我在使用 mplayer 播放视频时随机/实验性地按下按钮。我做的某件事导致视频静音。然后我退出了视频并尝试了另一个视频,但那个视频也被静音了。我不认为 mplayer 在调用中保存了它的设置,除了 中的设置.mplayer
vlc 和 xine 仍然有声音,所以看来这个问题是 mplayer 特有的。
它看起来在这个配置文件中,至少根据标题为的 SU Q&A:让 mplayer 以 25% 以外的默认音量启动。
要覆盖静音选项,您可以按数字键9& 0。这些将减少/增加音量。我相信该m键也会切换静音。
这需要一些挖掘,但该选项看起来是由 Pulse Audio“保存”的。我是这样得出这个结论的。您可以mplayer
$ mplayer -msglevel all=6 Whats-the-issue-dear.mp3 2>&1 | tee mpl.log
Searching demuxer type for filename /home/saml/Whats-the-issue-dear.mp3 ext: .mp3
Trying demuxer 17 based on filename extension
==> Found audio stream: 0
demux_audio: seeking from 0xC0A1 to start pos 0x0
demux_audio: audio data 0x0 - 0xC0A7··
Audio only file format detected.
Load subtitles in /home/saml/
get_path('sub/') -> '/home/saml/.mplayer/sub/'
特别是这条线让我觉得也许 Pulse Audio 或其他东西正在代表 这样做mplayer
==> 找到音频流:0
笔记:要启动声音设置对话框,gnome-control-center sound
所以这似乎表明我的预感是正确的。如果您使用 Pulse Audio 控制工具,pactl
您可以看到更多。以下是所有 Pulse Audio 客户端:
$ pactl list short clients
0 module-systemd-login.c (null)
4 module-x11-xsmp.c (null)
5 protocol-native.c gnome-settings-daemon
9 protocol-native.c python2.7
11 protocol-native.c gnome-settings-daemon
13 protocol-native.c thunderbird
125 protocol-native.c gnome-settings-daemon
243 module-systemd-login.c (null)
311 protocol-native.c chrome
331 protocol-native.c gnome-shell
332 protocol-native.c gnome-shell
335 protocol-native.c VirtualBox
369 protocol-native.c mplayer
375 protocol-native.c pactl
$ pactl list sink-inputs
Sink Input #6203
Driver: protocol-native.c
Owner Module: 9
Client: 369
Sink: 0
Sample Specification: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
Channel Map: front-left,front-right
Format: pcm, format.sample_format = "\"s16le\"" format.rate = "44100" format.channels = "2" format.channel_map = "\"front-left,front-right\""
Corked: yes
Mute: no
Volume: 0: 0% 1: 0%
0: -inf dB 1: -inf dB
balance 0.00
Buffer Latency: 276916 usec
Sink Latency: 0 usec
Resample method: n/a
media.name = "audio stream"
application.name = "MPlayer"
native-protocol.peer = "UNIX socket client"
native-protocol.version = "27"
application.process.id = "23956"
application.process.user = "saml"
application.process.host = "greeneggs.bubba.net"
application.process.binary = "mplayer"
application.language = "C"
window.x11.display = ":0"
application.process.machine_id = "0ee868f8b7da40f48013a281826b1b84"
application.process.session_id = "1"
module-stream-restore.id = "sink-input-by-application-name:MPlayer"
Volume: 0: 0% 1: 0%
0: -inf dB 1: -inf dB
balance 0.00
此处的音量设置为 0。这就是导致 的mplayer
替代声音设置 GUI
您还可以使用其他 GUI 来管理 Pulse Audio,例如pavucontrol
$ pavucontrol
从man mplayer
m is used to mute sound
9 - 0 is used to Decrease/Increase volume