% Adjust margins
\quad Figure~\ref{fig:measTool} is a zoomed in version of the measurement toolbar, the other primary toolbar that
will be used during simulations. Here, instead of picking components like resistors and operational amplifiers, you
will find primarily measurement tools.
\caption{Descriptions of Measurement Toolbar Options}
\begin{tabular}{clc} \toprule
Color & Label & Description \\ \midrule
\color{red} Red & \color{red} Multimeter & Primarily used to measure DC current, voltage, \\
& & and resistance. \\ \bottomrule
s 完成的。我还替换了geometry
\captionof{figure}{My rule}\label{fig:measTool}
\quad Figure~\ref{fig:measTool} is a zoomed in version of the measurement toolbar, the other primary toolbar that will be used during simulations.
Here, instead of picking components like resistors and operational amplifiers, you will find primarily measurement tools.
\captionof{table}{Descriptions of Measurement Toolbar Options}
\begin{tabular}{clc} \toprule
Color & Label & Description \\ \midrule
\color{red} Red & \color{red} Multimeter & Primarily used to measure DC current, voltage, \\
& & and resistance. \\ \bottomrule