使用 fancyhdr 在页边空白处进行页码编号

使用 fancyhdr 在页边空白处进行页码编号

我正在使用 fancyhdr 来布局我的文档,但页码恰巧位于页边距中,我想避免这种情况。输出如下: 页边距中的页码

由于我的标题中有关 geometry 和 fancyhdr 的部分确实有效,因为当我仅将它们包含在另一个文档中时它确实有效,所以它应该是由于其他包和设置而发生的。你能帮我找到有问题的命令吗?

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside, openright]{book}


\usepackage[french, english]{babel}
\usepackage{amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath} 
\usepackage[all, cmtip]{xy}
\usepackage[linkcolor=blue, citecolor=green, colorlinks=true]{hyperref}

\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Abbreviations and Symbols}

\usepackage{newtxtext, newtxmath}


{ \begin{itemize}
    \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}     }
{ \end{itemize}                  } 


%environnements mathématiques

\newenvironment{note}{\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr\linewidth - 1cm} \small \textsc{Note.}}{\end{minipage} \normalsize}
\newcommand{\didier}[1]{{\sf $\spadesuit\spadesuit\spadesuit$ Didier: [#1]}}
\newcommand{\ian}[1]{{\sf $ \clubsuit\clubsuit\clubsuit$ Ian: [#1]}}


\renewenvironment{note}{\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr\linewidth - 1cm} \small \textsc{Note.}}{\end{minipage} \normalsize}





    % Note the ## here. It's required because \fancypagestyle is making a macro (\ps@fancybook).
    % If we just wrote #1, TeX would think that it's the argument to \ps@fancybook, but
    % \ps@fancybook doesn't take any arguments, so TeX would complain with an error message.
    % You are not expected to understand this.
    \renewcommand*{\sectionmark}[1]{ \markright{\thesection\ ##1} }%
    \renewcommand*{\chaptermark}[1]{ \markboth{\chaptername\ \thechapter: ##1}{} }%
    % Increase the length of the header such that the folios 
    % (typography jargon for page numbers) move into the margin
    \fancyhfoffset[LE]{6mm}% slightly less than 0.25in
    % Put some space and a vertical bar between the folio and the rest of the header


\fancyhead[ro, le]{\thepage}



\usepackage[headsep=.25in, textheight=675pt]{geometry}

\renewcommand{\listtheoremname}{List of theorems}



