurs the asset swap buyer loses the coupon and principal redemption on the bond, \emph{so the spread $S$ is compensation for the default of bond}. The interest rate swap will continue until bond maturity or can be closed out at market value.
    \node[process] (p1) {Asset Swap\\ Seller};
    \node[process, right=12em of p1]  (p2) {Asset Swap\\ Buyer};
    \node[process1, right=3em of p2]  (p3) {Bond};

    \draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=2ex]p2.west) -- node[description, above] {C} ([yshift=2ex]p1.east);
    \draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=-2ex]p1.east) -- node[description, below] {LIBOR + S} ([yshift=-2ex]p2.west);
    \draw[-Stealth] (p3.west) -- node[description, below] {C} (p2.east);
    \draw[dashed] ($(p1)+(-1.8,-1)$)rectangle($(p2)+(1.8,1)$);
    \draw[ultra thick] ($(p3)+(-1.7,-0.8)$)--($(p3)+(1.7,0.8)$);
    \draw[ultra thick] ($(p3)+(-1.7,0.8)$)--($(p3)+(1.7,-0.8)$);


\item \textbf{Market Asset Swap}
At the beginning, there is no cash flow, but at the maturity, there is an exchange of par for the original price of the bond $100-P$(seller). The notional of the LIBOR leg(seller) is then scaled by the full price $P.$
    \node[process] (p1) {Default\\ protection\\ seller};
    \node[process, right=12em of p1]  (p2) {Default\\ protection\\ buyer};

    %\draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=8ex, xshift=-7ex]p1.east) -- node[description, above] {90 basis points per year} ([yshift=8ex, xshift=7ex]p2.west);
    \draw[-Stealth, line width=1pt] ([yshift=-8ex, xshift=8ex]p2.west) -- node[description, above] {P} ([yshift=-8ex, xshift=-8ex]p1.east);
    \draw [-Stealth, line width=1pt]([yshift= 8ex,xshift=-0.7ex]$(p1)$) --node[midway] (Rect){}([yshift=8ex,xshift=-0.7ex]$(p2)$);
    \draw[fill=white] ($(Rect)+(-1.5,-0.7)$)rectangle($(Rect)+(1.5,0.7)$) node[midway] (Text){};
    \node at (Text) {\begin{minipage}{3cm}\centering
             Bond\\ worth P

    \node[process] (p1) {Asset Swap\\ Seller};
    \node[process, right=12em of p1]  (p2) {Asset Swap\\ Buyer};
    \node[process1, right=3em of p2]  (p3) {Bond};

    \draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=2ex]p2.west) -- node[description, above] {C} ([yshift=2ex]p1.east);
    \draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=-2ex]p1.east) -- node[description, below] {Libor + S on notional P} ([yshift=-2ex]p2.west);
    \draw[-Stealth] (p3.west) -- node[description, below] {C} (p2.east);
    \draw[dashed] ($(p1)+(-1.8,-1)$)rectangle($(p2)+(1.8,1)$);

At maturity there is an exchange of
    \node[process] (p1) {Asset Swap\\ Seller};
    \node[process, right=12em of p1]  (p2) {Asset Swap\\ Buyer};

    \draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=2ex]p2.west) -- node[description, above] {100} ([yshift=2ex]p1.east);
    \draw[-Stealth] ([yshift=-2ex]p1.east) -- node[description, below] {P} ([yshift=-2ex]p2.west);

\emph{The final swap just gives back return. In the Par asset swap since bond = 100 at final, there is no cash flow. }

\item \textbf{CDS(Credit Default Swap)}

    \node[process] (p1) {Default\\ protection\\ buyer};
    \node[process, right=16em of p1]  (p2) {Default\\ protection\\ seller};

    \draw[myarrow=.9] ([yshift=2ex]p1.east) -- node[description, above] {90 basis points per year} ([yshift=2ex]p2.west);
    \draw[myarrow=.9] ([yshift=-2ex]p2.west) -- node[description, below] {Payment if default by\\ reference entity} ([yshift=-2ex]p1.east);



