在 TikZ 中结合不同函数与不同域的图

在 TikZ 中结合不同函数与不同域的图

我想将通过某些算法生成的不同图组合到一些长路径(可用于剪辑)。我对 等魔法缺乏理解\noexpand\expandafter这是我的 MWE:

plot[domain=\myxmin:\myxmax,variable=#2] ({#2},{#2*#2})
This, of course, works:
 \draw plot[domain=\myxmin:\myxmax,variable=\x] ({\x},{\x*\x});
 \draw[clip] plot[domain=0:180,variable=\x] ({\x/100},{sin(\x)})
 plot[domain=0:180,variable=\x] ({\x/100},{-sin(\x)});
 \fill[red] circle (1.1);
I want the result here be the same as above:
% \draw \myparabola{100}{\x} ; % DOES NOT WORK
Ultimately I'd like to plot several of those and/or use them in some clippings:
\begin{tikzpicture} %DOES NOT WORK
% \clip \myparabola{100}{\x}  \myparabola{200}{\x} \myparabola{-100}{\x};
And of course I'm not really interested in parabolae, but more general functions
which I construct with an analogue of \verb|\myparabola|.



附录:我取得了一点点进展,现在被一个更基本的问题困住了。看看这个 MWE:

%\pgfmathsetmacro{\myxmin}{1}% IF I UNCOMMENT THIS LINES, THERE IS AN ERROR
plot[domain=-1:1] ({\noexpand\x},{#1*\noexpand\x*\noexpand\x})
 \draw[variable=\x] \myparabola{1} \myparabola{-1}; 


它产生了预期的结果。但是,如果我敢取消注释该行\pgfmathsetmacro{\myxmin}{1},就会出现错误! Package tikz Error: Giving up on this path. Did you forget a semicolon?.。这是为什么?任何部分答案都将不胜感激。


问题是你\pgfmathsetmacro在路径中使用。如果你使用,这是可以做到的\pgfextra{\pgfmathsetmacro...},但我应该指出手册中对此的说法(第 14.20 节PGF-extra 操作):

在某些情况下,您可能需要在构建路径时“进行一些计算或其他操作”。为此,您可能希望暂停路径的构建并暂停 TiZ 解析路径后,您可能希望执行一些 TeX 代码,然后恢复路径解析。可以使用以下路径操作实现此效果\pgfextra请注意,此操作仅应由真正的专家使用,并且仅应在巧妙的宏内部深处使用,而不能在正常路径上使用。


\pgfextra{% <- put path construction on hold, and do the following:
plot[domain=\myxmin:\myxmax,variable=#2] ({#2},{#2*#2})
This, of course, works:
 \draw plot[domain=\myxmin:\myxmax,variable=\x] ({\x},{\x*\x});
 \draw[clip] plot[domain=0:180,variable=\x] ({\x/100},{sin(\x)})
 plot[domain=0:180,variable=\x] ({\x/100},{-sin(\x)});
 \fill[red] circle (1.1);
I want the result here be the same as above:
 \draw \myparabola{100}{\x} ; % DOES NOT WORK
Ultimately I'd like to plot several of those and/or use them in some clippings:
 \clip \myparabola{100}{\x}  \myparabola{200}{\x} \myparabola{-100}{\x};
And of course I'm not really interested in parabolae, but more general functions
which I construct with an analogue of \verb|\myparabola|.
