




% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'table1'

    \begin{tabular} {llllllr}
    \multicolumn{6}{c} {Table 1: Aid and World Bank, 2000-2014}
    &  \\
\cmidrule          & Model 1 & Model 2 & Model 3 & Model 4 & Model 5 &  \\
\cmidrule    Chinese Aid (log,t-1) & -0.1424*** & -0.1131*** &       &       &       &  \\
          & (0.0000) & (0.0024) &       &       &       &  \\
    Good Prac.Prin. (Dummy) & 0.6873 & 0.8687 & 0.5552 & 0.7876 & 0.695 &  \\
          & (0.5431) & (0.4505) & (0.6312) & (0.4725) & (0.5214) &  \\
    Avg. Project Size (log) & 0.4172 & 0.6363 & 0.3779 & 0.1865 & 0.1663 &  \\
          & (0.3322) & (0.1126) & (0.3647) & (0.6648) & (0.7027) &  \\
    Avg. Fields & 1.5570*** & 1.5497*** & 1.5732*** & 1.5931*** & 1.6233*** &  \\
          & (0.0000) & (0.0000) & (0.0000) & (0.0000) & (0.0000) &  \\
    CPI Growth (t-1) & -7.5936 & -7.2876 & -8.2161 & -7.7351 & -8.2952 &  \\
          & (0.3689) & (0.3366) & (0.3299) & (0.3915) & (0.3694) &  \\
    Investments (\% of GDP,t-1) & -0.0668* & -0.0364 & -0.0753* & -0.0507 & -0.0523 &  \\
          & (0.0991) & (0.4197) & (0.0773) & (0.2374) & (0.2503) &  \\
    Reserves (\% of GDP,t-1) & -0.0884*** & -0.0709** & -0.0863*** & -0.0751** & -0.0709** &  \\
          & (0.0033) & (0.0290) & (0.0038) & (0.0234) & (0.0338) &  \\
    GDP per Capita (log,t-1) & 0.7252 & 0.4731 & 0.5588 & 1.0413** & 0.9563** &  \\
          & (0.1020) & (0.3360) & (0.2047) & (0.0207) & (0.0381) &  \\
    GDP Growth (t-1) & -0.106 & -0.0231 & -0.1121 & -0.1347* & -0.1314 &  \\
          & (0.1477) & (0.7351) & (0.1302) & (0.0842) & (0.1045) &  \\
    Gov. Expd. (\% of GDP,t-1) & 0.1448* & 0.1595** & 0.1195 & 0.1132 & 0.0918 &  \\
          & (0.0727) & (0.0416) & (0.1025) & (0.1996) & (0.3118) &  \\
    Ext. Debt (\% of GDP,t-1) & 0.001 & 0.0002 & 0.0016 & 0.0048 & 0.0054 &  \\
          & (0.8687) & (0.9772) & (0.8090) & (0.5287) & (0.4680) &  \\
    FDI (\% of GDP,t-1) & 0.0568 & 0.0392 & 0.0661** & 0.0372 & 0.04  &  \\
          & (0.1127) & (0.2933) & (0.0454) & (0.2928) & (0.2731) &  \\
    Tax Revenue (\% of GDP,t-1) & -0.1260** & -0.1225* & -0.1165** & -0.1287** & -0.1118** &  \\
          & (0.0126) & (0.0512) & (0.0308) & (0.0178) & (0.0393) &  \\
    Monetary Expansion (t-1) & -0.0039 & 0.0116 & -0.0093 & -0.0017 & -0.0111 &  \\
          & (0.8943) & (0.6468) & (0.7528) & (0.9562) & (0.7277) &  \\
    Democracy (t-1) & -0.082 & -0.1152 & -0.0832 & -0.0921 & -0.0915 &  \\
          & (0.2416) & (0.1405) & (0.2304) & (0.1783) & (0.2163) &  \\
    UN Voting Aff. US (t-1) & -9.1826** & 3.2082 & -9.4205** & -7.2536* & -6.8217* &  \\
          & (0.0159) & (0.5746) & (0.0133) & (0.0791) & (0.0993) &  \\
    Trade US (log,t-1) & 0.0751 & -0.1155 & 0.0158 & 0.2594 & 0.2305 &  \\
          & (0.7049) & (0.6675) & (0.9392) & (0.1910) & (0.2529) &  \\
    East Asia \& Pacific (Dummy) &       & 0.5022 &       &       &       &  \\
          &       & (0.3760) &       &       &       &  \\
    Europe \& Central Asia (Dummy) &       & -1.0843** &       &       &       &  \\
          &       & (0.0434) &       &       &       &  \\
    Latin America \& Caribbean (Dummy) &       & 0.5240* &       &       &       &  \\
          &       & (0.0600) &       &       &       &  \\
    Middle East \& South Asia (Dummy) &       & -0.0568 &       &       &       &  \\
          &       & (0.8032) &       &       &       &  \\
    Chinese ODA (log,t-1) &       &       & -0.1763*** &       &       &  \\
          &       &       & (0.0000) &       &       &  \\
    Chinese OOF (log,t-1) &       &       &       & -0.0916** &       &  \\
          &       &       &       & (0.0219) &       &  \\
    Chinese Vague OF (log,t-1) &       &       &       &       & -0.0157 &  \\
          &       &       &       &       & (0.7248) &  \\
\cmidrule    N     & 253   & 253   & 253   & 253   & 253   &  \\

{Notes: The dependent variable measures the average number of prior actions per World Bank project received by a recipient country i in period t, rounded to the closest integer. Marginal effects at the mean value of the variable are reported. Standard errors are clustered by recipient country. P-values are shown in parentheses. *** p $<$ 0.01, ** p $<$ 0.05, * p $<$ 0.1.}








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\caption{Aid and World Bank, 2000 to 2014} \label{tab:addlabel}
\setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} % make LaTeX figure out optimal intercolumn width
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l*{5}{d{2.6}} }
& \mc{Model 1} & \mc{Model 2} & \mc{Model 3} & \mc{Model 4} & \mc{Model 5} \\
Chinese Aid (log, $t{-}1$) & -0.1424^{***} & -0.1131^{***}   \\
                          & (0.0000)   & (0.0024)    \\
Good Prac.Prin.\ (Dummy)  & 0.6873   & 0.8687   & 0.5552   & 0.7876   & 0.695    \\
                          & (0.5431) & (0.4505) & (0.6312) & (0.4725) & (0.5214) \\
Avg.\ Project Size (log)  & 0.4172   & 0.6363   & 0.3779   & 0.1865   & 0.1663   \\
                          & (0.3322) & (0.1126) & (0.3647) & (0.6648) & (0.7027) \\
Avg.\ Fields              & 1.5570^{***}& 1.5497^{***}& 1.5732^{***}& 1.5931^{***}& 1.6233^{***} \\
                          & (0.0000) & (0.0000) & (0.0000) & (0.0000) & (0.0000) \\
CPI Growth ($t{-}1$)      & -7.5936  & -7.2876  & -8.2161  & -7.7351  & -8.2952  \\
                          & (0.3689) & (0.3366) & (0.3299) & (0.3915) & (0.3694) \\
Investments (\% of GDP, $t{-}1$) & -0.0668^{*} & -0.0364 & -0.0753^{*} & -0.0507 & -0.0523 \\
                          & (0.0991) & (0.4197) & (0.0773) & (0.2374) & (0.2503) \\
Reserves (\% of GDP, $t{-}1$) & -0.0884^{***} & -0.0709^{**} & -0.0863^{***} & -0.0751^{**} & -0.0709^{**} \\
                          & (0.0033) & (0.0290) & (0.0038) & (0.0234) & (0.0338) \\
GDP per Capita (log, $t{-}1$) & 0.7252 & 0.4731 & 0.5588 & 1.0413^{**} & 0.9563^{**} \\
                          & (0.1020) & (0.3360) & (0.2047) & (0.0207) & (0.0381) \\
GDP Growth ($t{-}1$)      & -0.106   & -0.0231  & -0.1121  & -0.1347^{*}& -0.1314 \\
                          & (0.1477) & (0.7351) & (0.1302) & (0.0842) & (0.1045) \\
Gov.\ Expd.\ (\% of GDP, $t{-}1$) & 0.1448^{*} & 0.1595^{**} & 0.1195 & 0.1132 & 0.0918 \\
                          & (0.0727) & (0.0416) & (0.1025) & (0.1996) & (0.3118) \\
Ext.\ Debt (\% of GDP, $t{-}1$) & 0.001 & 0.0002 & 0.0016 & 0.0048 & 0.0054 \\
                          & (0.8687) & (0.9772) & (0.8090) & (0.5287) & (0.4680) \\
FDI (\% of GDP, $t{-}1$)   & 0.0568 & 0.0392 & 0.0661^{**} & 0.0372 & 0.04  \\
                          & (0.1127) & (0.2933) & (0.0454) & (0.2928) & (0.2731) \\
Tax Revenue (\% of GDP, $t{-}1$) & -0.1260^{**} & -0.1225^{*} & -0.1165^{**} & -0.1287^{**} & -0.1118^{**} \\
                          & (0.0126) & (0.0512) & (0.0308) & (0.0178) & (0.0393) \\
Monetary Expansion ($t{-}1$) & -0.0039 & 0.0116 & -0.0093 & -0.0017 & -0.0111 \\
                          & (0.8943) & (0.6468) & (0.7528) & (0.9562) & (0.7277) \\
Democracy ($t{-}1$)       & -0.082 & -0.1152 & -0.0832 & -0.0921 & -0.0915 \\
                          & (0.2416) & (0.1405) & (0.2304) & (0.1783) & (0.2163) \\
UN Voting Aff.\ US ($t{-}1$) & -9.1826^{**} & 3.2082 & -9.4205^{**} & -7.2536^{*} & -6.8217^{*} \\
                          & (0.0159) & (0.5746) & (0.0133) & (0.0791) & (0.0993) \\
Trade US (log, $t{-}1$)   & 0.0751   & -0.1155  & 0.0158   & 0.2594   & 0.2305 \\
                          & (0.7049) & (0.6675) & (0.9392) & (0.1910) & (0.2529) \\
Chinese ODA (log, $t{-}1$)& & & -0.1763^{***} \\
                          & & & (0.0000) \\
Chinese OOF (log, $t{-}1$)& -0.0916^{**} \\
                          & (0.0219) \\
Chinese Vague OF (log, $t{-}1$) & & -0.0157 \\
                          &       & (0.7248) \\
Region Dummies:\\[0.5ex]
East Asia \& Pacific      &       & 0.5022 \\
                          &       & (0.3760) \\
Europe \& Central Asia    &       & -1.0843^{**} \\
                          &       & (0.0434) \\
Latin America \& Caribbean&       & 0.5240^{*} \\
                          &       & (0.0600) \\
Middle East \& South Asia &       & -0.0568 \\
                          &       & (0.8032) \\
$N$     & \mc{253} & \mc{253} & \mc{253} & \mc{253} & \mc{253} \\

Notes: The dependent variable measures the average number of prior actions per World Bank project received by a recipient country~$i$ in period~$t$, rounded to the closest integer. Marginal effects at the mean value of the variable are reported. Standard errors are clustered by recipient country. 

$p$-values are shown in parentheses. Significance levels: $^{***}\ p < 0.01$, $^{**}\ p < 0.05$, $^{*} p < 0.1$.
