

桌子我想使用以下代码制作一个漂亮的表格,但我对无法使表格的脚注看起来更漂亮感到恼火。仅供参考,我已经使用 esttab 直接从 Stata 打印了此代码,就像我喜欢的那样,所以我并不关心表格本身,而只关心脚注。有什么想法吗?谢谢!


\begin{table}[htbp]\centering \footnotesize
\caption{Rural Determinants of Gold Expenditure Incidence: comparing Pooled OLS with FE and RE models}
                    &\multicolumn{1}{c}{Pooled OLS}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{FE Model}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{RE Model}\\
$MPCE_{nt}$           &       0.931\sym{**} &       0.883\sym{***}&       0.983\sym{***}\\
                    &     (0.356)         &     (0.319)         &     (0.325)         \\
$MPCE^{2}_{nt}$       &      -0.017\sym{**} &      -0.018\sym{**} &      -0.017\sym{*}  \\
                    &     (0.007)         &     (0.007)         &     (0.010)         \\
$MaleWage_{nt}$      &       0.520         &       0.479         &       0.670\sym{***}\\
                    &     (0.450)         &     (0.332)         &     (0.233)         \\
$MaleWage^{2}_{nt}$   &      -0.008         &      -0.008         &      -0.010\sym{***}\\
                    &     (0.006)         &     (0.005)         &     (0.004)         \\
$FemaleWage_{nt}$     &      -1.794\sym{***}&      -1.418\sym{***}&      -1.513\sym{***}\\
                    &     (0.465)         &     (0.424)         &     (0.397)         \\
$FemaleWage^{2}_{nt}$ &       0.061\sym{***}&       0.051\sym{***}&       0.060\sym{***}\\
                    &     (0.014)         &     (0.014)         &     (0.016)         \\
Observations        &         264         &         264         &         264         \\
$R^2$                  &       0.768         &       0.113         &                     \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{Note: Dependent variable is $IncidenceGold_{nt}$ in every} \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{estimation. The agricultural controls which have been used thus far,} \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{i.e., $Output_{nt}$, $Foodprice_{nt}$, $Rainfall_{nt}$, and} \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{$Rainfall_{nt-1}$, have been included, but are not reported.} \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{Heteroskedastic and Autocorrelation Consistent (HAC) robust standard} \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{errors are clustered at the district level and reported in the} \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{parentheses. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, and *** p<0.01}\\


对于这些类型的情况,我尝试使用 tabu 或 longtabu,它们提供了更多功能,例如在需要时自动换行,如果表格太长而页面无法超出页面,则可以使用 longtabu,确保分配了正确的标签和所有内容。


\usepackage[singlelinecheck=false]{caption} %Use this to set the align to left

    \centering \footnotesize
    \begin{longtabu} spread \textwidth{l X[c] X[c] X[c]}
        \caption{Rural Determinants of Gold Expenditure Incidence: comparing Pooled OLS with FE and RE models} \\
                                & Pooled OLS & FE Model & RE Model\\
        $MPCE_{nt}$             &       0.931**       &       0.883***      &       0.983***\\
                                &     (0.356)         &     (0.319)         &     (0.325)         \\
        $MPCE^{2}_{nt}$         &      -0.017**       &      -0.018**       &      -0.017*  \\
                                &     (0.007)         &     (0.007)         &     (0.010)         \\
        $MaleWage_{nt}$         &       0.520         &       0.479         &       0.670***\\
                                &     (0.450)         &     (0.332)         &     (0.233)         \\
        $MaleWage^{2}_{nt}$     &      -0.008         &      -0.008         &      -0.010***\\
                                &     (0.006)         &     (0.005)         &     (0.004)         \\
        $FemaleWage_{nt}$       &      -1.794***      &      -1.418***      &      -1.513***\\
                                &     (0.465)         &     (0.424)         &     (0.397)         \\
        $FemaleWage^{2}_{nt}$   &       0.061***      &       0.051***      &       0.060***\\
                                &     (0.014)         &     (0.014)         &     (0.016)         \\
        Observations            &         264         &         264         &         264         \\
        $R^2$                   &       0.768         &       0.113         &                     \\
        \multicolumn{4}{l}{Note: Dependent variable is $IncidenceGold_{nt}$ in every} \\
        \multicolumn{4}{l}{estimation. The agricultural controls which have been used thus far,} \\
        \multicolumn{4}{l}{i.e., $Output_{nt}$, $Foodprice_{nt}$, $Rainfall_{nt}$, and} \\
        \multicolumn{4}{l}{$Rainfall_{nt-1}$, have been included, but are not reported.} \\
        \multicolumn{4}{l}{Heteroskedastic and Autocorrelation Consistent (HAC) robust standard} \\
        \multicolumn{4}{l}{errors are clustered at the district level and reported in the} \\
        \multicolumn{4}{l}{parentheses. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, and *** p<0.01}\\

它生成以下表格: 生成的表格


编辑:添加表格标题的左对齐,预览: 在此处输入图片描述





\usepackage{siunitx}                  % <-- package  used in table
\usepackage{booktabs, threeparttable} % <-- packages used in table

\caption{Rural Determinants of Gold Expenditure Incidence:
         comparing Pooled OLS with FE and RE models}
    \begin{tabular}{ l
                       input-symbols = {(- )}]}
        &   {Pooled OLS}    &   {FE Model}      &   {RE Model}          \\
        &   0.931\tnote{**} &   0.883\tnote{***}&   0.983\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.356)          &  (0.319)          &  (0.325)              \\
        &  -0.017\tnote{**} &  -0.018\tnote{**} &  -0.017\tnote{*}      \\
        &  (0.007)          &  (0.007)          &  (0.010)              \\
        &   0.520           &   0.479           &   0.670\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.450)          &  (0.332)          &  (0.233)              \\
        &  -0.008           &  -0.008           &  -0.010\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.006)          &  (0.005)          &  (0.004)              \\
        &  -1.794\tnote{***}&  -1.418\tnote{***}&  -1.513\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.465)          &  (0.424)          &  (0.397)              \\
        &   0.061\tnote{***}&   0.051\tnote{***}&   0.060\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.014)          &  (0.014)          &  (0.016)              \\
        &   {264}           &   264             &   264                 \\
$R^2$   &   0.768           &   0.113           &                       \\
    Note: Dependent variable is $IncidenceGold_{nt}$ in every estimation. The agricultural controls which have been used thus far, i.e., $Output_{nt}$, $Foodprice_{nt}$, $Rainfall_{nt}$, and $Rainfall_{nt-1}$, have been included, but are not reported. 
    \item[]  Heteroskedastic and Autocorrelation Consistent (HAC) robust standard errors are clustered at the district level and reported in the parentheses.
    \item[] * $p<0.10$, ** $p<0.05$, and *** $p<0.01$



修改后的 mwe 为:

\usepackage{amsmath}                    % <-- package  used in table
\usepackage{siunitx}                    % <-- package  used in table
\usepackage{booktabs}                   % <-- packages used in table
\usepackage[referable]{threeparttablex} % <-- packages used in table

\caption{Rural Determinants of Gold Expenditure Incidence:
         comparing Pooled OLS with FE and RE models}
    \label{tab:my table}
    \begin{tabular}{>{$}l<{$} % <--- changed
                          input-symbols = {(- )},
                          table-column-width=6em]} % <--- added
        &   {\text{Pooled OLS}} &   {FE Model}      &   {RE Model}          \\
        &   0.931\tnote{**}     &   0.883\tnote{***}&   0.983\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.356)              &  (0.319)          &  (0.325)              \\
        &  -0.017\tnote{**}     &  -0.018\tnote{**} &  -0.017\tnote{*}      \\
        &  (0.007)              &  (0.007)          &  (0.010)              \\
        &   0.520               &   0.479           &   0.670\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.450)              &  (0.332)          &  (0.233)              \\
        &  -0.008               &  -0.008           &  -0.010\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.006)              &  (0.005)          &  (0.004)              \\
        &  -1.794\tnote{***}    &  -1.418\tnote{***}&  -1.513\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.465)              &  (0.424)          &  (0.397)              \\
        &   0.061\tnote{***}    &   0.051\tnote{***}&   0.060\tnote{***}    \\
        &  (0.014)              &  (0.014)          &  (0.016)              \\
        &   {264}           &   264             &   264                 \\
R^2     &   0.768           &   0.113           &                       \\
    \note Dependent variable is $\mathit{IncidenceGold}_{nt}$ in every estimation. The agricultural controls which have been used thus far, i.e., $\mathit{Output}_{nt}$, $\mathit{Foodprice}_{nt}$, $\mathit{Rainfall}_{nt}$, and $\mathit{Rainfall}_{nt-1}$, have been included, but are not reported.

    Heteroskedastic and Autocorrelation Consistent (HAC) robust standard errors are clustered at the district level and reported in the parentheses.
    \item[] * $p<0.10$, ** $p<0.05$, and *** $p<0.01$


以下是基于threepartable和 的解决方案siunitx。我添加了一些颜色:

\usepackage{threeparttable, booktabs, makecell, caption}
\usepackage[svgnames, table]{xcolor}



\begin{table}[htbp]\centering \footnotesize
\caption{Rural Determinants of Gold Expenditure Incidence: comparing Pooled OLS with FE and RE models}
\sisetup{table-format = -1.3, table-space-text-post = ***, table-align-text-post = false, table-space-text-pre = (, table-align-text-pre = false}
                    & {Pooled OLS} & {FE Model} & {RE Model}\\
$\MPCE_{nt}$ & 0.931\sym{**} & 0.883\sym{***}& 0.983\sym{***}\\
                    & {(}0.356{)} & {(}0.319{)} & {(}0.325{)} \\
$\MPCE^{2}_{nt}$ & -0.017\sym{**} & -0.018\sym{**} & -0.017\sym{*} \\
                    & {(}0.007{)} & {(}0.007{)} & {(}0.010{)} \\
$\MW_{nt}$ & 0.520 & 0.479 & 0.670\sym{***}\\
                    & {(}0.450{)} & {(}0.332{)} & {(}0.233{)} \\
$\MW^{2}_{nt}$ & -0.008 & -0.008 & -0.010\sym{***}\\
                    & {(}0.006{)} & {(}0.005{)} & {(}0.004{)} \\
$\FW_{nt}$ & -1.794\sym{***}& -1.418\sym{***}& -1.513\sym{***}\\
                    & {(}0.465{)} & {(}0.424{)} & {(}0.397{)} \\
$FW^{2}_{nt}$ & 0.061\sym{***}& 0.051\sym{***}& 0.060\sym{***}\\
                    & {(}0.014{)} & {(}0.014{)} & {(}0.016{)} \\
Observations & {264} & {264} & {264} \\
$R^2$ & 0.768 & 0.113 & \\
  \item[]\textit{Note}: Dependent variable is $\mathit{IncidenceGold}_{nt}$ in every estimation. The agricultural controls which have been used thus far, i.e. $\mathit{Output}_{nt}$, $\mathit{Foodprice}_{nt}$, $\mathit{Rainfall}_{nt}$, and $\mathit{Rainfall}_{nt-1}$, have been included, but are not reported. \smallskip
      \item[] Heteroskedastic and Autocorrelation Consistent (HAC) robust standard errors are clustered at the district level and reported in the parentheses. \smallskip
       \item[]* $ p<0.10 $, \enspace ** $ p<0.05 $, and\enspace *** $ p<0.01 $.


