lualatex 并改变 arabverse 环境的字体大小

lualatex 并改变 arabverse 环境的字体大小


  1. 文本无法根据arabverse环境适当缩放。这是 tex 文件:

\documentclass[article, 11pt, b6paper, landscape, oneside]{memoir}


This is with normal font:

      \bayt{الشطر الأول}[]{الشطر الثانى}\\

This is by using \texttt{tiny} fontsize:

      \bayt{الشطر الأول}[]{الشطر الثانى}\\




  1. 有没有更简单的命令来代替\bayt{}[]{}\\;例如:Text & Text\\

  2. 还有一个一般性问题:为什么我应该使用lualatex带有软件包的系统,arabluatex而不是使用带有 arabtex 的 pdflatex?我只是用英语和阿拉伯语写作

编辑:我设法生成一个 LISP 函数,将任何阿拉伯诗歌的文本写作风格转换为包的 \bayt 风格:

(defun text-to-bayt ()

  ;;remove the in-between marks (.....) or (   ...   ) between the two parts of a bayt.
  (goto-char 1)
  (while (search-forward-regexp "\\(\\s-*\\.\\{2,\\}\\s-*\\)" nil t)
    (replace-match " === " t nil))

  ;;put a bay in the form \bayt{SADR}[]{AGEZ}
  (goto-char 1)
  (while (search-forward-regexp "^\\([^=]+\\) === \\([^=]+\\)$" nil t)
      "\\\\bayt{" (match-string 1) "}[]{" (match-string 2) "}\\\\\\\\" )t nil))

  ;; remove the carriage return that was at the end of each bayt which is now followed by "}" (easier to be removed here)
  (goto-char 1)
  (while (search-forward-regexp "
}" nil t)
    (replace-match "}" t nil))

