我有许多作者和年份相同的文章。在我的 latex 文档中,一些引用键与 Zotero 中的原始引用键不同。这非常烦人,因为文章在参考书目中的显示顺序是错误的。例如:
Zotero:1.文章 = bahn2017a 2.文章 = bahn2017b 3.文章 = bahn2017c 4.文章 = bahn2017d
乳胶:1.文章 = bahn2017a 2.文章 = bahn2017d 3.文章 = bahn2017b 4.文章 = bahn2017c
真正奇怪的是,当我使用 textcite 等在文本中进行引用时,.bib 文件中的条目列表以正确的顺序包含文章,并带有来自 Zotero 的正确引用键。所以,我猜一定是 biblatex 改变了引用键。但它为什么要这样做,更重要的是:我如何强制 biblatex 使用原始顺序?
title = {Evolution of Teachers' Anticipation of Didactical Situations in the Course of Three Lesson Studies},
journaltitle = {Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives},
date = {2017},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/Y3G88PIA/Bahn - 2017 - Evolution of teachers' anticipation of didactical .pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
location = {{Nagoya, Japan}},
title = {How Infrastructures of Lesson Studies Impact on Teachers' Learning},
eventtitle = {{{WALS International Conference}}, {{November}} 24-26, 2017},
date = {2017},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/MVURD5TC/wals-pres.pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
title = {An Experiment with {{Open}}-Ended {{Approach}} in Grade Four Probability Teaching},
journaltitle = {Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques},
date = {2017},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/LN55IYG2/Bahn - 2017 - An experiment with Open-ended Approach in grade fo.pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
title = {Teachers Learning from Their First Lesson Study},
journaltitle = {Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education},
date = {2017},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/3H3WVRMA/Bahn - 2017 - Teachers learning from their first lesson study.pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
\chapter{List of papers and abstracts}
\noindent \fullcite{bahn2017a}.\\
\bigskip \noindent \fullcite{bahn2017b}.\\
\bigskip \noindent \fullcite{bahn2017c}.\\
\bigskip \noindent \fullcite{bahn2017d}.\\
我认为 David 的第一个建议(即使用sortyear
)是最合理的。但由于使用 Zotero,您无法添加自定义字段的要求确实使事情变得复杂。顺便说一句,您可能需要考虑更灵活的替代方案,例如 JabRef(请参阅LaTeX 和书目管理工具)。
不过,还是有一种方法可以动态更改数据,即使用 biblatex DeclareSourcemap
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\step[fieldsource=entrykey, match=bahn2017d, fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue=2017d]
本质上,这实现了 David 的第一个替代方案,而无需直接编辑您的 bib 文件。
一位 MWE 表示:
title = {Evolution of Teachers' Anticipation of Didactical Situations in the Course of Three Lesson Studies},
journaltitle = {Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives},
date = {2017},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/Y3G88PIA/Bahn - 2017 - Evolution of teachers' anticipation of didactical .pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
location = {{Nagoya, Japan}},
title = {How Infrastructures of Lesson Studies Impact on Teachers' Learning},
eventtitle = {{{WALS International Conference}}, {{November}} 24-26, 2017},
date = {2017},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/MVURD5TC/wals-pres.pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
title = {An Experiment with {{Open}}-Ended {{Approach}} in Grade Four Probability Teaching},
journaltitle = {Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques},
date = {2017},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/LN55IYG2/Bahn - 2017 - An experiment with Open-ended Approach in grade fo.pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
title = {Teachers Learning from Their First Lesson Study},
journaltitle = {Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education},
date = {2017},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/3H3WVRMA/Bahn - 2017 - Teachers learning from their first lesson study.pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
\step[fieldsource=entrykey, match=bahn2017a, fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue=2017a]
\step[fieldsource=entrykey, match=bahn2017b, fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue=2017b]
\step[fieldsource=entrykey, match=bahn2017c, fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue=2017c]
\step[fieldsource=entrykey, match=bahn2017d, fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue=2017d]
\noindent \fullcite{bahn2017a}.\\
\bigskip \noindent \fullcite{bahn2017b}.\\
\bigskip \noindent \fullcite{bahn2017c}.\\
\bigskip \noindent \fullcite{bahn2017d}.\\
title = {Evolution of Teachers' Anticipation of Didactical Situations in the Course of Three Lesson Studies},
journaltitle = {Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives},
date = {2017},
sortyear = {2017c},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/Y3G88PIA/Bahn - 2017 - Evolution of teachers' anticipation of didactical .pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
location = {{Nagoya, Japan}},
title = {How Infrastructures of Lesson Studies Impact on Teachers' Learning},
eventtitle = {{{WALS International Conference}}, {{November}} 24-26, 2017},
date = {2017},
sortyear = {2017d},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/MVURD5TC/wals-pres.pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
title = {An Experiment with {{Open}}-Ended {{Approach}} in Grade Four Probability Teaching},
journaltitle = {Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques},
date = {2017},
sortyear = {2017a},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/LN55IYG2/Bahn - 2017 - An experiment with Open-ended Approach in grade fo.pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
title = {Teachers Learning from Their First Lesson Study},
journaltitle = {Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education},
date = {2017},
sortyear = {2017b},
author = {Bahn, Jacob},
file = {/home/jb/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/zotero/storage/3H3WVRMA/Bahn - 2017 - Teachers learning from their first lesson study.pdf},
pubstate = {submitted}
\noindent \fullcite{bahn2017a}.\\
\bigskip \noindent \fullcite{bahn2017b}.\\
\bigskip \noindent \fullcite{bahn2017c}.\\
\bigskip \noindent \fullcite{bahn2017d}.\\
以 格式提供文章的完整日期date = {yyyy-mm-dd}
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