

我正在尝试使用带有\underbraces 的表格,这些表格位于某些列下方。我似乎没有弄清楚列宽和/或括号的正确尺寸——我天真地认为使用\multicol可能会简化问题。我希望列以括号为中心(反之亦然)。任何建议都非常感谢……(MacTeX 2017)






    \entryi[#1]{\raisebox{0.5\baselineskip}{$\underbrace{\hbox to #1\entrybracewd{\hfill}}$}}%

%% Used this because an optional argument of \newcommand does not work with \multicolumn:
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/257902/defining-multicolum-by-macro-with-optional-argument/257904#257904
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/17133/custom-macro-for-multicolumn-with-without-xparse

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand{\entry}{ O{1} m }{%

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand{\entryi}{ O{1} m }{%


    \entry[2]{one and some more of this sort}&\entry{bla bla bla and more}&\entry{this goes on and on and more}&\entry{bunch of really boring stuff}&\entry{I wish I could figure out}&\entry{so that I could move on with this nonsense}\\

    \entry[2]{one and some more of this sort}&\entry{bla bla bla and more}&\entry{this goes on and on and more}&\entry{bunch of really boring stuff}\\

    \entry[2]{one and some more of this sort}&\entry{bla bla bla and more}&\entry{this goes on and on and more}\\[-\baselineskip]


example of tabular with underbrace



enter image description here







\NewExpandableDocumentCommand{\entry}{ O{1} m }{%

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand{\entryi}{ O{1} m }{%


    \entry[2]{one and some more of this sort}&\entry{bla bla bla and more}&\entry{this goes on and on and more}&\entry{bunch of really boring stuff}&\entry{I wish I could figure out}&\entry{so that I could move on with this nonsense}\\

    \entry[2]{one and some more of this sort}&\entry{bla bla bla and more}&\entry{this goes on and on and more}&\entry{bunch of really boring stuff}\\

    \entry[2]{one and some more of this sort}&\entry{bla bla bla and more}&\entry{this goes on and on and more}\\[-\baselineskip]




enter image description here




    \tabularx{#1}{ *{#2}{X} }

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand{\entry}{ O{1} m }{%



    \entry[2]{one and some more of this sort} &
      \entry{bla bla bla and more} &
      \entry{this goes on and on and more} &
      \entry{bunch of really boring stuff} &
      \entry{I wish I could figure out} &
      \entry{so that I could move on with this nonsense} \\
    \mkbrace{2} & \mkbrace{2} & \mkbrace{3}

    \entry[2]{one and some more of this sort} &
      \entry{bla bla bla and more} &
      \entry{this goes on and on and more} &
      \entry{bunch of really boring stuff} \\
    \mkbrace{2} & \mkbrace{2} & \mkbrace{1}

    \entry[2]{one and some more of this sort} &
      \entry{bla bla bla and more} &
      \entry{this goes on and on and more} \\
    \mkbrace{2} & \mkbrace{2}

