





% 3 couches de dessin


\newcommand{\RowHeight}{% see e.g. https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/84536/121799

        \node[text depth=0pt,text height=1ex,
            minimum height=\myrowheight,
            minimum width=2cm+2\tabcolsep]
            (A) {\textbf{\textsf{#2}}};
        \draw[fill=blue!15,draw=white,line width=2\arrayrulewidth]
        \IfBooleanT{#1}{[rounded corners=12pt]}
            ([yshift=2.5\arrayrulewidth]A.south west)
         -- ([yshift=2\arrayrulewidth]A.north west)
        \IfBooleanT{#1}{[rounded corners=0pt]}
        \IfBooleanT{#3}{[rounded corners=12pt]}
        -- ([yshift=2\arrayrulewidth]A.north east)
        \IfBooleanT{#3}{[rounded corners=0pt]}
        -- ([yshift=2.5\arrayrulewidth]A.south east) -- cycle ;


Entourer la ou les bonne(s) reponse(s)\RowHeight
& \Daube*{a}
& \Daube{b}
& \Daube{p}*


Entourer la reponse\RowHeight
& \Daube*{a}
& \Daube{b}
& \Daube{p}*





编辑: 代码是tabularx和的组合tikz,正如你所希望的:-)。现在已更正了在附录中考虑的所有解决方案改进的方式,


\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.base)]
    \node[minimum width=\dimexpr2cm+2\tabcolsep,
          minimum height=12mm, text depth=0.25ex,
          inner ysep=2mm, outer sep=0pt,
       append after command={
        \path[draw=white, thick, fill=blue!15]
        (\LN.south west) -| (\LN.north east)
            {[rounded corners=6mm] -- (\LN.north west)} -- cycle;
       \path[draw=blue!15, thick, 
             shorten <=0.5\pgflinewidth, shorten >=0.5\pgflinewidth]       
        (\LN.south west) -- (\LN.south east);
                       }     },
        font=\bfseries] {#1};
\end{tikzpicture}   }
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.base)]
    \node[minimum width=\dimexpr2cm+2\tabcolsep,
          minimum height=12mm, text depth=0.25ex,
          inner ysep=2mm, outer sep=0pt,
          append after command={
        \path[draw=white, thick, fill=blue!15]
        (\LN.south west) -| (\LN.north east) -| cycle;
       \path[draw=blue!15, thick, 
             shorten <=0.5\pgflinewidth, shorten >=0.5\pgflinewidth]
        (\LN.south west) -- (\LN.south east);
                      }     },
          font=\bfseries] {#1};
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.base)]
    \node[minimum width=\dimexpr2cm+2\tabcolsep,
          minimum height=12mm, text depth=0.25ex,
          inner ysep=2mm, outer sep=0pt,
       append after command={
        \path[draw=white, thick, fill=blue!15]
        (\LN.south west) -- (\LN.south east)
            {[rounded corners=6mm] -- (\LN.north east)} -| cycle;
       \path[draw=blue!15, thick,
             shorten <=0.5\pgflinewidth, shorten >=0.5\pgflinewidth]
        (\LN.south west) -- (\LN.south east);
                       }     },
        font=\bfseries] {#1};

    >{\raggedright}X *{3}{@{}>{\Centering}m{\dimexpr2cm+2\tabcolsep}@{}}
Entourer la ou les bonne(s) reponse(s)
    & \DL{a}    & \DC{b}    & \DR{p}    \\

Entourer la reponse
    & \DL{a}    & \DC{b}    & \DR{p}    \\

如果您喜欢采用 tizz 图片高度作为第一列文本高度,我不知道自动解决方案。但是,命令中的代码可以扩展,以便节点高度可以提前更改,并在每次使用时更改(现在设置为 12 毫米)。

补充: 同时我提出了新的解决方案,自动将 tikz节点高度采用为第一个表的列中第一个单元格的高度。计算基于对第一个单元格内容高度的测量。得到的结果是:




% commands \DaubeL, \DaubeL, \DaubeL are renamed for
% shorter writing to \DL, \DC and \DR
% all commands recoded (simplified) and adopted
% to automatic determination of tikz node heights
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.base)]
    \node[minimum width=\dimexpr2cm+2\tabcolsep,
          minimum height=#1,  text depth=0.25ex,
          inner ysep=2mm, outer sep=0pt,
       append after command={
        \path[draw=white, thick, fill=blue!15]
        (\LN.south west) -| (\LN.north east)
            {[rounded corners=\CH/2] -- (\LN.north west)} -- cycle;
       \path[draw=blue!15, thick, shorten <=0.5\pgflinewidth]
        (\LN.south west) -- (\LN.south east);
                       }     },
        font=\bfseries] {#2};
\end{tikzpicture}   }
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.base)]
    \node[minimum width=\dimexpr2cm+2\tabcolsep,
      minimum height=#1, text depth=0.25ex,
      inner ysep=2mm, outer sep=0pt,
          append after command={
        \path[draw=white, thick, fill=blue!15]
        (\LN.south west) -| (\LN.north east) -| cycle;
       \path[draw=blue!15, thick, shorten <=0.5\pgflinewidth]
        (\LN.south west) -- (\LN.south east);
                      }     },
          font=\bfseries] {#2};
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.base)]
    \node[minimum width=\dimexpr2cm+2\tabcolsep,
          minimum height=#1, text depth=0.25ex,
          inner ysep=2mm, outer sep=0pt,
       append after command={
        \path[draw=white, thick, fill=blue!15]
        (\LN.south west) -- (\LN.south east)
            {[rounded corners=\CH/2] -- (\LN.north east)} -| cycle;
       \path[draw=blue!15, thick, 
                 shorten <=0.5\pgflinewidth, shorten >=0.5\pgflinewidth]
        (\LN.south west) -- (\LN.south east);
                       }     },
        font=\bfseries] {#2};

% command for calculation of height of first cel in the first column
% by experiments is determined minimum height: 1.7\baselineskip
\sbox\cellbox{\parbox{\FC}{\raggedright #1}}
\setlength\CH{\pgfmathresult pt}
% boxes and length needed in automatic calculation
% of tikz nodes and for shortcut for first column width
\newlength{\CH}% CellHight
\newlength{\FC}% FirstColumn width

\firstcell{Entourer la ou les bonne(s) reponse(s)}
    & \DL{\CH}{a}   & \DC{\CH}{b}   & \DR{\CH}{p}    \\


\firstcell{Entourer la reponse}
    & \DL{\CH}{a}   & \DC{\CH}{b}   & \DR{\CH}{p}    \\

mwe 代码中描述了第一个解决方案的所有变化(重大变化)的基本描述。
