在下面的 MWE 中,我希望主刻度居中对齐,而 x 轴上的次刻度内对齐,但据我从手册中了解到,所有tick align
命令都适用于主刻度和次刻度。我如何才能创建功能上等同于 (不存在) 的东西xminortick align=inside
title={Sample Graph},
axis y line=left,
axis x line=bottom,
axis line style={-Latex,shorten >=-10pt},
ylabel={Height $h$},
xlabel={Time $t$ (ms)},
tick style={solid,black},
major tick length=8pt,
minor tick length=4pt,
% If the next key existed, that would be the behavior I'm after
%xminortick align=inside,
xmin=0, xmax=500,
xtick distance=100,
ymin=0, ymax=15,
ytick distance=5,
minor x tick num=4,
\addplot[thick,domain=0:500] {-3*(x-500)*x/12500};
every minor tick/.append style={yshift=2pt},
title={Sample Graph},
axis y line=left,
axis x line=bottom,
axis line style={-Latex,shorten >=-10pt},
ylabel={Height $h$},
xlabel={Time $t$ (ms)},
tick style={solid,black},
major tick length=8pt,
minor tick length=4pt,
% If the next key existed, that would be the behavior I'm after
%xminortick align=inside,
xmin=0, xmax=500,
xtick distance=100,
ymin=0, ymax=15,
ytick distance=5,
minor x tick num=4,
\addplot[thick,domain=0:500] {-3*(x-500)*x/12500};