
\documentclass[tikz, preview=true, border=2mm]{standalone}
\advance\pgf@xa by-\pgf@x%
\pgfkeys{/pgf/decoration/start radius/.expanded=\the\pgf@xa}%
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\pgfkeys{/pgf/decoration/end radius/.expanded=\the\pgf@xa}%
\pgf@x=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/start radius}\relax%
\ifdim\pgf@x>\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/end radius}\relax%
\pgf@x=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/end radius}\relax%
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to[circle connection bar switch color=from (\tikz@old@concept@color) to (#1)]
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to[circle connection bar switch color=from (\tikz@old@concept@color) to (#1)]
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to[circle connection bar switch color=from (\tikz@old@concept@color) to (#1)]
every node/.style={concept, circular drop shadow, minimum size=0pt,execute at begin node=\hskip0pt},
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concept color=black, line width=1.5ex},
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partner/.style={thick bar concept color=gray!70!black},
colleague/.style={thicker bar concept color=gray!70!black},
staff/.style={standard bar concept color=gray!70!black},
grow cyclic,
level 1/.append style={level distance=6.2cm,sibling angle=45},
level 2/.append style={level distance=3cm,sibling angle=45},
\node [root concept,font=\huge] {\color{white}Big text}
child[partner, grow=30, level distance=45mm] {node[draw=black,double,cloud,fill=black!75, inner sep=-16pt, cloud puffs=14, aspect=2, rotate=-60, text width=4.5cm] {\color{white}Some interesting \textbf{text} with an equation in it $x^2+5x-3=0$}
child[colleague, grow=-90, level distance=45mm] {node[draw=black,double,cloud,fill=black!75, inner sep=-40pt, cloud puffs=20, aspect=5, text width=8.5cm] {\color{white}Some important details here plus a bit of controversy to spark a discussion for example}
child[partner, grow=150, level distance=40mm] {node[draw=black,double,cloud,fill=black!75, inner sep=-2pt, cloud puffs=8, aspect=2, rotate=57, text width=2.5cm] {\color{white}Last piece of text that people have to deal with}
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/56353/121799
% from the manual section 103.4.2
% \pgf@x will contain the \xout{radius} angle
% \pgf@y will contain the distance \pgfmathsincos@{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@x}%
% pgfmathresultx is now the cosine of \xout{radius} radius and
% pgfmathresulty is the sine of radius
% \pgf@x=\pgfmathresultx\pgf@y%
% \pgf@y=\pgfmathresulty\pgf@y%
% what the thing in the pgf manually is probably doing it to express the x coordinate in pt
% then take the cos and sin of x/pt (i.e. if x=50pt then it will return cos(50))
% and multiply the outcome by a the y coordinate
% (x_new,y_new) = (y_old cos(x_old/pt), y_old sin(x_old/pt))
% now comes a slightly modified version
\def\marmotransformation{% modified version of the manual 103.4.2 Installing Nonlinear Transformation
\mytypeout{original\space x=\oriX\space y=\oriY}
\advance\pgf@x by -\xC% relative
\advance\pgf@y by -\yC% coorinates
\edef\relY{\the\pgf@y}% Yes, there is a more elegant solution based on \pgfpointadd
\mytypeout{xrel=\relX\space yrel=\relY}%
\mytypeout{relNx=\relNx,\space relNy=\relNy,\space LeN=\LeN,\space angleN=\angleN}%
\mytypeout{new\space p=\myp,\space o=\myo}
} % I have no idea why the factor 5 is needed
% I'm using https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/167109/121799
In order to set the problem up properly, let's have a look at the picture on the
right. There is a center $C$, which corresponds to center of the ``Big text''
node in your example, and the coordinate $N$, which corresponds to the center of
a given cloud that is to be deformed, i.e.\ the fixed point of the
transformation. We are now looking for a transformation
that maps the blue line to the red line. Consider a point $P$ with coordinates
$(x_P,y_P)$. We can decompose its coordinates into a part $p$ that is parallel to the line
$CN$ and an orthogonal part $o$,
\begin{eqnarray*} % I'm using archaic environments here because I don't want to load more packages than absolutely necessary
p & = &\frac{\displaystyle(x_P-x_O,y_P-y_O)\cdot
\left(\begin{array}{c}x_N-x_O\\ y_N-y_O\end{array}\right)}{\sqrt{(x_N-x_O,y_N-y_O)\cdot(x_N-x_O,y_N-y_O)}}
o & = &
\left(\begin{array}{c}x_N-x_O\\ y_N-y_O\end{array}\right)}{\sqrt{(x_N-x_O,y_N-y_O)\cdot(x_N-x_O,y_N-y_O)}}
$P'$ has then the polar coordinates
\[P'\colon \left(\frac{360}{2\pi}\frac{o}{p}\colon p\right)
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=below:$C$] (C) at (0,0) {};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=above:$N$] (N) at (2,4) {};
\draw[thick,-,blue] (0,5)-- (4,3);
\draw[dashed,-] (C) -- (N);
\draw[-,thick,red] (N) arc[radius={2*sqrt(5)}, start angle=63.4, end angle=93.4];
\draw[-,thick,red] (N) arc[radius={2*sqrt(5)}, start angle=63.4, end angle=33.4];
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=above:\textcolor{blue}{$P$},blue] (P) at (1,4.5) {};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=below:\textcolor{red}{$P'$},red] (Pp) at (78.4:{2*sqrt(5)}) {};
\node at (-6,5) {original};
cloud puffs = 10,
pattern=north east lines,
minimum width=5cm,
minimum height=2.75cm,
] at (-6,3){};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=below:$C$] (oriC) at (-6,0) {};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=above:$N$] (oriN) at (-6,3) {};
\node at (0,5) {transform};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=below:$C$] (C) at (0,0) {};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=above:$N$] (N) at (0,3) {};
\begin{scope}[transform shape nonlinear=true]
\node[draw, cloud,
cloud puffs = 10,
pattern=north east lines,
minimum width=5cm,
minimum height=2.75cm,
] at (0,3){};
Of course, if one sets the fixed point node $N$ differently, the outcome will change.\\*
\node at (-6,5) {original};
cloud puffs = 10,
pattern=north east lines,
minimum width=5cm,
minimum height=2.75cm,
] at (-6,3){};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=below:$C$] (oriC) at (-7,0) {};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=above:$N$] (oriN) at (-6,3) {};
\node at (0,5) {transform};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=below:$C$] (C) at (-1,0) {};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=above:$N$] (N) at (0,3) {};
\begin{scope}[transform shape nonlinear=true]
cloud puffs = 10,
pattern=north east lines,
minimum width=5cm,
minimum height=2.75cm,
] at (0,3){};
An unsolved problem is how to deal with additional tranformations.\\*
\node at (-6,5) {original};
cloud puffs = 10,
pattern=north east lines,
minimum width=5cm,
minimum height=2.75cm,
] at (-6,3){};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=below:$C$] (oriC) at (-7,0) {};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=above:$N$] (oriN) at (-6,3) {};
\node at (0,5) {transform};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=below:$C$] (C) at (-1,0) {};
\node[circle,fill,scale=0.4,draw,label=above:$N$] (N) at (0,3) {};
\begin{scope}[transform shape nonlinear=true,rotate=-120]
cloud puffs = 10,
pattern=north east lines,
minimum width=5cm,
minimum height=2.75cm,
] at (0,3){};
This is not so much a problem caused by the nonlinearity of the transformation.
Rather I do not know yet how to tell Ti$k$Z in which order the transformations
are to be done. The same thing happens with linear transformations, e.g.\ when
combining rotations and translations.
,您可以修改结果。目前有两个弱点,阻止我将其应用于您的示例。首先,我没有告诉 Ti钾Z 执行转换的顺序。其次,当前定义C