

我热衷于在我的过滤器链之一中结合addrtype使用,像这样删除一些 bogon ip:-src

-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype --src-type UNICAST ! -s -j WEB




  • UNSPEC 未指定的地址(即
  • UNICAST 单播地址
  • LOCAL 本地地址
  • BROADCAST 广播地址
  • ANYCAST 任播数据包
  • MULTICAST 多播地址
  • BLACKHOLE 黑洞地址
  • UNREACHABLE 无法到达的地址
  • PROHIBIT 禁止地址
  • 抛出修复我
  • NAT 修复
  • 解决方案

目前尚不清楚确切的定义是什么,并表示这取决于特定的第 3 层协议。我是这样认为的:

  • 单播(!广播、!组播、!ANYCAST)
  • 当地的 (
  • 播送 (*.*.*.255
  • 任播 ( *.*.*.*)
  • 组播 (

有谁清楚这意味着什么以及 iptables 是如何实现的(例如,它如何知道黑洞到底在哪里)?




/* rtn_type enum values from rtnetlink.h, but shifted */                        
enum {                                                                          
    XT_ADDRTYPE_UNSPEC = 1 << 0,                                                
    XT_ADDRTYPE_UNICAST = 1 << 1,   /* 1 << RTN_UNICAST */                      
    XT_ADDRTYPE_LOCAL  = 1 << 2,    /* 1 << RTN_LOCAL, etc */                   
    XT_ADDRTYPE_BROADCAST = 1 << 3,                                             
    XT_ADDRTYPE_ANYCAST = 1 << 4,                                               
    XT_ADDRTYPE_MULTICAST = 1 << 5,                                             
    XT_ADDRTYPE_BLACKHOLE = 1 << 6,                                             
    XT_ADDRTYPE_UNREACHABLE = 1 << 7,                                           
    XT_ADDRTYPE_PROHIBIT = 1 << 8,                                              
    XT_ADDRTYPE_THROW = 1 << 9,                                                 
    XT_ADDRTYPE_NAT = 1 << 10,                                                  
    XT_ADDRTYPE_XRESOLVE = 1 << 11,                                             

在 中rtnetlink.h,您将看到相同的定义:

enum {                                                                          
    RTN_UNICAST,        /* Gateway or direct route  */                          
    RTN_LOCAL,      /* Accept locally       */                                  
    RTN_BROADCAST,      /* Accept locally as broadcast,                         
                   send as broadcast */                                         
    RTN_ANYCAST,        /* Accept locally as broadcast,                         
                   but send as unicast */                                       
    RTN_MULTICAST,      /* Multicast route      */                              
    RTN_BLACKHOLE,      /* Drop             */                                  
    RTN_UNREACHABLE,    /* Destination is unreachable   */                      
    RTN_PROHIBIT,       /* Administratively prohibited  */                      
    RTN_THROW,      /* Not in this table        */                              
    RTN_NAT,        /* Translate this address   */                              
    RTN_XRESOLVE,       /* Use external resolver    */                          

您可以看到iptables与内核 tcp 网络堆栈使用相同的地址类型定义。

然后从man ip

Route types:

      unicast - the route entry describes real paths to the destinations covered by the route prefix.

      unreachable  - these destinations are unreachable.  Packets are discarded and the ICMP message host unreachable is generated.
               The local senders get an EHOSTUNREACH error.

      blackhole - these destinations are unreachable.  Packets are discarded silently.  The local senders get an EINVAL error.

      prohibit - these destinations are unreachable.  Packets are discarded and the  ICMP  message  communication  administratively
               prohibited is generated.  The local senders get an EACCES error.

      local - the destinations are assigned to this host.  The packets are looped back and delivered locally.

      broadcast - the destinations are broadcast addresses.  The packets are sent as link broadcasts.

      throw  - a special control route used together with policy rules. If such a route is selected, lookup in this table is termi‐
               nated pretending that no route was found.  Without policy routing it is equivalent to the absence of the route in the routing
               table.   The  packets  are  dropped  and the ICMP message net unreachable is generated.  The local senders get an ENETUNREACH

      nat - a special NAT route.  Destinations covered by the prefix are considered to  be  dummy  (or  external)  addresses  which
               require  translation  to  real  (or  internal)  ones  before forwarding.  The addresses to translate to are selected with the
               attribute Warning: Route NAT is no longer supported in Linux 2.6.


      anycast - not implemented the destinations are anycast addresses assigned to this host.  They are mainly equivalent to  local
               with one difference: such addresses are invalid when used as the source address of any packet.

      multicast - a special type used for multicast routing.  It is not present in normal routing tables.


ip route add blackhole X.X.X.X/24
