\usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath} %
\usepackage{amsthm,amssymb} %
\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} %
\usepackage[english]{babel} %
\usepackage{tikz} % tikz - essential
\usepackage{newtxmath} % darkens and boldens the Greek fonts
\usepackage{setspace} %
\usepackage{enumerate} %
\usepackage{enumitem} %
\usepackage{colortbl} % canged to just colortbl
\usepackage{newunicodechar} % unit of degree
\usepackage[paperwidth=170mm,paperheight=240mm,textwidth=132mm,lmargin=12.5mm,rmargin=12.5mm,bindingoffset=12.5mm,noheadfoot,nomarginpar,showframe,showcrop]{geometry} %
\usepackage{textcomp} %
\usepackage[lastexercise, answerdelayed]{exercise}
\renewcounter{Exercise}[chapter] % Reset exercise counter every chapter
\graphicspath{ {book_questions/images/} }
\begin{Exercise}[label={chap_02_exer_02},name={A question needing a diagram}]
\Question{A photograph measuring \hspace{0.8pt}$8$\hspace{0.8pt}cm \hspace{0.8pt}by \hspace{0.8pt}$6$\hspace{0.8pt}cm \hspace{0.8pt}is enlarged so the the area is doubled\hspace{0.8pt}. \\ Find the dimensions of the enlargement\hspace{0.6pt}.}
\noindent This layout produces a question number
\noindent which is centred vertically relative to the
\noindent table (or the figure).\vspace{6pt}
\noindent Can the the numbering be forced to be level
\noindent with the first line of text as in the previous
\noindent question?
\end{tabular} }
。请注意 的语言选项babel
不应使用 加载enumitem
。由于 enumitem 可以完成 enumerate 所做的一切(以及更多……),我将其删除。
\documentclass[english, table, demo]{book}
\usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath} %
\usepackage{amsthm,amssymb} %
\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} %
\usepackage{babel} %
\usepackage{tikz} % tikz - essential
\usepackage{newtxmath} % darkens and boldens the Greek fonts
\usepackage{setspace} %
\usepackage{enumitem} %
\usepackage{newunicodechar} % unit of degree
\usepackage[paperwidth=170mm, paperheight=240mm, textwidth=132mm, lmargin=12.5mm, rmargin=12.5mm, bindingoffset=12.5mm, noheadfoot, nomarginpar, showframe, showcrop]{geometry} %
\usepackage{textcomp} %
\usepackage[lastexercise, answerdelayed]{exercise}
\renewcounter{Exercise}[chapter] % Reset exercise counter every chapter
\graphicspath{ {book_questions/images/} }
\begin{Exercise}[label={chap_02_exer_02},name={A question needing a diagram}]
\Question{A photograph measuring \hspace{0.8pt}$8$\hspace{0.8pt}cm \hspace{0.8pt}by \hspace{0.8pt}$6$\hspace{0.8pt}cm \hspace{0.8pt}is enlarged so the the area is doubled\hspace{0.8pt}. \\ Find the dimensions of the enlargement\hspace{0.6pt}.}
This layout produces a question number which is centred vertically relative to the table (or the figure).\vspace{6pt}
Can the the numbering be forced to be level with the first line of text as in the previous question?
\adjincludegraphics[width=1\linewidth, valign = t, raise = -1.2ex]{../my_book/book_questions/fig_01_piston_accel}
\end{tabular} }