TL;DR 在使用 reledmac / reledpar 的并行类型设置环境中,脚注编号顺序混乱。
我目前正在创建一个包含双语文本的双面类 Latex 文档:左侧(左页)始终是拉丁文本,右侧(右页)是德语翻译。为此,我使用了 reledpar。左侧有节(astanza),右侧有翻译,我总是让标题/标题位于实际节/翻译之前。
这是我的 MWE:
% Set stanza indents
% Print a line number for every second line on the left side
% Disable the line numbering on the right side
% Print all footnotes at the end of the document
% Environment for Astanza with custom headlines
\begin{AstanzaWithHeadline}{This is a headline\footnote{First
footnote in headline}}
verse verse verse 1!&
verse verse verse 2!\footnote{First footnote in text}&
verse verse verse 3!&
verse verse verse 4!\footnote{Second footnote in text}\&
\begin{AstanzaWithHeadline}{This is a headline\footnote{First footnote in headline}}
verse verse verse 1!&
verse verse verse 2!\footnote{First footnote in text}&
verse verse verse 3!&
verse verse verse 4!\footnote{Second footnote in text}\&
This is a translation paragraph. Still just a translation paragraph. There is nothing interesting in here, please move on.
This is a translation paragraph. Still just a translation paragraph. There is nothing interesting in here, please move on.
现在我想让编号从第一个标题 1 开始,然后一直向上计数。如能得到任何帮助,我将不胜感激!