我正在用 来制作海报框架\baposter
% NIWeek 2014 Poster by T. Reveyrand
% www.microwave.fr
% http://www.microwave.fr/LaTeX.html
% ---------------------------------------
% Original template created by:
% Brian Amberg ([email protected])
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
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% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
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{ \bf \huge {Large Signal Network Analyzer} \\ \Large \it An affordable PXI-based microwave non-linear characterization platform} % Poster title
{\vspace{0.3em} \smaller Tibault Reveyrand$^1$, Scott Schafer$^1$, John Boudreaux$^1$, Takao Inoue$^2$, Zoya Popovi\'c$^1$ \\ % Author names
\smaller $^1$\it {University of Colorado at Boulder} \\ $^2$\it{National Instruments} } % Author email addresses
{\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{NI.jpg}} % University/lab logo
\headerbox{Introduction}{name=introduction,column=0,row=0, span=3}{
\item The goal of this research is to integrate microwave-frequency Large Signal Network Analysis capabilities with commercially available National Instruments' PXI modular instrumentation and LabVIEW environment.
\item The Microwave Research Group at the University of Colorado has decades of experience in UHF through millimeter-wave transmitters, including recent X-band (10-GHz) MMIC implementations in GaN. Our aim is to extend the frequency range and capabilities of available commercial instrumentation provided by NI.
\item The proposed instrumentation development will enable new types of measurements such as those required for harmonically-terminated PAs, various transmitter architectures (Doherty, outphasing and supply modulated PAs), as well as microwave transistor rectifiers. The time-domain characterization is expected to provide dramatic improvement in RF circuit design capabilities.
LSNA calibration algorithm consists of \textbf{3 steps} at each RF frequency: % \cite{verspecht2005large}
\item A relative VNA calibration creates an error-term matrix related to ports 1 and 2:
\begin{pmatrix} a_ 1 \\ b_1 \\ a_2 \\ b_2 \end{pmatrix}=K\begin{bmatrix} 1 & \beta_1 & 0 & 0\\ \gamma_1 & \delta_1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \alpha_2 & \beta_2 \\ 0 & 0 & \gamma_2 & \delta_2 \end{bmatrix}.\begin{pmatrix} r_ 1 \\ r_2 \\ r_3 \\ r_4 \end{pmatrix}
\item The power calibration gives $|K|$
\item The phase calibration yields $\arg\{K\}$
Power and phase calibration are performed at an auxiliary reference plane ($P_{aux}$) after its own 1-port SOL coaxial calibration:
\begin{pmatrix} a_{aux} \\ b_{aux} \end{pmatrix}=K_{aux}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & \beta_{aux} \\ \gamma_{aux} & \delta_{aux} \end{bmatrix}.\begin{pmatrix} r_1 \\ r_2 \end{pmatrix}
\textbf{$\Rightarrow$ Power} calibration at $P_{aux}$ reference plane requires the connection of a power sensor. According to the measured value, in $dBm$, we can calculate $|K_{aux}|$ such as:
|K_{aux}|=\left|{\frac{10^{(Power-10)/20}}{ r_1 + \beta_{aux} . r_2}}\right|
\textbf{$\Rightarrow$ Phase} calibration at $P_{aux}$ is performed by connecting a direct receiver (e.g. $r_3$) at $P_{aux}$:
\arg\{K_{aux}\}=\arg\left\{{\frac{r_3}{ r_1 + \beta_{aux} . r_2}}\right\}
\textbf{$\Rightarrow$ Reciprocity} transfers the absolute calibration from $P_{aux}$ to ports 1 and 2 ($P1$ and $P2$):
M=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & \beta_1 \\ \gamma_1 & \delta_1 \end{bmatrix}. {\left [ K_{aux}.\begin{bmatrix} 1 & \beta_{aux} \\ \gamma_{aux} & \delta_{aux} \end{bmatrix} \right]}^{-1}
\headerbox{Time-domain instrumentation for non-linear devices}{name=instruments,span=2,column=1,row=1, below=introduction}{ % To reduce this block to 1 column width, remove 'span=2'
\begin{tabular}{l l l l}
\textbf{Name} & \textbf{Manufacturer} & \textbf{Receivers} & \textbf{Availability}\\
MTA (requires two synchronized) & HP & Sampler & Discontinued \\
LSNA & Agilent & Sampler & Discontinued \\
PNA-X + Nonlinear option & Agilent & Mixer & \$\$ \\
ZVA + Nonlinear option & Rohde and Schwarz & Mixer & \$\$ \\
SWAP X-402 & VTD & Sampler & Discontinued \\
\headerbox{Receiver: Mixer vs. Sampler}{name=receiver,span=2,column=1,row=1, below=instruments}{
\headerbox{Measurement Setup for Envelope Tracking Application}{name=application,span=2,column=1,below=receiver}{
The setup includes \textbf{two LSNAs simultaneously}. One is dedicated to RF (sampler based downconversion), the other one samples directly the LF stimulus. The purpose is to investigate \textbf{low-frequencies $S_{22}$} of the DUT under RF large signal conditions.
\small \textit{Low-frequency measurement of drain supply envelope-bandwidth impedance for supply-modulated PAs}
This new project will enable a new RF measurement capability by enabling an instrument that currently does not exist on the market. Some additional benefits include:
\item frequency range extension of NI RF instrument products currently available;
\item sampler architecture offers a unique multi-scale time analysis possibility (e.g. signal and carrier domains);
\item can be implemented with various ADCs and downconverters (e.g. THAs);
\item 100\% LabVIEW environment;
\item goal is to offer open-source LabVIEW software for user measurement flexibility.
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\headerbox{Acknowledgements}{name=acknowledgements,column=0,below=conclusion, above=bottom,span=3}{
This work is funded by National Instruments (Dr. Truchard) through a charitable donation. We would like to acknowledge DARPA (Dr. Greene) and ONR (Dr. Maki) for funding the initial part of this work under grant N00014-11-1-0931. \hfill \tiny \textit{Poster downloaded from} \textbf{www.microwave.fr}
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完整的 MWE:
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{ \bf \huge {Large Signal Network Analyzer} \\ \Large \it An affordable PXI-based microwave non-linear characterization platform} % Poster title
{\vspace{0.3em} \smaller Tibault Reveyrand$^1$, Scott Schafer$^1$, John Boudreaux$^1$, Takao Inoue$^2$, Zoya Popovi\'c$^1$ \\ % Author names
\smaller $^1$\it {University of Colorado at Boulder} \\ $^2$\it{National Instruments} } % Author email addresses
{\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{example-image-a}} % University/lab logo
\headerbox{Introduction}{name=introduction,column=0,row=0, span=3}{
\item The goal of this research is to integrate microwave-frequency Large Signal Network Analysis capabilities with commercially available National Instruments' PXI modular instrumentation and LabVIEW environment.
\item The Microwave Research Group at the University of Colorado has decades of experience in UHF through millimeter-wave transmitters, including recent X-band (10-GHz) MMIC implementations in GaN. Our aim is to extend the frequency range and capabilities of available commercial instrumentation provided by NI.
\item The proposed instrumentation development will enable new types of measurements such as those required for harmonically-terminated PAs, various transmitter architectures (Doherty, outphasing and supply modulated PAs), as well as microwave transistor rectifiers. The time-domain characterization is expected to provide dramatic improvement in RF circuit design capabilities.
LSNA calibration algorithm consists of \textbf{3 steps} at each RF frequency: % \cite{verspecht2005large}
\item A relative VNA calibration creates an error-term matrix related to ports 1 and 2:
\begin{pmatrix} a_ 1 \\ b_1 \\ a_2 \\ b_2 \end{pmatrix}=K\begin{bmatrix} 1 & \beta_1 & 0 & 0\\ \gamma_1 & \delta_1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \alpha_2 & \beta_2 \\ 0 & 0 & \gamma_2 & \delta_2 \end{bmatrix}.\begin{pmatrix} r_ 1 \\ r_2 \\ r_3 \\ r_4 \end{pmatrix}
\item The power calibration gives $|K|$
\item The phase calibration yields $\arg\{K\}$
Power and phase calibration are performed at an auxiliary reference plane ($P_{aux}$) after its own 1-port SOL coaxial calibration:
\begin{pmatrix} a_{aux} \\ b_{aux} \end{pmatrix}=K_{aux}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & \beta_{aux} \\ \gamma_{aux} & \delta_{aux} \end{bmatrix}.\begin{pmatrix} r_1 \\ r_2 \end{pmatrix}
\textbf{$\Rightarrow$ Power} calibration at $P_{aux}$ reference plane requires the connection of a power sensor. According to the measured value, in $dBm$, we can calculate $|K_{aux}|$ such as:
|K_{aux}|=\left|{\frac{10^{(Power-10)/20}}{ r_1 + \beta_{aux} . r_2}}\right|
\textbf{$\Rightarrow$ Phase} calibration at $P_{aux}$ is performed by connecting a direct receiver (e.g. $r_3$) at $P_{aux}$:
\arg\{K_{aux}\}=\arg\left\{{\frac{r_3}{ r_1 + \beta_{aux} . r_2}}\right\}
\textbf{$\Rightarrow$ Reciprocity} transfers the absolute calibration from $P_{aux}$ to ports 1 and 2 ($P1$ and $P2$):
M=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & \beta_1 \\ \gamma_1 & \delta_1 \end{bmatrix}. {\left [ K_{aux}.\begin{bmatrix} 1 & \beta_{aux} \\ \gamma_{aux} & \delta_{aux} \end{bmatrix} \right]}^{-1}
\headerbox{Time-domain instrumentation for non-linear devices}{name=instruments,span=2,column=1,row=1, below=introduction}{ % To reduce this block to 1 column width, remove 'span=2'
\begin{tabular}{l l l l}
\textbf{Name} & \textbf{Manufacturer} & \textbf{Receivers} & \textbf{Availability}\\
MTA (requires two synchronized) & HP & Sampler & Discontinued \\
LSNA & Agilent & Sampler & Discontinued \\
PNA-X + Nonlinear option & Agilent & Mixer & \$\$ \\
ZVA + Nonlinear option & Rohde and Schwarz & Mixer & \$\$ \\
SWAP X-402 & VTD & Sampler & Discontinued \\
\headerbox{Receiver: Mixer vs. Sampler}{name=receiver,span=2,column=1,row=1, below=instruments}{
\headerbox{Measurement Setup for Envelope Tracking Application}{name=application,span=2,column=1,below=receiver}{
The setup includes \textbf{two LSNAs simultaneously}. One is dedicated to RF (sampler based downconversion), the other one samples directly the LF stimulus. The purpose is to investigate \textbf{low-frequencies $S_{22}$} of the DUT under RF large signal conditions.
\small \textit{Low-frequency measurement of drain supply envelope-bandwidth impedance for supply-modulated PAs}
This new project will enable a new RF measurement capability by enabling an instrument that currently does not exist on the market. Some additional benefits include:
\item frequency range extension of NI RF instrument products currently available;
\item sampler architecture offers a unique multi-scale time analysis possibility (e.g. signal and carrier domains);
\item can be implemented with various ADCs and downconverters (e.g. THAs);
\item 100\% LabVIEW environment;
\item goal is to offer open-source LabVIEW software for user measurement flexibility.
%\smaller % Reduce the font size in this block
%\renewcommand{\section}[2]{\vskip 0.05em} % Get rid of the default "References" section title
%\nocite{*} % Insert publications even if they are not cited in the poster
%\bibliography{biblio} % Use biblio.bib as the bibliography file
\headerbox{Acknowledgements}{name=acknowledgements,column=0,below=conclusion, above=bottom,span=3}{
This work is funded by National Instruments (Dr. Truchard) through a charitable donation. We would like to acknowledge DARPA (Dr. Greene) and ONR (Dr. Maki) for funding the initial part of this work under grant N00014-11-1-0931. \hfill \tiny \textit{Poster downloaded from} \textbf{www.microwave.fr}
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